Africa You've Been Lied To!!! The Truth About Jesus, The Bible & Jews (3285 hits)
Africa You've Been Lied To!!! The Truth About Jesus, The Bible & Jews
Israel United in Christ is a Biblical Organization that teaches the Gospel of Repentance from Sin to Our People scattered around the world as a Result of Disobedience to God’s Commandments. When you consider the plight of our people, it is one of turmoil and trauma. Our People, the Israelites suffer from a wide range of issues from Self Hatred, and Domestic Violence, to Mass Incarceration and Economic Exploitation... However, The Bible has the Solution to Our People’s Problems.
Mr. Robert Powell, you know damn well what Jews that I am talking about, I never stopped talking about The Jews of The Holy Bible and NOT some jews of 12/20/23 I am talking about. Stop being that useful idiot Mr. Robert Powell because I believe you can think clearer than that.
Mr. Robert Powell, Let's talk about this subject, Africa You've Been Lied To!!! The Truth About Jesus, The Bible & Jews, Have you reviewed this link: yet?
deaCON and other selfProfessed negro people Like deaCON johnRidgeway or 'blackHebrewIsraelites for trump'...STOP IT
..Learn to READ other than english kingJames version(original SLAVER of AfricanAsians 1619)
youALL have NOT proven anything to me and other AfricanAmericans here - CAUSE no member BUT I respond to deaCON LIES-LYIN above...
..deaCON and deaCON John love these purple coat - robe wearing Racist upholders of COLORED'whiteSupremacy' LIKE above video and deaCON-deaCON john nonsense..
Me; I am NO believer in negros-COLORED'whiteBlack-Purple' that are stereotypically LAZY, not to LEARN AfricanAsian Scholarship, History and Science in Genesis language NOT slavery english Lingo
Where, WHAT and What Proof do youALL english only speakers/writers - write this negroid NONSENSE......
".....the Arabs built the ships that transport the children of Israel to the Americas? And based on scripture, Arabs are enemies of the children of Israel?.............
.....children of Israel are the so-called African Americans, Native Americans and Hispanics...."
Wednesday, April 8th 2020 at 10:53PM John Ridgeway
Wednesday, April 8th 2020 at 11:17PM Deacon Ron Gray
STOP these LIES, Arab Muslims, Yehuda and Christians fought euroPAGAN christian kingJames servants that enslaved African lost children on the beaches 1619---->
..jews in europe....( "jews" that euroHitlers cremated) PAID for the ENGLISH, FRENCH, SPANISH and Porturguese go to AfricaAsia and the Americas and got rich on Our Ancestors Lives..
STOP this collaborative 'blackHebrewIsraelite' COLORED'whiteSupremist' project; against the BIA membership ...
Mr. Robert Powell, did you see and review the full of information in this blogpost because it sounds like you don’t have a clue about this blog subject?
Don’t bring that Bull💩of yours to this site Mr. Robert Powell. If you have not seen the information of this blog or any of my blog, then stay off my blogs with your off topic response.
Clueless is a being that wants to understand AfricanAsian Monotheistic Belief of Adaam(as).. by using the kingJames Master slaver of 1619 as the source....
Clueless is a being that wants to understand AfricanAsian Monotheistic Belief of Adaam(as).. by KNOWING nothing about AfricanAsian Scholarship, History or Science...
..That clueless being is the deaCON of PASTING at this AfricanAmerican Family site...ONLY the racistlyIgnorant COLORED'white - thought/explanation/hisStory of COLORED'whiteSupremacy'
clueless is a dumbDowner that has to use Filth, Decadence and STANK like deaCON Bull💩....
The COLORED'whiteSupremist' gives deaCON Bull💩...2023; and backward to the slaverAmericana - 1619------> now ERA of MisEducation and filth, decadent, evil treatment to the African....
"..stay off my blogs.."
Thursday, December 21st 2023 at 4:17PM Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
ALL BIA, African American Family members, STAY OFF deaCON blags of racistlyIgnorant COLORED'whiteBlack-nonsense..'
ALL BIA, African American Family members, STAY OFF ... 100% of the dumbDowning deaCON Lead in PASTING things deaCON cannot ANSWER the simplest Questions
Africa You've Been Lied To!!! The Truth About Jesus, The Bible & Jews
The Bible has the Solution to Our People’s Problems.
Posted By: Dea. Ron Gray Sr. Tuesday, December 19th 2023 at 7:42PM You can also click here to view all posts by this author...
is deaCON and the author and mouth of this QANON style LYIN video...referring to 12/25/2023 Israelites, in the jewish State of Israel...?
Israel United For Christ claim African Israelites are under a curse by The Rabbi of Musa(as); the Creator of Adaam(as)
They believe it is because of breaking the law of Torah they were expelled from Palestine
..JUST like the 20th Century of latinoJesus..euroPEON jews/zionists, colonialists, apartheid stateOFisrael that have in the 21st Century of latinoJesus..laid out an extermination, a genocide
and mass murder of the Indeginous people of Palestine..Indeginous before euroColonialism and euroSettlement in 1947 ano domino...
Israel United For Christ cannot forcibly return to the land apart from the coming of the Messiah.
The stateOFisrael Hebrew Israelites and Israel United for Christ groups have the same dilemma....
They proclaimed they would be judged at Christ’s return. Thus, the deaCON video states they will remain enslaved in their ideology...for latinoJesus
This heinous and devilish video presentation seems TO ME...the result of their adopted COLORED'whiteSupremist' dogma given to the African at 1619-----> 21st century
dogma of latinoJesus of their english slave-masters who taught and gave the African slave the kingJames euroBible
..When the "bishop" nathanYEL..refers to Africa is he referring to the ENTIRE Continent of Africa?
Watched as much of the video, I could stomach...READ and RESEARCHED the negros..that deaCON negro PASTED aobut this QANON style, russianBOT style RACIST divisionist LYIN ..
..Is it at all possible that the deaCON can Answer Questions about deaCON publicStatements here at BIA, the AfricanAmerican Family Membership..EVER?
I understand NO MEMBER other than I or the selfProfessed COLORED'white-member' steve williams HAS EVER responded to FAKE, LYIN deaCON PASTED, no proof, no explanation BLAGS...
..BUT..After a DECADE and A Half can a russianBOT stop disrespecting the AfricanAmerican Membership of BIA..?
..Is deaCON/"bishop" nathanYEL 'bible'..a euroPEON addition of 'newTestament' to Torah..that NO BELIEVER of Torah in the judeoIslaamic world believes in...?
..Is deaCON/"bishop" nathanYEL 'bible'..a kingJames SLAVER 1619..SPLAINER of slaverAmericana, the Genocide/Rape/Enslavement of the indeginous Natives and the African?
Watched as much of the video, I could stomach...READ and RESEARCHED the negros..that deaCON negro PASTED aobut this QANON style, russianBOT style RACIST divisionist LYIN ..
latinojesus, bible(kingJames) english of oldie and nubby testament are europeon inventions..
..State of Israel Jew, Rabbi; believer of Abrahamic Creator of Adaam(as) believe that latinojesus, bible(kingJames 1619) english of oldie and nubby testament is LIE, and euroPEONS are LYIN
Yes the negro, deaCON selfProfessed negro and nathanYEL negros got kingJames-latinoJesus from the Master Slaver in COLONIAL america after 1619
..THAT is Truth of the judeoIslaamic AfricanAsian Belief given from Creator of Adaam(as)...based on AfricanAsian Monotheism, Scholarship, HIstory and Science
Tell me what the first 5 minutes of deaCON PASTED video is Truthful in AfricanAsian Monotheistic Belief...!
..One of my wives, ALL day, with children, sisters, aunts, uncles and friends talks and READS Semitic Language and believes LIKE I, in the AfricanAsian Monotheistic belief of Adaam(as)
2,000,000,000 plus judeoIslaamic Believers of Torah and the Scholarship, History, Science using Semitic AfricanAsian Languages for the past 2000 plus YEARS...
..Learn something someday OTHER than what a euroPEON COLORED'whiteSupremist' has put in the Mind of the 300Plus Year negro head.....
...AGAIN....I have for the past 50+YEARS been learning, speaking, understanding the Semitic AfricanAsian History, Scholarship and Science of Monotheism...
Yet the deaCON and NathanYEL spew some kingJames english nonsense taught to the negro..since 1619 by the englishSlavers...PLEASE
..What part of any of my statements on this page, in comment to a racistlyIgnorant content given to negro deaCON and NathanYEL is incorrect...?
deaCON and NathanYEL are looking for original semitic language understanding of 2000+ year History, Scholarship and Science of AfricaAsian Monotheism....
..Which of my comments is incorrect..?
AND as ALWAYS .. ..Learn something someday OTHER than what a euroPEON COLORED'whiteSupremist' has put in the Mind of the 300Plus Year negro head-like youALLs.....
So, Mr. Robert Powell, can you talk to the part of this video that you watched?
REMEMBER MR. ROBERT POWELL, I am NOT talking about 50+YEARS been learning, speaking, understanding the Semitic AfricanAsian History, Scholarship and Science of Monotheism...
I am talking about you watching this video. Mr. Robert Powell, can you talk to the part of this video that you watched?
deaCON, PASTER of racistlyIgnorant, blags..which deaCON has NOT researched or READ info on deaCON..SUBJECT matter for 15+ years
deaCON, PASTER of racistlyIgnorant, blags has NEVER used ONE EXAMPLE of Scholarship, History, or Science from deaCON has READ or linked to AfricanAsian Scholarship at deaCON RACIST PASTES
deaCON PASTER of racistlyIgnorant, blags that deaCON references ONLY olde English slaver parodies from masterSlaver 1619 kingJames of England...
..Which of my comments about deaCON and NathanYEL blag SUBJECT, is incorrect..?
AND as ALWAYS .. ..Learn something someday OTHER than what a euroPEON COLORED'whiteSupremist' has put in the Mind of the 300Plus Year negro head-like youALLs.....
Can you talk to the subject to this blog Mr. Robert Powell? If so, focus your attention on the subject and nothing else, do you understand that, Mr. Robert Powell?
..LYIN about The Truth About Jesus, The Bible & Jews
THAT deaCON SUBJECT I have commented UPON...but the "once upon a time"..deaCON NathanYEL LYIN hisSTORY is incorrect with understanding; Jesus, The Bible & Jews
Because you are on a platform that can expand the perimeter of exploration. You have the ability to share your thoughts, here on this platform.
Mr. Robert Powell this is a platform you can use to promote the truth about our people. Please add to Black In America with positive topics of interest you believe that will be beneficial to our people to education about the world we live in, can you add positive blogs to this post, Mr. Robert Powell?
Let us grow this website up with positive images about the Black community, can you do that Mr. Robert Powell?
"..There is not a black America and a white America and Latino America and Asian America; there's the United States of America…We worship an awesome God.."
AND to this Statement BIA, AfricanAmerican Families...must stomach the chiCAGO sayings of a selfProfessed PASTER of COLORED'whiteBlack-Colorism racist Nonsense'
" online community for African American men, women, and families, and want to shatter negative stereotypes and misconceptions.
This platform stimulates positive ideas, dialogue and solutions. This site is not affiliated with CNN, but does compliment their "Black In America" .."
THAT preamble and My Membership Agreement; which I agreed before the Election of the Great President Baraaka Hussein Obama
..I agreed with the Administrators of BIA, and African American Family site that I would HELP to shatter old stereotypes and misconceptions of the Pre President B. Hussein Obama; USA ERA...
PASTING olde racistlyIgnorant thought of COLORED'whiteSupremist' COLORIZATION of the world into divisive Groups WAS for me, SHATTER #1
..I am, NOR have I EVER believed that the Family of Adaam(as) of the AfricanAsian Monotheistic belief of AfricaAsian COLORED'whiteBlackRedYellowOlive or Orange'
..I have READ History..LIKE all Sons/Daughters of Adaam(as); KNOW that the paganEuropeon, christianWitchBurners, enslavers, genociders, colonialists of kingJames gave WORLD racistThought...
I am not COLORED'black'..If I saw you in person I would call a man a man...NOT A COLORED...
..THAT is POSITIVE, THAT is the tool to destroy the Legacy of slaverAmericana, COLORED'whiteSupremist'..rape/torture/murder and MisEDUCATION of the African slave..and ALL Citizens...
Let us GROW this Nation in 2024 AWAY from the COLORED'whiteRacist' thoughts/actions and promises of the trump$$ette COLORED'whiteNationalist' thought...
..LEARN and VOTE and REGISTER all if deaCON is an American Citizen Voter...
any deaCON NathanYEL faceBOOK, twitter non BIA commentators
..ALSO VOTE, REGISTER and SUPPORT candidates in 2024 AGAINST racistIgnorance of deaCON COLORED'whiteBlack-etal' and Envision the CHANGE of Our common American Future....
Because you are on a platform that can expand the perimeter of exploration. You have the ability to share your thoughts, here on this platform.
Mr. Robert Powell this is a platform you can use to promote the truth about our people. Please add to Black In America with positive topics of interest you believe that will be beneficial to our people to education about the world we live in, can you add positive blogs to this post, Mr. Robert Powell?
Let us grow this website up with positive images about the Black community, can you do that Mr. Robert Powell?
Thursday, January 4th 2024 at 12:12PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
"..expand the perimeter of exploration..."
Thursday, January 4th 2024 at 12:12PM Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Yes, YES and ALWAYS do I, Robert Powell EXPAND the entire disrespectful PERIMETER of the AfricanAsian Monotheistic belief of Adaam(as)
..deaCON and NathanielYEL use the PERIMITER of COLORED'whiteSUpremist' thought at this AfricanAmerican Family site....
STOP deaCON-NathanielYEL negative euroPEON classification of the Family of Adaam(as)
...The sons/daughters of Adaam(as) do NOT and SHOULD never classify their existance with COLORED'paganWhiteBlackRedYellow and Olive' racist NONSENSE...
SKIN COLOR cannot think or REASON....!
..racistInstigators ... like deaCON-NathanielYEL and russianBOTS....LEARN something SOMEDAY....
Again Mr./ Robert Powell, Can you talk to this subject?
YOUR WORDS: Yes, YES and ALWAYS do I, Robert Powell EXPAND the entire disrespectful PERIMETER of the AfricanAsian Monotheistic belief of Adaam(as)
Mr. Robert Powell, "EXPAND the entire disrespectful PERIMETER of the AfricanAsian Monotheistic belief of Adaam(as) is NOT the subject here. Because everyone who read this post can see for themselves that you are OFF BASE with your last statement.
WOW...deaCON racistIgnorance is supreme at BIA, this African American Family site....
"..EXPAND the entire disrespectful PERIMETER of the AfricanAsian Monotheistic belief of Adaam(as) is NOT the subject here. Because everyone who read this post can see for themselves that you are OFF BASE with your last statement...."
Monday, January 8th 2024 at 5:47PM Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Mr. Robert Powell, I see that you want to put a color to my religion, can you tell me any apostles that followed Jesus Christ was white, Mr. Robert Powell?
deaCON SELF PROFESSED to being a "blackHebrewIsraelite" and a negro...
..I put NO COLORED'whiteBlackRedYellow-Olive' COLOR on NONE of the Family of Adaam(as)
The COLORED'whiteSupremist' euroPAGAN witchBurning euro-christian Genociders, slavers and colonialists PUT COLORS on Created Men/Women all over the WORLD..
..Try to learn something, someday, about the History, Scholarship and Science of the AfricanAsian Monotheistic Belief of the Creator of Adaam(as)
I 'am asking you about the History, Scholarship and Science of the AfricanAsian Monotheistic Belief of the Creator of Adaam(as), Was the apostles that followed Jesus Christ was white, Mr. Robert Powell? What do you believe first off.
For me a Believer of the History, Scholarship and Science of the AfricanAsian Monotheistic Belief of the Creator of Adaam(as)
..THE euroPagan latinoJesus, euroChristian-nuevoTestimonio is the LIE, LIED to the World by the RACISTLY IGNORANT genesis of COLORED'whiteSupremacy'
..THERE was NOTHING of significance in the latinoJesus....with RESPECT to the Torah, the AfricanAsian Laws of Musa(as)
deaCON english and the definitions of kingJames(1619 Master Slaver of the ancestors of the AfricanAmericans 2024) english...ARE NOT or have they ever been the Truth of Palestine-0-ano domini.
deaCON english was TAUGHT to deaCON African slave ancestors BY the witchBurning, raping, torturing, murdering COLORED'whiteSupremist' slaveMasters....
deaCON english hisSTORY is the LIE of AfricanAsian Monotheism used by the latinoGreek pagans of euroLAND...
..deaCON believes the LIE, and seems like the enabler of the racistlyIgnorant witchBurning, raping, torturing, murdering COLORED'whiteSupremist' slaveMasters....
In The Bible I read is talking about the region on which The Holy Bible was written in and the land and the people of the Holy Bible was black and people of color. Now, am I right or not?
"..Was the apostles that followed Jesus Christ was white, Mr. Robert Powell? What do you believe first off..."
Monday, January 22nd 2024 at 3:13PM Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
"..In The Bible I read is talking about the region on which The Holy Bible was written in and the land and the people of the Holy Bible was black and people of color. Now, am I right or not?.."
Monday, January 22nd 2024 at 8:16PM Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
For me a Believer of the History, Scholarship and Science of the AfricanAsian Monotheistic Belief of the Creator of Adaam(as)
..THE euroPagan latinoJesus, euroChristian-nuevoTestimonio is the LIE, LIED to the World by the RACISTLY IGNORANT genesis of COLORED'whiteSupremacy'
..THERE was NOTHING of significance in the latinoJesus....with RESPECT to the Torah, the AfricanAsian Laws of Musa(as)
deaCON english and the definitions of kingJames(1619 Master Slaver of the ancestors of the AfricanAmericans 2024) english...ARE NOT or have they ever been the Truth of Palestine-0-ano domini.
deaCON english was TAUGHT to deaCON African slave ancestors BY the witchBurning, raping, torturing, murdering COLORED'whiteSupremist' slaveMasters....
deaCON english hisSTORY is the LIE of AfricanAsian Monotheism used by the latinoGreek pagans of euroLAND...
..deaCON believes the LIE, and seems like the enabler of the racistlyIgnorant witchBurning, raping, torturing, murdering COLORED'whiteSupremist' slaveMasters....
deaCON, russians and other COLORED'whiteSupremist-thinkers' can ONLY use their racistlyIgnorant explain anything
..Universally PROVEN FACTS of AfricanAsian Scholarship and Science
1. Torah, atTawraat or the Laws of Musa(as) were WRITTEN on STONE, greatFoundation, in AfricaAsia east RED SEA, around the Area of Palestine/The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
2. the latinoGreek euroVERSION of "nuevoTestimonio" was written in paganGreece
3. this "newTestament' of slaverKingJames WAS/IS NEVER acknowledged by the judeoIslaamic AfricanAsian believers of Musa(as) and Adaam(as)
4. racistCOLORISM of the Creation Adaam(as) is a PRODUCT that came from the Colonialist of Palestine 0 ano domini, latinPagan Romans...
NO, NO and noNO deaCON; racistlyIgnorant COLORED'whiteSupremist' COLORING of the Family Of Adaam(as) is WRONG
..that euroPEON paganChristian COLORED-whiteBlackRedYellow is and ALWAYS has been WRONG and INCORRECT for the Family of Adaam(as) - the Creation of the Human Being...
..COLORED'whiteBlackREdYellow' people is paganEuropean christianBorn Slaver, Genocider, Colonialist racistlyIgnorant, realityIgnorant divisionist tactic used 1619----->2024
..COLORED'whiteBlackREdYellow' people is a evangelical puritan 1622 term USED by thieves that burnedWomen and Men as Witches and Warlocks...Racist NONSENSE
As I am a believer of the AfricanAsian Scholarship, Science and History of the Creator of Adaam(as)
...I do NOT, have NOT and will NEVER selfIdentify me or you as a COLORED-white/black/REd OR yellow...(will also never use deaCON term to me yellow mellow, high yellow)
1st-FIRST 30 Second spot of "30 Minute deaCON-nateCON" LIE starts OFF...
..nateCON the negro says..."If you understand the term "ish" suffix .. it means "like".. so jewISH means LIKE a jew"
That ish suffix is in the kingJames masterSLAVER - ENGLISH language.. NOT the AfricanAsian Monotheistic Language of Hebrew/Aramaic or Arabic...
..The COLORED'selfProfessed white-bibleSplainer and Slaver of COLORED'blackSlave' is the LIE and this anti-AfricanAsian LIED or JUST plain racistlyIgnorantized the SLAVER made 'black'
Monotheistic Belief of the African Asian "jew" or believer in the Creator of Adaam(as) has been deaCONized to the racistlyIgnorant belief ....
1st-FIRST 30 Second spot of "30 Minute deaCON-nateCON" LIE starts OFF...
..nateCON the negro says..."If you understand the term "ish" suffix .. it means "like".. so jewISH means LIKE a jew"
That ish suffix is in the kingJames masterSLAVER - ENGLISH language.. NOT the AfricanAsian Monotheistic Language of Hebrew/Aramaic or Arabic...
..The COLORED'selfProfessed white-bibleSplainer and Slaver of COLORED'blackSlave' is the LIE and this anti-AfricanAsian LIED or JUST plain racistlyIgnorantized the SLAVER made 'black'
Monotheistic Belief of the African Asian "jew" or believer in the Creator of Adaam(as) has been deaCONized to the racistlyIgnorant belief ....
Thursday, February 1st 2024 at 10:39AM robert powell | delete
..STOP deaCON racistlyIgnorant enabler of COLORED"whiteSupremist-thought-ideology and the book of MASTER SLAVER KING james...1619 englishAmerican King..."
1. Those that served paganPharoah and the 'son of paganPharoah'
2. Those that traveled with the Annointed Prophet of the Creator of Adaam(as) - Musa(as); away from paganPharoah
3. Those that after seeing and witnessing and benefiting from the Miracle of the Creator-the Red Sea opening and then swallowing up the monster paganPharoah...
4. Those that after seeing and witnessing and benefiting from the Miracle of the Creator..worshipped a manMade golden calf in the deserts of AfricanAsian Arabia?
Yes, deaCON..the SUBJECT at HAND is the SUBJECT of this blag....deaCON is just not able to READ/Comprehend the english I have written on this page...
ANSWER, ONCE, once in deaCON AfricanAmerican Family site....
"biblical jews"
1. Those that served paganPharoah and the 'son of paganPharoah'
2. Those that traveled with the Annointed Prophet of the Creator of Adaam(as) - Musa(as); away from paganPharoah
3. Those that after seeing and witnessing and benefiting from the Miracle of the Creator-the Red Sea opening and then swallowing up the monster paganPharoah...
4. Those that after seeing and witnessing and benefiting from the Miracle of the Creator..worshipped a manMade golden calf in the deserts of AfricanAsian Arabia?
..nuevoTestimonio..newTestament completed by euroPEONS in paganGreece...AND
Approved for euroChristianity in ROME-europe the EUROPEAN paganROMAN emperor in 4th Century is and has NEVER, NEVER EVER been acknowledged by Rabbi of AfricanAsian Torah/Judaic Scholarship of MUSA(as)
NO, NONE nada, no AfricanAsian Monotheistic judeoIslaamic Scholarship, History or Science VERIFIES that Constantine book..euroPEON commonly called kingJames VERSION
..euroPEONS named peter, paul and some other euroPEONS
WROTE the nuevoTestimonio anoDomini(AD)- newTestament and then had paganRoman Emperor Constantine I 300+ anoDomini approved the order for kingJames(masterSLAVER-1619) version
..EVERYONE in the World since then has known this History, Scholarship and Science...and kingJamesSlaver LIARS to africanAmerican slaves ... LIED
Ask deaCON Rabbi, Torah Scholar or any AfricanAsian Monotheistic believer of the Creator of Adaam(as) OR 'jew Family' of three generations if there were deaCON "..12 disciples.."?
Ask deaCON Rabbi, Torah Scholar or any AfricanAsian Monotheistic believer of the Creator of Adaam(as) OR 'jew Family' of three generations what is a/the deaCON "..12 disciples.."?
..disciples of what?
..disciples for what?
What are deaCON "12 disciples" names...?
..deaCON...STOP the LIE, given to the world by euroPEON slavery/genocide and Colonization of Africa Asia and America......
I, Robert Powell, All Rabbi of judeoIslaamic AfricanAsian Monotheistic believers in the Family of Adaam(as), all Hindu, Chinese, etal..OVER 6 BILLION humanBeings
....DO NOT believe anything of deaCON "12 disciples of What?
1st-FIRST 30 Second spot of "30 Minute deaCON-nateCON" LIE starts OFF...
..nateCON the negro says..."If you understand the term "ish" suffix .. it means "like".. so jewISH means LIKE a jew"
That ish suffix is in the kingJames masterSLAVER - ENGLISH language.. NOT the AfricanAsian Monotheistic Language of Hebrew/Aramaic or Arabic...
..The COLORED'selfProfessed white-bibleSplainer and Slaver of COLORED'blackSlave' is the LIE and this anti-AfricanAsian LIED or JUST plain racistlyIgnorantized the SLAVER made 'black'
Monotheistic Belief of the African Asian "jew" or believer in the Creator of Adaam(as) has been deaCONized to the racistlyIgnorant belief ....
Thursday, February 1st 2024 at 10:39AM robert powell | delete
Ask deaCON Rabbi, Torah Scholar or any AfricanAsian Monotheistic believer of the Creator of Adaam(as) OR 'jew Family' of three generations if there were deaCON "..12 disciples.."?
Ask deaCON Rabbi, Torah Scholar or any AfricanAsian Monotheistic believer of the Creator of Adaam(as) OR 'jew Family' of three generations what is a/the deaCON "..12 disciples.."?
..disciples of what?
..disciples for what?
What are deaCON "12 disciples" names...?
..deaCON...STOP the LIE, given to the world by euroPEON slavery/genocide and Colonization of Africa Asia and America......
I, Robert Powell, All Rabbi of judeoIslaamic AfricanAsian Monotheistic believers in the Family of Adaam(as), all Hindu, Chinese, etal..OVER 6 BILLION humanBeings
....DO NOT believe anything of deaCON "12 disciples of What?
STOP LYIN, AND answer a QUESTION once in deaCON CON BIA, African American Family membership decades...!
..STOP deaCON - nateCON - racistlyIgnorant enablers of COLORED"whiteSupremist-LYIN-ideology and the book of MASTER SLAVER KING james...1619 englishAmerican King..."
..deaCON CON nateCON cannot answered questions because they ALWAYS are LYIN, racistlyIgnorant servants of euroPEON witchBurning kingJames Slaver thumpers...
..those that CANNOT answer are LYIN or just racistlyIgnorant to Truth of AfricanAsian Monotheism....
AGAIN...The first 30 seconds of that LYIN video is racist NONSENSE...
1st-FIRST 30 Second spot of "30 Minute deaCON-nateCON" LIE starts OFF...
..nateCON the negro says..."If you understand the term "ish" suffix .. it means "like".. so jewISH means LIKE a jew"
That ish suffix is in the kingJames masterSLAVER - ENGLISH language.. NOT the AfricanAsian Monotheistic Language of Hebrew/Aramaic or Arabic...
..The COLORED'selfProfessed white-bibleSplainer and Slaver of COLORED'blackSlave' is the LIE and this anti-AfricanAsian LIED or JUST plain racistlyIgnorantized the SLAVER made 'black'
Monotheistic Belief of the African Asian "jew" or believer in the Creator of Adaam(as) has been deaCONized to the racistlyIgnorant belief ....
Thursday, February 1st 2024 at 10:39AM robert powell | delete
You know, now that I gave your response some thought, you are right, you continue to talk at the side of your neck and not making any sense to me or anyone else, WOW!!!
I make sense to Science, Scholarship and History of African Asian Monotheism begun with the Creator of Adaam(as)
I make sense to judeoIslaamic Science, Scholarship and History of Torah and the belief of Most of the the Languages of Torah AfricanAsian Monotheism
I make sense to Rabi and Rabbi ....
..and as always;
1. the slaveNegros of kingJames 1619 - LIKE deaCON and nate cannot read, have never stereotypically developed Monotheistic Intelligence from Rabbis - " not making any sense to me "
2. the slavery, ISH of english"COLOREDwhiteChristian' racists that taught Slaves of Americas from 1619-2024 LIKE deaCON-nate apers of englishSlave Masters - " not making any sense to me "
3. Someday, sometime visit a scholar, teacher, professor, Rabbi of AfricanAsian Monotheism and LEARN something, sometime
4. STOP someday this stereotypical COLORED'whiteSupremist-christian' NONSENSE given to the made 'blackSlave-christians' VS ALL THE KNOWLEDGE avaliable on Internet
5. STOP being negro LAZY, STOP your youth from being LAZY and unScholastic and being apeISH followeres of NONSENSE...of the COLORED'whiteSupremist-evangelicals'
You need to wake up and look 👀 around the world you live in Robert and you too can see the point of this blog post. Sorry you are that kind of person WOW!!!
Yes, I am the kind of PERSON, the Human Being that NEVER needed the slaveMaster's idea of AfricanAsian Monotheism from the Creator of Adaam(as)
Yes, I am the kind of PERSON, the Human Being that has researched, studied and followed in the AfricanAsian Languages of Monotheism - Hebrew/Aramaic/Arabic for nearly 60 YEARS..
Yes, I have been awoke from englishSLAVER kingJamesChristianity of 1619...COLORED'whiteSupremist': since Our Father Elijah Muhammad declared the negro is dead since 1930...
Yes, I have been awoke from the UnTruth and Evil of COLORED'whiteSupremist' christianThought: since Our Father Elijah Muhammad declared "can the devil fool the Muslim?..No not nowadays(1930--->)
As Always, it makes sense , in 2024 to VOTE for the CHANGE of the Great usaPresident Baraka Hussein Obama and a Future of Intelligent thought...and the American nonCOLORED'whiteMind' Future...
..Learn something, someday negro that you may be able to teach your Original Youth.,...
deaCON OPINION is a COLORED'black' by COLORED'whiteSupremist-living' THANG
..I could care less about deaCON... "..Then why don’t you act like it, Robert?.."
deaCON asks AfricanAmerican Families to follow nate and - nate's ... "..Africa You've Been Lied To!!! The Truth About Jesus, The Bible & Jews.."
THE vast MAJORITY of Residents of the Continent; from Atlantic to Indian Oceans, Mediterranean to Antarctic Ocean do not hang on to english-Latino roman-jesus....!
..nuevoTestimonio..newTestament completed by euroPEONS in paganGreece...AND
Approved for euroChristianity in ROME-europe the EUROPEAN paganROMAN emperor in 4th Century is and has NEVER, NEVER EVER been acknowledged by Rabbi of AfricanAsian Torah/Judaic Scholarship of MUSA(as)
NO, NONE nada, no AfricanAsian Monotheistic judeoIslaamic Scholarship, History or Science VERIFIES that Constantine book..euroPEON commonly called kingJames VERSION
..There is no such thing in judeoIslamic AfricanAsian monotheistic belief called a "bible"