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Black Pharaohs of the 25th Dynasty (5173 hits)

Black Pharaohs of the 25th Dynasty discusses when the Kingdom of Nubia or Kush (modern day North and South Sudan, and Ethiopia) conquered their enemies, Libyan Egypt, and established the 25th dynasty around 760 b.c.e.


The Egpytians played a very important role in the devolopment of The Holy Bible.


Brother Soso, in my research I find that we are very connected. You don't have to believe me, heres more proof.



Posted By: Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Saturday, March 21st 2015 at 7:15PM
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Another good find Brother Deacon. It's a shame about the dam.
Sunday, March 22nd 2015 at 8:45AM
Steve Williams
Thank you Brother Steve. I will not take the credit for this find without mentioning Brother Doctor Gregory V. Boulware for his question of what happened to the 25th Egyptian dainty and the cover up, which to my surprise, I found this video which some of my brothers will not see because they feel comfortable holding on to there narrowly held beliefs.

Raceism in reverse which is bad and I really don't care for it regardless where it comes from.

Sunday, March 22nd 2015 at 9:02AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Watch the video Harry and see what they say about the Egyptian Museum in Cairo and the 25th dynasty.
Sunday, March 22nd 2015 at 10:46AM
Steve Williams

You can not provide prove for anything you just you said.

Why are you here?

Sunday, March 22nd 2015 at 10:47AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Brother Steve,

He will not do that simple thing. His BS will not let him.

Sunday, March 22nd 2015 at 10:50AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

harry VS the two racistlyIgnorant brothers of Misconception!

WHOOA masters of the 60IQ society..............

harry writing should have READ.....

"Those three men pictured in your video dressed in paganPharoahnic attire are three Americans probably living in Chicago. I’ve long since told you that videos MADE in Chicago 2015 are not reliable sources of truth of Africa Asia 5000+ YEARS ago!"

now to the steveAdamDeacon writing of ?

....."Watch the video Harry and see what they say about the Egyptian Museum in Cairo and the 25th dynasty."

Sunday, March 22nd 2015 at 9:46AM
Steve Williams


---Many Americans have Traveled to Misr and seen the Museums of AlQahirah

---Many Americans speak the Language that Describes the African Asian History, Scholarship and Science of Misr


---- Misrians and American travelers that have Seen in 2015 would ALSO not look at a video De*****ating their History made in Chicago

'......BS ......?'

Sunday, March 22nd 2015 at 9:50AM
Deacon Ron Gray



-----in Misr they have plenty of camels and donkeys

---- Misrians would describe steveAdamDeacon videos at BIA------as jackArse droppings

Sunday, March 22nd 2015 at 12:32PM
robert powell
Robert, have you seen the 25th dynasty artifacts at the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities in Cairo?
Sunday, March 22nd 2015 at 1:49PM
Steve Williams

Where is your proof? You have not offered that proof of allegations yet, why?

What you really need to do is concentrate on the content in the video to determine its credibility.

Sunday, March 22nd 2015 at 2:11PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.


Let us deal with the content of this video, can you do that?

Sunday, March 22nd 2015 at 3:21PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

Black Pharaohs of the 25th Dynasty

but to the OFF SUBJECT remarks of the BIA Coloured brothers--'whiteMan' steveAdam and 'blackHebrewIsraelite'

I have NO interest in a racistlyIgnorant 'video' of chicagoThugs dressed up for Halloween ?


I have Nubian friends that I have communicated monthly with since the mid1970s............

I have traveled the NILE by boat from the Mediterranean Sea to Khartoum............

I own many olde things from AlQahirah to Khartoum.............

Sunday, March 22nd 2015 at 7:19PM
robert powell

YOUR WORDS: I am going to explain it to you again how it works! It was your energy that started the ball rounding and therefore it is you who must prove that those *****s in your video are Egyptians from the 25 dynasty.

Those Brothers are actors HARRY but the content of the video is what is most important here. I have viewed the content of this video, we can talk about the content and not about the actors.

Now HARRY,focus your efforts on the contents of this video by viewing it and not using that OSMOSIS thing you got going on because it don not work here.

Sunday, March 22nd 2015 at 8:00PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Wow Brother Deacon, these two blabbermouths will talk about anything BUT the 25th dynasty!
Sunday, March 22nd 2015 at 8:01PM
Steve Williams
Let me try you again Harry. On the facade of the Egyptian Museum, which of the dynasties is the only one NOT mentioned?
Sunday, March 22nd 2015 at 8:10PM
Steve Williams

YOUR WORDS: Well, I am rejecting to video because since the presentation are actors/phony and mis-leading the content is acting and mis-leading as well. Please go back and get something that is all authentic with out anything mis-leading with no actors.

Are you off your MEDS HARRY? the characters like the Egyptian pharaohs has passed away thousands of years ago but the history and the places of these pharaohs will live in the history book for future generations to witness there great works of the passed. If you view the video you will see there great contribution of the passed as well, HARRY this is what I mean by "CONTENT."

So, if you can, prove me wrong by watching the video content and lets talk about what you saw.

Sunday, March 22nd 2015 at 9:47PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

Amen, the 68 IQ Retardant has CHECK MATED the blabbermouth BIA Coloured brothers--'whiteMan' steveAdam and 'blackHebrewIsraelite'

ps----- to the racistlyDumber of the Coloured brothers steveAdam who asks.....

"On the facade of the Egyptian Museum, which of the dynasties is the only one NOT mentioned?

Sunday, March 22nd 2015 at 7:10PM
Steve Williams


the Museum in AlQahirah was BUILT by the racistlyIgnorant European Colonizers of Misr in the mid19th dieNASTY of europeanHell to Africa Asia

--------ask them mis-leading, LYING, and uneducated Coloured brothers--'whiteMan' steveAdam and 'blackHebrewIsraelite'

Monday, March 23rd 2015 at 9:07AM
robert powell
Poor Robert,

Have you seen the video yet? If not, why not?

Monday, March 23rd 2015 at 9:33AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
You're making progress Robert. Now why was it the 25th dynasty that was excluded and no other?
Monday, March 23rd 2015 at 9:55AM
Steve Williams
Bro Deacon
Great post you are geting closer to the truth thanks
Monday, March 23rd 2015 at 1:23PM
Sylvainy R
Brother Soso,

It is all there in the research. I found more research about the Land of Ham, The Land of The Black Kemet, Mizraim.

Thank you my Brother as I humble myself and give YAH / GOD the praise.

Monday, March 23rd 2015 at 2:19PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
And for those who attribute Monotheism to the Hamitic Egyptians wrong again because the concept was sent to them from Sumer as was their technology, religion,science, almost everything!

Check this ?
The Melchizedek Teachings in the Levant

(1042.1) 95:0.1 AS INDIA gave rise to many of the religions and philosophies of eastern Asia, so the Levant was the homeland of the faiths of the Occidental world. The Salem missionaries spread out all over southwestern Asia, through Palestine, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Iran, and Arabia, everywhere proclaiming the good news of the gospel of Machiventa Melchizedek. In some of these lands their teachings bore fruit; in others they met with varying success. Sometimes their failures were due to lack of wisdom, sometimes to circumstances beyond their control.

1. The Salem Religion in Mesopotamia

(1042.2) 95:1.1 By 2000 B.C. the religions of Mesopotamia had just about lost the teachings of the Sethites and were largely under the influence of the primitive beliefs of two groups of invaders, the Bedouin Semites who had filtered in from the western desert and the barbarian horsemen who had come down from the north.

(1042.3) 95:1.2 But the custom of the early Adamite peoples in honoring the seventh day of the week never completely disappeared in Mesopotamia. Only, during the Melchizedek era, the seventh day was regarded as the worst of bad luck. It was taboo-ridden; it was unlawful to go on a journey, cook food, or make a fire on the evil seventh day. The Jews carried back to Palestine many of the Mesopotamian taboos which they had found resting on the Babylonian observance of the seventh day, the Shabattum.

(1042.4) 95:1.3 Although the Salem teachers did much to refine and uplift the religions of Mesopotamia, they did not succeed in bringing the various peoples to the permanent recognition of one God. Such teaching gained the ascendancy for more than one hundred and fifty years and then gradually gave way to the older belief in a multiplicity of deities.*

(1042.5) 95:1.4 The Salem teachers greatly reduced the number of the gods of Mesopotamia, at one time bringing the chief deities down to seven: Bel, Shamash, Nabu, Anu, Ea, Marduk, and Sin. At the height of the new teaching they exalted three of these gods to supremacy over all others, the Babylonian triad: Bel, Ea, and Anu, the gods of earth, sea, and sky. Still other triads grew up in different localities, all reminiscent of the trinity teachings of the Andites and the Sumerians and based on the belief of the Salemites in Melchizedek’s insignia of the three circles.

(1042.6) 95:1.5 Never did the Salem teachers fully overcome the popularity of Ishtar, the mother of gods and the spirit of s*x fertility. They did much to refine the worship of this goddess, but the Babylonians and their neighbors had never completely outgrown their disguised forms of s*x worship. It had become a universal practice throughout Mesopotamia for all women to submit, at least once in early life, to the embrace of strangers; this was thought to be a devotion required by Ishtar, and it was believed that fertility was largely dependent on this s*x sacrifice.

(1043.1) 95:1.6 The early progress of the Melchizedek teaching was highly gratifying until Nabodad, the leader of the school at Kish, decided to make a concerted attack upon the prevalent practices of temple harlotry. But the Salem missionaries failed in their effort to bring about this social reform, and in the wreck of this failure all their more important spiritual and philosophic teachings went down in defeat.

(1043.2) 95:1.7 This defeat of the Salem gospel was immediately followed by a great increase in the cult of Ishtar, a ritual which had already invaded Palestine as Ashtoreth, Egypt as Isis, Greece as Aphrodite, and the northern tribes as Astarte. And it was in connection with this revival of the worship of Ishtar that the Babylonian priests turned anew to stargazing; astrology experienced its last great Mesopotamian revival, fortunetelling became the vogue, and for centuries the priesthood increasingly deteriorated.

(1043.3) 95:1.8 Melchizedek had warned his followers to teach about the one God, the Father and Maker of all, and to preach only the gospel of divine favor through faith alone. But it has often been the error of the teachers of new truth to attempt too much, to attempt to supplant slow evolution by sudden revolution. The Melchizedek missionaries in Mesopotamia raised a moral standard too high for the people; they attempted too much, and their noble cause went down in defeat. They had been commissioned to preach a definite gospel, to proclaim the truth of the reality of the Universal Father, but they became entangled in the apparently worthy cause of reforming the mores, and thus was their great mission sidetracked and virtually lost in frustration and oblivion.

(1043.4) 95:1.9 In one generation the Salem headquarters at Kish came to an end, and the propaganda of the belief in one God virtually ceased throughout Mesopotamia. But remnants of the Salem schools persisted. Small bands scattered here and there continued their belief in the one Creator and fought against the idolatry and immorality of the Mesopotamian priests.

(1043.5) 95:1.10 It was the Salem missionaries of the period following the rejection of their teaching who wrote many of the Old Testament Psalms, inscribing them on stone, where later-day Hebrew priests found them during the captivity and subsequently incorporated them among the collection of hymns ascribed to Jewish authorship. These beautiful psalms from Babylon were not written in the temples of Bel-Marduk; they were the work of the descendants of the earlier Salem missionaries, and they are a striking contrast to the magical conglomerations of the Babylonian priests. The Book of Job is a fairly good reflection of the teachings of the Salem school at Kish and throughout Mesopotamia.

The Melchizedek Teachings in the Levant

(1042.1) 95:0.1 AS INDIA gave rise to many of the religions and philosophies of eastern Asia, so the Levant was the homeland of the faiths of the Occidental world. The Salem missionaries spread out all over southwestern Asia, through Palestine, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Iran, and Arabia, everywhere proclaiming the good news of the gospel of Machiventa Melchizedek. In some of these lands their teachings bore fruit; in others they met with varying success. Sometimes their failures were due to lack of wisdom, sometimes to circumstances beyond their control.

1. The Salem Religion in Mesopotamia

(1042.2) 95:1.1 By 2000 B.C. the religions of Mesopotamia had just about lost the teachings of the Sethites and were largely under the influence of the primitive beliefs of two groups of invaders, the Bedouin Semites who had filtered in from the western desert and the barbarian horsemen who had come down from the north.

(1042.3) 95:1.2 But the custom of the early Adamite peoples in honoring the seventh day of the week never completely disappeared in Mesopotamia. Only, during the Melchizedek era, the seventh day was regarded as the worst of bad luck. It was taboo-ridden; it was unlawful to go on a journey, cook food, or make a fire on the evil seventh day. The Jews carried back to Palestine many of the Mesopotamian taboos which they had found resting on the Babylonian observance of the seventh day, the Shabattum.

(1042.4) 95:1.3 Although the Salem teachers did much to refine and uplift the religions of Mesopotamia, they did not succeed in bringing the various peoples to the permanent recognition of one God. Such teaching gained the ascendancy for more than one hundred and fifty years and then gradually gave way to the older belief in a multiplicity of deities.*

(1042.5) 95:1.4 The Salem teachers greatly reduced the number of the gods of Mesopotamia, at one time bringing the chief deities down to seven: Bel, Shamash, Nabu, Anu, Ea, Marduk, and Sin. At the height of the new teaching they exalted three of these gods to supremacy over all others, the Babylonian triad: Bel, Ea, and Anu, the gods of earth, sea, and sky. Still other triads grew up in different localities, all reminiscent of the trinity teachings of the Andites and the Sumerians and based on the belief of the Salemites in Melchizedek’s insignia of the three circles.

(1042.6) 95:1.5 Never did the Salem teachers fully overcome the popularity of Ishtar, the mother of gods and the spirit of s*x fertility. They did much to refine the worship of this goddess, but the Babylonians and their neighbors had never completely outgrown their disguised forms of s*x worship. It had become a universal practice throughout Mesopotamia for all women to submit, at least once in early life, to the embrace of strangers; this was thought to be a devotion required by Ishtar, and it was believed that fertility was largely dependent on this s*x sacrifice.

(1043.1) 95:1.6 The early progress of the Melchizedek teaching was highly gratifying until Nabodad, the leader of the school at Kish, decided to make a concerted attack upon the prevalent practices of temple harlotry. But the Salem missionaries failed in their effort to bring about this social reform, and in the wreck of this failure all their more important spiritual and philosophic teachings went down in defeat.

(1043.2) 95:1.7 This defeat of the Salem gospel was immediately followed by a great increase in the cult of Ishtar, a ritual which had already invaded Palestine as Ashtoreth, Egypt as Isis, Greece as Aphrodite, and the northern tribes as Astarte. And it was in connection with this revival of the worship of Ishtar that the Babylonian priests turned anew to stargazing; astrology experienced its last great Mesopotamian revival, fortunetelling became the vogue, and for centuries the priesthood increasingly deteriorated.

(1043.3) 95:1.8 Melchizedek had warned his followers to teach about the one God, the Father and Maker of all, and to preach only the gospel of divine favor through faith alone. But it has often been the error of the teachers of new truth to attempt too much, to attempt to supplant slow evolution by sudden revolution. The Melchizedek missionaries in Mesopotamia raised a moral standard too high for the people; they attempted too much, and their noble cause went down in defeat. They had been commissioned to preach a definite gospel, to proclaim the truth of the reality of the Universal Father, but they became entangled in the apparently worthy cause of reforming the mores, and thus was their great mission sidetracked and virtually lost in frustration and oblivion.

(1043.4) 95:1.9 In one generation the Salem headquarters at Kish came to an end, and the propaganda of the belief in one God virtually ceased throughout Mesopotamia. But remnants of the Salem schools persisted. Small bands scattered here and there continued their belief in the one Creator and fought against the idolatry and immorality of the Mesopotamian priests.

(1043.5) 95:1.10 It was the Salem missionaries of the period following the rejection of their teaching who wrote many of the Old Testament Psalms, inscribing them on stone, where later-day Hebrew priests found them during the captivity and subsequently incorporated them among the collection of hymns ascribed to Jewish authorship. These beautiful psalms from Babylon were not written in the temples of Bel-Marduk; they were the work of the descendants of the earlier Salem missionaries, and they are a striking contrast to the magical conglomerations of the Babylonian priests. The Book of Job is a fairly good reflection of the teachings of the Salem school at Kish and throughout Mesopotamia.

(1043.6) 95:1.11 Much of the Mesopotamian religious culture found its way into Hebrew literature and liturgy by way of Egypt through the work of Amenemope and Ikhnaton. The Egyptians remarkably preserved the teachings of social obligation derived from the earlier Andite Mesopotamians and so largely lost by the later Babylonians who occupied the Euphrates valley.
Monday, March 23rd 2015 at 4:07PM
Yaiqab Saint
@ Soso

Moral and religious concepts of Egypt came from Sumer as I told you .
Although the culture and religion of Egypt were chiefly derived from Andite Mesopotamia and largely transmitted to subsequent civilizations through the Hebrews and Greeks, much, very much, of the social and ethical idealism of the Egyptians arose in the valley of the Nile as a purely evolutionary development. Notwithstanding the importation of much truth and culture of Andite origin, there evolved in Egypt more of moral culture as a purely human development than appeared by similar natural techniques in any other circumscribed area prior to the bestowal of Michael.

Monday, March 23rd 2015 at 4:17PM
Yaiqab Saint

Let's get back to the video. Bout you guys, take a look at the video and tell me what you think.

Monday, March 23rd 2015 at 6:21PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
You my brother is not talking about a thing that we are talking about.

Did you see the video yet?

Monday, March 23rd 2015 at 11:20PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

Did you see this video yet?

I am talking about our Hebrew people HARRY. I am talking about GODS chosen people and not just some children of slaves, can't you see that?
Tuesday, March 24th 2015 at 7:36AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

What makes you think that I want to hear anything again what you have not answered my first and only question to you sir, what makes you think that?

The only thing I want to hear from you is have you seen the video yet and if not, why not?

If you can, let us discuss the contents of this video.

Tuesday, March 24th 2015 at 10:56AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Thank You Brother Deacon Gray for the acknowledgement and Cudo's! :-)

Some folks will not see the truth if it comes up and bites them in the ass! WE, my Brothers and Sisters of 'B.I.A.', have exposed the cover-up, the truth, the facts, and exposed the lies that have been told to and about our people. The forum has taken on a 'NATIONAL' forum of learning and telling the TRUTH to millions upon millions of people... "OUT TIME HAS COME!"

In Peace, Love, and Truth,

a.k.a., Dr. Gregory V. Boulware

"In Light of Cush/Kush the Dark"
~'The Cu****es Who Overthrew Ancient Egyptians'~
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
~Wordpress: http://www.BoulwareEnterprises.wordpress.c...

Tuesday, March 24th 2015 at 1:52PM
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.
Brother Doctor Gregory V Boulware,

You are 100% right. You can see that I met a little resistance from our very own just to view this message but I will not stop this work because we as a people must find out that our roots are embedded deeply into anals of the worlds history and not just when our ancestors was brought to these shores.

Keep up Gods work my Brother and TEACH.

Tuesday, March 24th 2015 at 2:44PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Harry, so much for your ability to identify Black Americans. The actors are from Sudan.
Wednesday, March 25th 2015 at 2:36AM
Steve Williams
Harry, since you are a fraud you cannot respond to genuine claims.
Wednesday, March 25th 2015 at 10:58AM
Steve Williams
Brother Steve,

He is using every trick in the book, not to view this documentary

That man would not know the truth, if it bit him in his as.

Wednesday, March 25th 2015 at 11:35AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

How do you know that I am deceiving anyone if you have not seen that documentarty?

What part of the acting in this documentary you call dishonest?

What part of the content in this documentary is dishonest?

Wednesday, March 25th 2015 at 11:55AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

I am talking to you!!!

How do you know that I am deceiving anyone if you have not seen that documentarty?

What part of the acting in this documentary you call dishonest?

What part of the content in this documentary is dishonest?

Wednesday, March 25th 2015 at 4:34PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
...I've told you Mr. Motherf....., what I would do to you for calling me all those nasty names. You think that you're safe to do this vile thing because you're hiding behind the Internet way down there in S.C.! You are not a man, you are simply another punk who thinks behind a candy-bar. You wouldn't be calling me outside my name if we were standing face-to-face...I can guarantee that sucker! I have attempted to ignore you over time to no avail... You simply come into view at every ample opportunity whether you're welcomed or not. Oh How I'd like to put my foot up your ass while your face takes on a whole new look...the one of who has been pummeled into respectfulness.

You have now gone beyond dis-respectful to down-right hateful. I don't give a damn if the devil made you do it or not - this vile ranting can no longer be ignored! I have blocked you from making remarks on any of my postings and I do wish that others would follow suit in order to enjoy intelligent, acceptable, and useful information. ...Oh yes, I am fuming! You have succeeded in raising my temperature to the extreme...and I can't reach you - and you know it!

My Friends, Brothers, and Sisters, I can no longer communicate via your postings as long as this terribly hateful and vile creature is allowed to behave the way that he has (for years). Whether I am missed or not, is up to you... I do regret having to take this position as I've respected and come to love many of you. My work will continue, as The Most High has commanded and those who seek me know how to reach me...

Respectfully... In Peace and Love,


Wednesday, March 25th 2015 at 6:00PM
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.
Brother Doctor Gregory V Boulware,

I to agree, consider this weak Brother BLOCKED from all my post until he apologize to you in writing his vulgar language and his blatant disrespect. I urge all the active Membership of Black In American to also BLOCK HARRY W. WETLEY from there blogs until he apologize for his ignorant, outrageous, disgraceful, shameful and despicable conduct here on this website.

Brother Doctor Gregory Boulware, this is a call to action and this action will not be tolerated by myself and I hope others will follow suit on this action by his block and condemnations of his low life actions.

Wednesday, March 25th 2015 at 6:28PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

Black Pharaohs of the 25th Dynasty


sensitive -- sensitive -- PLEASE?

harry is a selfProfessed 68 IQ RETARDANT--of History, Scholarship and Science AND he can only rewrite, rewrite this racistlyIgnorant NONSENSE*****

"..my Black American people ....three *****S representing the 25 dynasty is not Egyptians...STUPID, ASS-HOLE?
You are fu*king stupid!

Tuesday, March 24th 2015 at 7:58PM
Harry Watley

****************************************BUT this type of posting is also MISLEADING and bullying the mentallyChallenged

"........My Friends, Brothers, and Sisters, I can no longer communicate via your postings as long as this terribly hateful and vile creature is allowed to behave the way that he has (for years). Whether I am missed or not, is up to you... I do regret having to take this position as I've respected and come to love many of you. My work will continue, as The Most High has commanded and those who seek me know how to reach me...

Respectfully... In Peace and Love,


Wednesday, March 25th 2015 at 5:00PM
Gregory Boulware


the mis-leading, LYING, and uneducated Coloured brothers--'whiteMan' steveAdam and 'blackHebrewIsraelite' content of this blag is MORE racistlyIgnorant than anything our 68IQ dimwit friend might write......

their NEVER were OR are TODAY anything called by 'blackHebrewIsraelite' deacon--------- Black Pharaohs of the 25th Dynasty

ps about the sensitivity of VILE things......

and PLEASE, the bsBtold, siebra, deeJohnson, kimmy, steveAdamDeacon WRITINGS against me, WERE more than VILE, Decadent, IMMORAL and FELONIOUS than the 68 IQ dimwit called dr.Boulware.........anytime, here at BIA

and now the 'blackHebrewIsraelite' deacon WHO Amened the bsBtold TRASH, wants an APOLOGY and DELETES --- utterNONSENSE.............

STOP this paganCHristian kingJamesVersion from Europe DE*****ATION of myHOME, Misr.....................

Wednesday, March 25th 2015 at 6:46PM
robert powell
So you think or are you saying that Brother Doctor Gregory Boulware or anyone on Black In America deserve this level of disrespect?

Robert, I am talking directly to you....
Wednesday, March 25th 2015 at 7:18PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

So you think or are you saying that Brother Doctor Gregory Boulware or anyone on Black In America deserve this level of disrespect?

Robert, I am talking directly to you....
Wednesday, March 25th 2015 at 6:18PM
Deacon Ron Gray

harry is 68 IQ Retardant --- youSteveAdamSiebra ALLOWED bsBTOLD to do A LOT WORSE LANGUAGE TO ME and FELONIOUS LIES --- you AMENED

what a racistlyIgnorant BULLYING of a 68 IQ retardant HYPOCRITE you are..................!

steve disrespects African American Families by justifying CIVILITER MOORTUS -- leagalSlavery--- YET he is YoUR brother?

PLEASE take that NONSENSE back to Israel

Wednesday, March 25th 2015 at 7:30PM
robert powell

I asked you a question and now you are running from that direct question I put to you. and this is what you come back with?

The question is: So you think or are you saying that Brother Doctor Gregory Boulware or anyone on Black In America deserve this level of disrespect?

I really don't care about that mans IQ. I want a answer from you.

Wednesday, March 25th 2015 at 8:08PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

By your non- response you must condone the actions of HARRY to disrespect Brother Doctor Gregory Boulware or anyone else on Black In America deserves this level of disrespect?

You have kissed Brother Boulware as for a long time Robert and now your true colors are showing. You are promoting this man's name calling and BS.

and then you are going to hide behind all these names bsBtold, siebra, deeJohnson, kimmy, steveAdamDeacon which have nothing to do with this conversation.


Wednesday, March 25th 2015 at 10:45PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

ALL commentators at BIA, MUST obey the membership agreement THEY signed on joining..........

you and bsBtold, siebra, deeJohnson, kimmy, steveAdam DISRESPECT the Honest, Respectful, BIA LawAbiding Dr. Gregory Boulware and ALL AFRICAN American Families at BIA!!!!!

does that answer or amen your BULLYING of a 68IQ retardant mentallyChallenged harry?

Thursday, March 26th 2015 at 8:01AM
robert powell
Why were you expelled Robert? For not following the BIA agreement, one of only two to EVER be expelled!
Thursday, March 26th 2015 at 8:57AM
Steve Williams

YOUR WORDS: ALL commentators at BIA, MUST obey the membership agreement THEY signed on joining..........

I am talking about HARRY W WATLEY rude action to the Honest, Respectful, BIA LawAbiding Dr. Gregory Boulware and ALL AFRICAN American Families at BIA which you cannot seem to focus on. Brother Doctor Gregory Boulware was not talking about or to me and bsBtold, siebra, deeJohnson, kimmy, steveAdam
in his comments, he was talking about the one man that you are protecting and that is HARRY W. WATLEY, your so-called 68IQ retardant mentallyChallenged.

Will I have BLOCKED THIS MAN FROM ALL MY BLOGS UNTIL HE FINDS THE WORDS TO apologize for his ignorant, outrageous, disgraceful, shameful and despicable conduct here on this website.

By you not including this mans name among your list of people means that you are encouraging that mans behavior that will not be tolerated by me any longer and I encourage all members of Black in America to Block this man from their blogs as well.

Thursday, March 26th 2015 at 9:23AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Brother Deacon Gray!

I THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for this effort! This behavior should have been brought to an end long ago. It appears several commenters do not agree with your call to arms... This is one of the reasons that Black Folks can not get anything done! I really do not care if they agree or not. But when it happens to them I am the first to object and jump to their defense...as proven in the past. I have also, once upon a time, called for a banishment to ill-mannered and vile behavior on this 'connect platform. I have never insulted or have gone out of my way to disrespect anyone regardless of their opinion or position. Whether I've agreed with a person or not does not give me the right to insult, degrade, or incite vile and rude behavior against them. It is one of God's Laws and I do my best to obey the 'WORD OF THE MOST HIGH!'

The creature in question was and has been allowed to behave in his fashion for quite a long time with no one moving to curb this practice. I have stated on many occasions that we are not the only ones watching, reading, and critiquing the substance posted on 'Black In America!' Other people see and watch our behavior and use it to create their philosophies about our people, BLACK PEOPLE!

I cannot understand why we as a people cannot support and govern ourselves to do the right thing when it shows the world that they are right when it comes to their biased conclusions as to what Black People are capable of or not capable of - We All Know What Others Think of Us - Why Oh Why Do We Continue to Prove them RIGHT?

May God Truly Bless You and Yours Good Brother...I am with YOU!

In Peace and Love,

A.K.A., 'Doctor Gregory V. Boulware

Thursday, March 26th 2015 at 10:34PM
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.

"In Light of Cush/Kush the Dark"
~'The Cu****es Who Overthrew Ancient Egyptians'~
“One of Many Great African Kings!”
“Ghana was influenced by Arab traders and was actually divided into two towns, one being Muslim, the other housing the king and traditional society. The traditional society was pagan and worshipped idols. However, many of the king’s officials were Muslim so Arabic writing was used to record information. Also, Arab architecture, such as mosques, were present in the Muslim town.
Although some schools were in existence, much of the education was passed down through “Griots,” or storytellers. In the evening, people would gather around to hear the Griots and would learn about their traditions.”

~’King Tenkamenin’~
~Pharaoh ‘Taharqa’ of Cush/Kush-Nubia, the 25th Dynasty~
Cudo's to Brother Yaiquab Saint
Dr. Yoshua Ben Ephraim:
Complete History Of E1B1A Reveals It Is Founding Lineage For Ancient Hebrew Israelite Nation

Thursday, March 26th 2015 at 10:40PM
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.
Brother Doctor Gregory V' Boulware,

I have followed your lead in putting a block on HARRY W. WATLEY as well because his disrespect was not call for at all.

I see that you have some information on The 25th Dynasty~ maybe those Brothers will read that information https://boulwareenterprises.wordpress.com/...

You asked the question: “Why is so little known about the 25th Dynasty of Ancient Egypt – A Dynasty of Nubian Pharaohs – and the period in which the Holy Bible was written?”

Just maybe more people can see the connection, that The Holy Bible Is Not A White Man’s Religion or maybe others can and that information will open the eyes of many here on Black In America to who we are..

Friday, March 27th 2015 at 9:04AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

Black Pharaohs of the 25th Dynasty


“One of Many Great African Kings!”
“Ghana was influenced by Arab traders and was actually divided into two towns, one being Muslim, the other housing the king and traditional society. The traditional society was pagan and worshipped idols. However, many of the king’s officials were Muslim so Arabic writing was used to record information. Also, Arab architecture, such as mosques, were present in the Muslim town.
Although some schools were in existence, much of the education was passed down through “Griots,” or storytellers. In the evening, people would gather around to hear the Griots and would learn about their traditions.”


Great Research and Education as Always Dr. Boulware

the issue with African American Education is that UNDERSTANDING and further Research has been in Our History Lazy

1. Arab Traders?

---- NO....MUSLIM traders--by the time Muslim traders got to Ghana --- they were Ghanan, Malian, Mauritanian, Magreeban traders
---- they were the NORM, Educated and Progressiv

2. Ghana was NOT just visited by Muslim Traders
---- GHANA was a GREAT Muslim Empire 750-1492----700+ YEARS---that WAS so GREAT it REVITALIZED and EDUCATED the pagan preIslaamic Societies and Saved ----- with Men, Might and Wealth --- Many Dynasties of Africa Asia LIKE----Meccah and Medina......

3. African American apologists many times Enjoy the europeanHistory of racistlyIgnorant ---soCalled---'NorthAfrican, subSaharanAfrican, Arab" People

BEFORE colonialism and suezCanal there was AfricaAsia..........................

------ there is NO difference between the History of the Area of Atlantic, Artic, Indian, Mediterranean oceansSeas.....SAME people

------ Europeans do not say, subAlpians, subPyrenneians, transBalticians, transUrals History, ------ They say EUROPE....same 'whiteMen'

Stop this enabling of racistlyIgnorant definitions to AfricaAsia


".......Arab architecture, such as mosques...."?????

mosque is a racistTERM used by frenchColonialist along the Mediterranean

there are Arab jewsChristians and Muslims

Muslims BUILD Masajid....ALL over the WORLD.....in 0,622, 720, 951,1288 1492, 1612,1776, 1864, 1914 or 2015

Friday, March 27th 2015 at 9:35AM
robert powell

Let us get back to the topic. Did you see the video? Are you still trying to tell me about the documentary without viewing the content.

Friday, March 27th 2015 at 11:37PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

Black Pharaohs of the 25th Dynasty


it is FALSE!

5000+ years ago, 0---1776---1864---1964 AND 2015-------------------as I have written ABOVE-----

"...Robert- Let us get back to the topic. Did you see the video? Are you still trying to tell me about the documentary without viewing the content."

Friday, March 27th 2015 at 10:37PM
Deacon Ron Gray

*********************************************TOPIC is racistlyIgnorant EUROPEAN nonsense USED against Africa Asia

A Video?-----from watts, Compton---PLEASE----Learn something someday about Africa Asia

Saturday, March 28th 2015 at 8:55AM
robert powell

What is false?

Why is it false?

Prove that it is false?

Sunday, March 29th 2015 at 9:06PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

Again, for the 1,489,823,777th time

----the 'blackWhiteRedYellow' people COLOURING of the Family of Adaam(as)----is a product of racistlyIgnorant europeanPaganChristian Falsehood---LEARNED by African Asians during --- slaverAmericana, geneocideAmericana and colonialAmericana IMPOVESED from 1492-1964......

---the African Asian NEVER used these 'blackWhiteRedYellow' people COLOURING----before the EUROPEAN contact

---For you to selfProfess 'blackHebrewIsraelite' there MUST be a 'whiteHebrewIsraelite' OR 'redHebrewIsraelite' OR 'yellowHebrewIsraelite'

The Monotheistic People of Africa Asia --- Hebraic Yehuda and Islaamic Muslims HAVE NEVER written/said----these racistlyIgnorant terms ----NEITHER do I

The Misrian people HAVE NEVER written/said----'blackPharoah'--'whitePharoah'---'yellowPharoah'---'olivePharoah'----Neither do I

Monday, March 30th 2015 at 9:59AM
robert powell

Repeating a LIE for the 1,489,823,777th time is no proof that it is true.

My audience is not African Asian but Black Americans who are the colors of the rainbow because we are YAH'S children, it was his power and him only who decreed this to be and it was.

The original Hebrew was a dark skin people, Abraham also was a man of color "Dark Skin" so was his two Son's which the religion of Islam messenger came from was a man of color. Abu-Bakr rightly notes:

According to Muslim tradition, Prophet Muhammad descended in a straight line from Ishmael’s second son Kedar (Arabic: Qaidar), whose name in Hebrew signifies ‘black’…From the sons of Kedar inhabiting the northern Arabian desert, sprang the noblest tribe in Arabia, the Koreish (Quraish), the tribe from which Prophet Muhammad descended. 2

Fakhr al-Sudan ala al-biyadan (The Boast of the Blacks over the Whites):

The ten lordly sons of Abd al-Mutalib were deep black (dalham) in colour and big/tall (dukhm).

When Amir b. al-Tufayl saw them circumambulating (the Kaaba) like dark camels, he said, “With such men as these is the custody of the Kaaba preserved.”

Abd Allah ibn Abbas was very black and tall. Those of Abu Talibs’s family, who are the most noble of men, are dark skinned, black and tall (sud).”

So, Robert, please don't hand me this crap that Hebraic Yehuda and Islaamic Muslims HAVE NEVER written/said----these racistlyIgnorant terms ----NEITHER do I

Monday, March 30th 2015 at 10:23AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

Repeating a LIE for the 1,489,823,777th time is no proof that it is true.

Monday, March 30th 2015 at 9:23AM
Deacon Ron Gray


so for you

---- my WRITING that 'racistlyIgnorant' COLOURING and DIVISION of The Family of Adaam(as) is EUROPEAN and paganChristian

OR that Africa Asia has A HISTORY, Scholarship and Science DIFFERENT the European Version

is a LIE?-------------------Prove that-----

please for your own benefit DO NOT LIE about AbuBakeer(ra) or RasuulAllaah Mohamed(saw)

WHAT is this in an African Asian Language? ------dalham, dukhm.

What, WHERE and how are there----- "like dark camels"?

????/-----WHAT Nonsense is this-------Fakhr al-Sudan ala al-biyadan-----seems like is a transliteration of Arabic

BUT really it READS like the past racistlyIgorant writing of the exBIAblagKing deeJohnson she/he/it LYING nonsense

Monday, March 30th 2015 at 10:46AM
robert powell

2009 By Wesley Muhammad, PhD (Excerpt from Wesley Muhammad, Black Arabia and The African Origin of Islam (2009)

In his work, Islam’s Black Legacy: Some Leading Figures (1993), Mohammed Abu-Bakr includes among 62 leading Black figures of Islam the Prophet Muhammad himself.

This convergence of blackness, nobility and Quraishī ethnicity is further demonstrated in these lines attributed to the seventh century CE Quraishī poet, al-Fadl ibn al-Abbas, called al-Akhdar al-Lahabi “The Flaming Black”.

Al-Fadl is the Prophet Prophet Muhammad’s first cousin and he said: “I am the black skinned one (al-Akhdar). I am well-known. My complexion is black. I am from the noble house of the Arabs.” 9 Ibn Manzour (d. 1311) notes the opinion that al-ahkdar here means aswad al-jilda, ‘Blackskinned’, and signifies that al-Fadl is from the pure Arabs, “because the color of most of the Arabs is dark (al-udma).” 10

Similarly Ibn Berry (d. 1193) said also: “He (al-Fadl) means by this that his genealogy is pure and that he is a pure Arab (arabi mahd ) because Arabs describe their color as black (al-aswad).” 11 Thus, al-Fadl’s blackness (akhdar) is the visual mark of his pure, Quraishī background, being born of a pure Arab mother and father.

The Quraish consisted of several sub-clans. Abd al-Mutalib and his descendents, including Prophet Muhammad, belonged to the Banu Hashim.

Henry Lammens takes notice of “les Haśhimites, famille où dominait le sang nègre” (“the Hashimites, the family where Black blood dominated”).12
Lammens remarks that they are généralement qualifies de آدم = couleur foncée” (“generally described as adam =dark colored”).
Monday, March 30th 2015 at 11:12AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.


Black Pharaohs of the 25th Dynasty

???? ----- Wesley Muhammad, PhD

Your God is NOT a Black Man? Hmmm. Where they do DAT at?
[Excerpt from my "Understanding the Black God, Part I: The Ma'atic Perspective" (forthcoming)]:
Maulana Karenga thus affirms that, “


Oh, that nonsense!

neoNOI, 'blackMuslim' NONSENSE is your proof?


--- a Muslim believes AlQur'aan and the Sunnah of Mohamed(saw) NOT likeWes---'paganChristian' slaveMasters racistNONSENSE

that phD---hasn't Learned beyond the racistIgnorance of his master yet.......THERE is no 'blackMuslim' paganChristian man isGod


---did kill a man and did not go to jail, and I used to deliver Muhammad Speaks to his wife --- and she had maulanaBlack eyes many days



WHAT is this in an African Asian Language? ------dalham, dukhm.

What, WHERE and how are there----- "like dark camels"?

"......Mohammed Abu-Bakr includes among 62 leading Black figures of Islam
....because the color of most of the Arabs is dark (al-udma).....black (al-aswad)....blackness (akhdar)..ÂÏã adam =dark colored”)." ???

Monday, March 30th 2015 at 10:12AM
Deacon Ron Gray


62 figures----?------are YOU kidding me with this NONSENSE

Well what is it ON your COLORS?

-- you cannot Read English, left to right----why try transliterated english from Arabic; an African Asian language from right to left?

is that Akhdar as in GREEN, or LIKE-

----The Jebel Akhdar (Arabic: ÇáÌÈá ÇáÃÎÖÑý al-Jabal al-Akhḍar, English: The Green Mountain) --in Algeria, Libya and Oman, and any Arab nation.......

Learn something sometime -- OTHER than your RACISTLY I G N O R A N T----deeJohnson reHASHES

Monday, March 30th 2015 at 11:59AM
robert powell

Enough is enough, I just wanted to see how far you would go, in your efforts not to admit whether you seen this video or not. Now let us get to the contents of this blog. Black Pharaohs of the 25th Dynasty discusses when the Kingdom of Nubia or Kush (modern day North and South Sudan, and Ethiopia) conquered their enemies, Libyan Egypt, and established the 25th dynasty around 760 b.c.e. OK!

Have you viewed this video?

Monday, March 30th 2015 at 12:37PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

as I have written 1,892 TIMES

----The wwweb of the Internet can be a technologically damaging experience for ones COMPUTER(and mind)

----So the separation of unsafe or safe sites I, READ the TITLE first and then try to learn or enjoy something on an UNKNOWN video

YOUR video?---was TITLED ---- "Black Pharaohs of the 25th Dynasty"

I LIVE in Misr, land of paganPharoah

---- have traveled by boat from Mediterranean to Khartoum
---- have studied at a Great University in Misr
---- Know enough of the People, Culture and Language THAT I can say I am Misrian by Heart - Soul


I KNOW that whatever is on a video "Black Pharaohs of the 25th Dynasty" even without knowing youSoSo or deeJohnson it is PROBABLY enabling racistlyIgnorant paganChristian European Misconceptions......

I choose NOT to look at or listen to NONSENSE---on occasion though I do read your blags as part of my BIA membership agreement


Tuesday, March 31st 2015 at 11:52AM
robert powell

I know that new technology is a difficult concept for many of our seniors however a good virus protection program should be running on your computer at all times. If you are not running one while on the internet is foolish.

By having that fear of unsafe sites or videos will be detected with a good virus protection program . I use and post from YouTube video's that have these safer safeguards added. Now with that said, you miss a lot when you blame unsafe sites as your reason not to expand your horizon or confirm your belief or see these cover-ups.

I also see that you have a hard time in talking directly one on one without bringing a gang of people with you that has nothing to do with the topic. What a shame to have that hands on knowledge just to make assumptions that you do about most topics.

YOUR WORDS: I KNOW that whatever is on a video "Black Pharaohs of the 25th Dynasty" even without knowing youSoSo or deeJohnson it is PROBABLY enabling racistlyIgnorant paganChristian European Misconceptions......

How would you know about the video, if you have not seen it? What a shame to have hands on knowledge just to make wrong assumptions like you do.

What a shame.

That shows me and other the selfishness you process which you spend a great proportionate of time denying such a great gift.

Tuesday, March 31st 2015 at 2:30PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.


Black Pharaohs of the 25th Dynasty

".......What a shame to have hands on knowledge just to make wrong assumptions like you do. What a shame. That shows me and other the selfishness you process which you spend a great proportionate of time denying such a great gift....."

Tuesday, March 31st 2015 at 1:30PM
Deacon Ron Gray


1893 TIMES.

'blackPharoahs' NEVER existed in AfricaAsia ---- 'whitePharoahs' NEVER existed in Africa Asia

'blackWhiteRedYellow Pharoahs' EXIST and are ENABLED ONLY by racistlyIgnorant paganChristian minds --- 0, 892, 1096, 1492, 1801, 1864, 1964 - 2015



Misr was a GIFT from the Creator of Adaam(as) for me and my Famiy

----I was taught Arabic and some Hebrew in Misr
----It's people have Allowed me to Live with them, as if it is my Original Home

travel in your retirement and as our 'nativeAmerican' brothers have said, “walk in their moccasins”; of an African Asian

stop your europeanRacist Misconceptions of Africa Asia...............

Tuesday, March 31st 2015 at 5:16PM
robert powell

YES a Gift. If you would view the contents of this video, you would see what I mean.

Absolutely amazing how you can bare false witness to something that you have not seen. Misconceptions of Africa Asia, WOW!!!

Tuesday, March 31st 2015 at 7:04PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Ya’ateeh, As Salaam Alaikum, Shalom, and Hotep, Good Brothers, Sisters, and Friends!

'An Enlightening Radio Discussion Regarding the Moors Around the World':
"Who Are The Moors?"
Published on Jul 12, 2014
"A subject that has on average 1 million global Google searches per month. Jabbar Gaines-El, Sheik of Temple #27 in Fort Wayne, Indiana will provide an academic overview that demonstrates that the Moors are an aboriginal global people with an illustrious history that has experienced what every other civilization has experienced — a rise and a fall.

This show is a must for: Students who have acknowledged that Moorish History is not addressed in the public school system and as a result wish to gain MOOR INSIGHT. Anyone who believe that they are Negro/Black and just People of Color. All who believe that "The Moors" is just another cultural organization that came about in the early 1900s. "Black" Christians who have elected to refrain from gaining knowledge of self due to believing that Moorish Science is an "Islamic Thing."

Journalists and "Jewish" watch groups that have falsely depicted the Moors as a group that started in the 1990s who are a spinoff of the patriot movement. All who have limited the essence of Moorish Science down to legal paperwork. COINTELPRO disinformation destabilizer agents and hustlers who do not have a sincere interest in "Knowledge of Self" and the "Honoring of their Ancestors" and as a result they specifically come into the Moorish Divine and National Movement for selfish gain and/or to distort."

AIRED-Aug 24, 2012
Malcolm X: Make It Plain

Wednesday, April 1st 2015 at 8:51PM
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.
Who Really Are The Hebrews?

"The 'Hebrew Language' is the 'DNA' of all creation!"
'Who Really Are The Hebrews?'
~A Lesson In and On Human Reality~
What is 'DNA?':
It is a code, a symbol as to what is actually there, the definition of that code will reveal all things of that composition and detail; the total makeup of thet cellular structure of the living thing.
~MEM DALEET ALEF~ (Mem Dalet Alef)
'Who Really Are The Hebrews?'
'The Maafa'
...Is there a current aproach, official shootings-one body after another; to the systematic illimination of 'The Black Man?'
~The Maafa Did Not End With The Emancipation Proclamation~
…It began when the 1st African became shackled to the bottom of a slave ship!
Is there a hidden racial agenda in white America? There are many who believe it is so…

~“Maafa: Life After Conquest”~
“The best way to hate a ***** is to hate him before he’s born!”
~Leander Perez, United States Judge, 1970~
Since white elitist decry the overabundance of Blacks in the world, has anyone ever asked if there were too many whites in the world?
“Those who we could not get rid of in the rice paddies of Viet Nam, we now propose to exterminate if necessary, eliminate if possible, in the ‘OB’ wards and gynecology clinics of our urban hospitals.”
~Jesse Jackson, 1971~

KING JAMES (1566-1625)
At a time when the leaders of the world wished to keep their subjects in spiritual ignorance, King James offered his subjects the greatest gift that he could give them...Their own copy of the Word of the Most High in English.

~Angel Means Messenger~
“Just Browsing A Link From Brother Doctor Gregory V. Boulware”
Deacon Ron Gray

Thursday, April 16th 2015 at 12:59PM
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.
I wanted to review this deep material of a early powerful Black Nation "Black Pharaohs of the 25th Dynasty."

Wednesday, April 19th 2017 at 7:11PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Yeah Bro. Deacon...I'm reviewing the material as well. I just can't fathom how all the other dynasties are brought to life with the exception of this one in particular. ...What is it about "Blackness" that frightens them so much?



Thursday, April 20th 2017 at 11:11AM
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.


Man! When you asked this question, this popped into my mind. That the "Black Pharaohs of the 25th Dynasty" was the connection, the missing link of the history, the relationship of The First Five Books Of The Holy Bible and the most powerful civilization on earth at that time.

Black Hebrews Israelites of The Holy Bible and Black Egyptians who came together, living in peace to give Black domination as a world power. Man, that is something that the oppressor don't want the people of The World to know. No not after all these many centuries of whitewashing of this FACT.

Thursday, April 20th 2017 at 1:39PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

'GOOD AFTERNOON TO YOU MY GOOD BROTHER DEACON RON GRAY!' :-) (Can't help smiling at this messaging).

It's even better hearing from YOU Good Brother! :-)

Homes, now you know like I do, "The Powers That Be" would never stand still if every person of color paid attention to the truth. Can you imagine what would happen or how things would be if every person of color did come together and reclaim what is truly theirs/ours?

Oh man, they'd (the bamboozelers) start jumping out of windows and such... But they know that would never happen. We as a people will never unite in such a cause. ...

Too Damned Americanized!

I'd like to think of it happening though.




Friday, April 21st 2017 at 6:33PM
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.

You got to bring your wisdom back to BLACK in America because it is needed here more and I miss it TOO.

Friday, April 21st 2017 at 11:59PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
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