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Founder: Reginald Culpepper
Members: 4
Category: Business & Finance
Founded: March 7th, 2012
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Instant Money Network- Instant Rewards
This group is for anyone that needs and wants to make money NOW!!! Several weeks ago I started recieving emails into my inbox from a guy that I was trying to ignore. It was about working from home. Every day I got an email and I finally slowed down and said now this person is consantly waving his hands let me see what's wrong. The header said Make $500-1000 this week and get paid daily. Now thats about he braket that I want and need as far as extra money is concerned. I went to the site and watched the video and signed up cause they said I could make all this money if I just did a free offer from Netflix or something. So I di one free offer and got confirmed was told you have met the offer requirements and. Wanted to know if they were lieing really. So I posted my own ad on an employment site got 500 hits to my ad said the same thing he dis in his email and set up my pay pal like they said. The very next day I made of $180.00 and did not know what I was doing. Tell me most of the degreed people here what is your salary is it $200.00 daily. If its not you really better try this and do a free offer cause Im tellimng you it is paying like a slor machine. We have Black Einstiens out there and larry Beacham is one of them. I have to tell you because many of you need it and dont know where to look and your scratching your head for a job. Waiting for the check to come in on the first. Cant get the kid's christmas presents and have teenager's using the computers at 16 needing new shoes and we cant afford them . That 16 year old can do this they say and it cost about a dollar and me doing their free offer to join. I hope you get this message. take it and run with it and Its a blessing cause if you join this this week you can have an extra grand on hand. And your your own boss. Some of us sit at these computer day in day out and dont make em make money to pay for them selves. The said all the real people are gonna be working from home one day and this is one of those job 's that people dont need to miss cause its paying like you are a doctor or something daily. This is no timeto look the other way !! somebody that you know with a computer a phone and the internet needs this. somebody has a family member with a criminal history tht cant find work to save his life but he know' how to do everything on the computer. And family is taking care of him or her.Well you need to go grab them and put them into this right away so they can start helping out . It works cause they can get in to it and do the free offer with a debit card they got at prepaid debit card dealer but it must have a dollar or at most two on it. For the free offer. They really dont want your money. Http://instantmoneynetwork.com/payingcashdaily
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