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What Would Malcolm X Say About Fake News (1769 hits)

From The Ramparts

Junious Ricardo Stanton

What Would Malcolm X Say About Fake News?

“I’m for truth, no matter who tells it. I’m for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” Malcolm X

Eric Arthur Blair who wrote under the pen name George Orwell stated, “During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” We live in a time of universal deceit, massive falsification and lies are disseminated globally by an extremely pervasive and sophisticated electronic media the likes never seen before by humanity. Television screens and smart devices, are everywhere instantaneously blasting information, disinformation and propaganda either from a right wing fake perspective or a disingenuous left wing slant both propagating global white domination and we are caught in the middle.

In prior times we had vocal warriors, scholars, dissidents and resisters who helped us see through the maze of disinformation and propaganda to recognize the lies and propaganda aimed at us and help us engage in a process of mental decolonization to view the world from a liberation perspective. Of course over the years the powers that be targeted them and attempted to eliminate the threat these courageous Sistahs and Bruthas posed to their mind control over us. Men and women like David Walker, Ida B Wells, William Monroe Trotter, Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Noble Drew Ali, Elijah Muhammad and his ministers like Malcolm X and Louis Farrakhan and fearless educators like Angela Davis exposed the mendacity, subterfuge, oppression and violence of the American system so it demonized them and on numerous occasions killed them.

Malcolm X aka Malik El Hajj El Shabazz was uncompromising in his denunciation of the American social, economic and political system built upon racism, imperialism, violence and chicanery that he and his Nation of Islam brethren called tricknology. Malcolm knew there was a constant battle going on for our minds.

On one occasion Malcolm had this to say about the US press and media, “One of the shrewd ways that they use the press to project us in the eye or image of a criminal: they take statistics. And with the press they feed these statistics to the public, primarily the white public. Because there are some well-meaning persons in the white public as well as bad-meaning persons in the white public. And whatever the government is going to do, it always wants the public on its side, whether it’s the local government, state government, federal government. So they use the press to create images. And at the local level, they’ll create an image by feeding statistics to the press—through the press showing the high crime rate in the Negro community. As soon as this high crime rate is emphasized through the press, then people begin to look upon the Negro community as a community of criminals.
And then any Negro in the community can be stopped in the street. ‘Put your hands up,’ and they pat you down. You might be a doctor, a lawyer, a preacher, or some other kind of Uncle Tom. But despite your professional standing, you’ll find that you’re the same victim as the man who’s in the alley. Just because you’re Black and you live in a Black community, which has been projected as a community of criminals. This is done. And once the public accepts this image also, it paves the way for a police-state type of activity in the Negro community. They can use any kind of brutal methods to suppress Blacks because ‘they’re criminals anyway.’ And what has given this image? The press again, by letting the power structure or the racist element in the power structure use them in that way.” From a speech given at Ford Auditorium on Feb. 14, 1965 several days before he was assassinated on Feb.21, 1965.

Imagine what Malcolm would say about the Black Lives Matter movement, social media, fake news, the grotesque caricatures of Black people on BET, VH1, MTV, the fake reality shows, the various networks and news programs?What would Malcolm say about six conglomerates owning almost all the media in the world? Malcolm was well aware of the power of the media and its organized and systemic propaganda on one occasion he said, “The media is the most powerful entity on the earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and he guilty innocent and that’s power because they control the minds of the masses. The press is so powerful in its image making role it can make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s he criminal. This is the press and irresponsible press. It will make the the criminal look like he’s the victim and the victim look like he’s the criminal. If you aren’t careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”

Malcolm X was extremely astute, well read, well traveled and he loved Black people. What would Malcolm say about us not continuing the liberation struggle? What would Malcolm say about us acquiescing to fake news, fake reality and falling for the proverbial okey-doke?

Posted By: Junious Stanton
Monday, May 14th 2018 at 11:13AM
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Brother Doctor Junious Ricardo Stanton, what would Malcolm X Say About Fake News? Malcolm X Say About Fake News or Anything Else, if he had the internet?

Thank You for this great read.

Monday, May 14th 2018 at 12:05PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
No problem we need to become more aware, vigilant and engaged in mental decolonization so we stop falling for the fake news fake reality okey-doke..
Monday, May 14th 2018 at 12:39PM
Junious Stanton
It looks to me like America has regressed backwards to pre-1965. Maybe "the public" has changed.

Monday, May 14th 2018 at 3:18PM
Steve Williams
The consciousness of this country has not changed the values are still the same as far as race and class go when the nation was founded. The ruling class made a few concessions due to the social upheavals during the late 50's 60's and 70's but now the ruling class is prepared to take this country back to the Gilded Age of the robber barons,vast income disparities, no unions, no dissent, gutting the "New Deal" social programs and we are all viewed as potential threats and terrorists to the status quo by the oligarchy. Sadly the masses have been so dumbed down they have no clue what is being done to them.
Monday, May 14th 2018 at 3:28PM
Junious Stanton
Sadly, there is no Al-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz in 2018. Maybe "the public" should look to themselves for the answer and not a dead hero 53 years gone.

Monday, May 14th 2018 at 6:58PM
Steve Williams
Yes, we are the heroes we are waiting for to make things right. Within ourselves resides the courage the wisdom and the fortitude to challenge the wrongs, make a difference and make things better.
Monday, May 14th 2018 at 8:03PM
Junious Stanton

What Would Malcolm X Say About Fake News

Malcolm X aka Malik El Hajj El Shabazz



Your Title is FAKE NEWS....!

.......there was a RACIST named Malcolm Little who became a paganChristian Racist....malcolmX

.......there was a Believer of the African Asian Monotheistic Belief given to Adaam(as) by the Creator

of Mankind...Believer of AlQur'aan and the Sunnah of Mohamed(saw)..AlHaj AbdulMaleek AsShabazz


1. AlHaj is an African Asian Monotheistic TITLE given to one that completes Hajj AlBeit....!

(For instance I am properly called AlHaj Robert Powell....)

2. As the English Transliteration used is from the African Asian Language; proper would be....AsShabazz

3. Maleek is a name reserved for the Creator ... so in Africa Asian Arabic one writes.... AbdulMaleek

---servant of the Majestic, Honorable Creator.....

4. juniousGenius's....FAKE...."..Malik El Hajj El Shabazz.."....Is FAKE and MAKES No sense....!


So the Man that was assassinated on February 1965, at the address of the OAAU in Manhattan's Audubon

Ballroom would have told YOU, junious Stanton to LEARN something about his life and the African Asian

Monotheistic belief of AlIslaam.....

He would probably have told your FAKE NEWS to live up to your WORDS:

".......Within ourselves resides the courage the wisdom and the fortitude to challenge the wrongs,

make a difference and make things better...."

Monday, May 14th 2018 at 8:03PM
Junious Stanton


Monday, May 14th 2018 at 8:51PM
robert powell
America has always had its everyday heros, like Nechole Crowell and Jeremie Nix. We just don't always hear about them.


Monday, May 14th 2018 at 11:29PM
Steve Williams
Malcolm X was a complex man who had an extremely interesting evolutionary arc during his lifetime. Malcolm X called himself El Hajj Malik El Shabazz. Since that is what he called himself I will honor that as well as his personal evolution. Anyone with a computer and access to the Internet or a library can look it up and verify this fact. No one cares anything about an inconsequential ignorant troll like Robert Powell. This is another example of Robert Powell's narrow mindedness, bigotry and religious fanaticism.
Tuesday, May 15th 2018 at 10:10AM
Junious Stanton

Tuesday, May 15th 2018 at 11:19AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

What Would Malcolm X Say About Fake News

Malcolm X aka Malik El Hajj El Shabazz


"..... We live in a time of universal deceit, massive falsification and lies are disseminated globally

by ....... media the likes never seen before by humanity...."


Your Title is FAKE NEWS....!



.....is this YOUR COLORED 'blackGuy" and COLORED 'blackHebrewIsraelite' ACKNOWLEDGEMENT that

your SUBJECT is FAKE NEWS, INCORRECT nonsense on the internet social media?


"......Malcolm X was a complex man who had an extremely interesting evolutionary arc during his lifetime.

Malcolm X called himself El Hajj Malik El Shabazz.

Since that is what he called himself I will honor that as well as his personal evolution.

Anyone with a computer and access to the Internet or a library can look it up and verify this fact.

No one cares anything about an inconsequential ignorant troll like Robert Powell.

This is another example of Robert Powell's narrow mindedness, bigotry and religious fanaticism. ...."

Tuesday, May 15th 2018 at 10:10AM
Junious Stanton


Tuesday, May 15th 2018 at 11:19AM
Deacon Ron Gray


1....I, am an African Asian Monotheistic Believer of the Creator of Adaam(as) and DO NOT believe

that the Creator of Adaam(as)/Nuh/Ibraheem/Yusuf/Musa/Isa ibnMaryam - Mohamed(saw) made COLORED

'whiteBlackRedYellowOlive' people...JUST like AlHaj AbdulMaleek AsShabazz

2....I, am an African Asian Monotheistic Believer of the Creator of Adaam(as) and the Genesis of the

Words of the Creator of Torah/AlInjeel/AzZaboor - AlQur'aan mentions COLORED

'whiteBlackRedYellowOlive' people...JUST like AlHaj AbdulMaleek AsShabazz

3....I, Robert Powell, am an African Asian Monotheistic BELIEVER like AlHaj AbdulMaleek AsShabazz

4....I, Robert Powell, am an African Asian Monotheistic BELIEVER like AlHaj AbdulMaleek AsShabazz

...that was Taught by his Teachers in African Asian Misr.....

I still know and communicate with his Hajj Companion/Teachers....2018


OK, I am a grown Man, if you two RACIST COLORED'blackGuys' .... WANT to call me

".....narrow mindedness, bigotry and religious fanaticism"....OK


ONE thing is for sure .... you TWIN 'COLORED blackBozos'......your SUBJECT...AlHaj AbdulMaleek AsShabazz

WOULD agree with ME that you are FAKE 'blackTRASH' News..and slaves of 'COLORED whiteThought'


....Any of the 2 Billion Muslims worldwide that CARES about the young AlHaj AbdulMaleek AsShabazz

WOULD agree ALSO..that you are FAKE 'blackTRASH' News..and slaves of 'COLORED whiteThought'

Tuesday, May 15th 2018 at 7:18PM
robert powell
Once again Powell demonstrates his ignorance and unwillingness to accept reality. Malcolm Little, aka Red, aka Satan was given the name Malcolm X when he joined the Nation of Islam and later changed his name to El Hajj Malik El Shabazz after he broke from Mr Muhammad's NOI. This is public record, anyone can verify this unless he or she is a closed minded bigot like Powell.. Powell refuses to acknowledge these facts and reduces himself to childish name calling in a spate of anger because I reiterated the fact he is an Internet troll (a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting quarrels or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an Online community or Website) and Powell is obviously a very ignorant person.
Powell has a hard time accepting the fact no one cares what he is, what he calls himself or what he thinks because he consistently demonstrates he lacks social skills, communication skills and he is extremely unintelligent. Poor Powell actually thinks that Malcolm X, the man Powell refuses to call by the name he was given by the NOI or the name Malcolm chose for himself when he left the NOI would agree with him on anything. That is s sure sign Powell is mentally unhinged. If it weren't so pathetic it would be funny, you can't make this stuff up.
Tuesday, May 15th 2018 at 11:58PM
Junious Stanton

What Would Malcolm X Say About Fake News

Malcolm X aka Malik El Hajj El Shabazz


"..... We live in a time of universal deceit, massive falsification and lies are disseminated globally

by ....... media the likes never seen before by humanity...."


Your Title is FAKE NEWS at BIA; with a Preamble and membership agreement OATH

.....BIA, an African American Family site to SHATTER the stereotypical Misconceptions of the Past:

Yet the juniousGenius of FAKE NEWS ...WHO ADMITS above his title is FAKE

........Writes this LYIN, oldeStereotypical FRAUD and LIE to ME.....?


".......Malcolm Little, aka Red, aka Satan was given the name Malcolm X when he joined the

Nation of Islam and later changed his name to El Hajj Malik El Shabazz after he broke from

Mr Muhammad's NOI. ....Powell is mentally unhinged. If it weren't so pathetic it would be funny......"

Tuesday, May 15th 2018 at 11:58PM
Junious Stanton


No where in the Belief of African Asian Monotheistic thought of the Creator of Adaam(as)

....is there a NOI

....is there an X

....is there a COLORED...'whiteBlackRedYellowOlive' people in Africa Asia


Pathetic, or JUST negroid STEREOTYPICAL is the Misconception of 'ColoredJuniors' FAKE news

.....BE A MAN.....Change your FAKE NEWS title.....

Or does your COLORED 'whiteMaster' not ALLOW your slaveIGNORANT arse to STOP LYIN.....

Wednesday, May 16th 2018 at 8:19AM
robert powell
Remember Robert: “I’m for truth, no matter who tells it. I’m for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” Malcolm X

Wednesday, May 16th 2018 at 8:45AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Only a moron would post such unintelligible gibberish. Powell obviously is not for truth and it is clear to everyone he is not concerned with facts or reality. Poor thing keeps digging himself into a deeper hole of ignorance and fanaticism, by now he has lost all credibility. No one cares about his inaccurate "religious philosophy" or his feeble attempts at proselytizing it. Here's an old axiom that best applies to a troll like Robert Powell, "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than open your mouth (or in Robert Powell's case scribble gibberish) and remove all doubt."
Wednesday, May 16th 2018 at 9:42AM
Junious Stanton
Brother Doctor Junious Ricardo Stanton, I could not put your last reply together, any better even if I had put my speech writers on it.

Wednesday, May 16th 2018 at 1:47PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

What Would Malcolm X Say About Fake News

Malcolm X aka Malik El Hajj El Shabazz


"..... We live in a time of universal deceit, massive falsification and lies are disseminated globally

by ....... media the likes never seen before by humanity...."


Your Title is FAKE NEWS at BIA; with a Preamble and membership agreement OATH

.....BIA, an African American Family site to SHATTER the stereotypical Misconceptions of the Past:

Yet the juniousGenius of FAKE NEWS ...WHO ADMITS above his title is FAKE....!!!!!!

...THEN, has the trump$ette LYIN, Disrespect of TRUTH and AlHaj AbdulMaleek asShabazz to ME...?


"......Only a moron would post such unintelligible gibberish. Powell obviously is not for truth...."

Wednesday, May 16th 2018 at 9:42AM
Junious Stanton


OK.....FAKE news LIAR.....

I am the MORON that PROVED that this Stanton blag is FAKE NEWS LYIN...and NONSENSE



AND to your RACIST....kingJamesAMEN 'COLORED blackHebrewIsraelite'

“......I’m for truth, no matter who tells it. I’m for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I’m a

human being....and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole

......Brother Doctor Junious Ricardo Stanton, I could not put your last reply together, any better

even if I had put my speech writers on it. .”

Wednesday, May 16th 2018 at 8:45AM
Deacon Ron Gray


FAKE NEWS 'blackRussianBOT's' "speech writers..."?

........yes....malcolmX also SAID:

1. the COLORED 'blackMan' is God

2. the COLORED 'whiteMan' was MADE from a cat/rat and a dog in Greece....

3. “The greatest miracle Christianity has achieved in America is that the black man in white

Christian hands has not grown violent.....

The miracle is that the white man’s puppet Negro ‘leaders’, his preachers and the educated

Negroes laden with degrees, and others who have been allowed to wax fat off their black

poor brothers, have been able to hold the black masses quiet until now.”


........yes....malcolmLittle said:

1. this DOPE in my veins is great

2. this CONK on my head makes me look like a white man

.......Stupid enough to stand there simply lost in admiration of my hair now looking “white,” reflected..

I vowed that I’d never again be without a conk.....

3. this 'white' woman I am in.... is heaven

4. I never had this done to me, out side of prison.....


BUT AlHaj AbdulMaleek AsShabazz SAID.....ONLY

....the 1400+ YEAR Scholarship of African Asian AlIslaam and the Sunnah of the African Asian Prophet of

Monotheistic Belief of the Creator of Adaam(as)Mohamed(saw)


Thursday, May 17th 2018 at 8:06AM
robert powell
Powell is so blinded by his fanaticism and dislike for me he once again demonstrates just how unhinged he is. If you go to the link in his last rant which was posted in 2012 you will see he refers to Malcolm X as El Hajj Malik El Shabazz and not the gibberish name Powell calls Malcolm now. Powell even admits Malcolm was a member of the Nation of Islam and cites what Malcolm believed when he was a member. All this contradicts the gibberish he has written in response to my post. Notice also that the 2012 post while it is short it is much more readable and saner than the garbage he writes now. So we can clearly see Powell is suffering a mental decline and he is a troll hell bent on distorting truth which is why people block him, delete his gibberish and view him unfavorably. Sadly Powell is so mentally disturbed he cannot see he is making an even greater fool of himself with each post.
Thursday, May 17th 2018 at 10:49AM
Junious Stanton

What Would Malcolm X Say About Fake News

Malcolm X aka Malik El Hajj El Shabazz



Your Title is FAKE NEWS....!

.......there was a RACIST named Malcolm Little who became a paganChristian Racist....malcolmX

.......there was a Believer of the African Asian Monotheistic Belief given to Adaam(as) by the Creator

of Mankind...Believer of AlQur'aan and the Sunnah of Mohamed(saw)..AlHaj AbdulMaleek AsShabazz


so the PROVEN Fake News of 2018--junior...OFF SUBECT author attacks me?

..."sign of Debate defeat is OFF SUBJECT"...Greatest USA Supreme Justice Thurgood Marshall


"....Powell is so blinded by his fanaticism and dislike for me he once again demonstrates just how
unhinged he is. If you go to the link in his last rant which was posted in 2012 you will see he refers to
Malcolm X as El Hajj Malik El Shabazz and not the gibberish name Powell calls Malcolm now.
Powell even admits Malcolm was a member of the Nation of Islam......All this contradicts the gibberish he
has written in response to my post. Notice also that the 2012 post while it is short it is much more readable
and saner than the garbage he writes now. So we can clearly see Powell is suffering a mental decline and he
is a troll hell bent on distorting truth which is why people block him, delete his gibberish and view him unfavorably.

Sadly Powell is so mentally disturbed...... fool of himself with each post..."

Thursday, May 17th 2018 at 10:49AM
Junious Stanton


BECAUSE I have PROVEN you a LIAR, A Misconception and a COWARD....Cannot admit your Wrong....

YOU COLORED writer.....disrespect me...with your RACIST NONSENSE

....JUST AS....Same thing

Same thing the COLORED 'whiteMan'-fbi and COLORED 'negroMan'-mlk of 1963 said about malcolmX

OK----you little monster under a bridge of euroPEON paganFables-troll

--- STILL malcolmX of 1963 would have thought YOUR WRITING subject is FAKE NEWS..........


Thursday, May 17th 2018 at 6:02PM
robert powell
Powell is condemned by his own words. I rest my case. It is obvious Robert Powell is mentally deranged which makes him being an Internet troll somewhat understandable.
Thursday, May 17th 2018 at 9:55PM
Junious Stanton

What Would Malcolm X Say About Fake News

Malcolm X aka Malik El Hajj El Shabazz



Your Title is FAKE NEWS....!

.......there was a RACIST named Malcolm Little who became a paganChristian Racist....malcolmX

.......there was a Believer of the African Asian Monotheistic Belief given to Adaam(as) by the Creator

of Mankind...Believer of AlQur'aan and the Sunnah of Mohamed(saw)..AlHaj AbdulMaleek AsShabazz


so the PROVEN Fake News of 2018--junior...OFF SUBECT author attacks me?

..."sign of Debate defeat is OFF SUBJECT"...Greatest USA Supreme Justice Thurgood Marshall


"....Powell is condemned by his own words. I rest my case. It is obvious Robert Powell is mentally

deranged which makes him being an Internet troll somewhat understandable....."
Thursday, May 17th 2018 at 9:55PM
Junious Stanton


The Author of this FAKE NEWS at BIA, an African American Family site CLAIMS; offSUBJECT that

I, Robert Powell, am "condemned, mentally deranged and a troll"....l


....All I have done here is PROVE that he is FAKE NEWS or just plain Deceptive of Truth .... A LIAR

....All I have done here is PROVE that Junior is Labeling a descendant of slaverAmericana ...

LIKE all oldeSlave RACIST COLORED 'whiteBlack' minds .... malcolmx


Not the DISTINGUISHED name AlHaj AbdulMaleek AsShabazz ...HE DIED FOR...that name....

.....STOP IT you Fake News.. Farcical ...Deranged; like all your COLORED 'whiteMindBrothers'


all Racistly Ignorant euroPEON CONDEMNED troll monsters under a bridge....under the TRUTH


1. "red malcolmLittle' was an Ignorant negro Criminal and heroin addict

2. malcolmX was a racistlyIgnorant follower of euroNONSENSE paganChristian 'tricknology'

3. AlHaj AbdulMaleek asShabazz was a BELIEVER of African Asian Monotheistic Creator of Adaam(as)

Sunday, May 20th 2018 at 9:36AM
robert powell
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