Bloggers, Voters, Citizens Keeping 'Em Honest - 866-576-BUZZ - your comments right to air across the country and beyond.
Blog Breaking (Atlanta) -- It’s going to be the most watched election from around the world and we’re keeping ‘em honest. Bloggers have set the news rooms on fire in 2008 and it doesn’t stop with the election. Election night we’re keeping ‘em honest, connecting voters across the country as the results come in. Join DryerBuzz & Company LIVE 7PM to 11PM for immediate results. However, throughout the day and night, follow the Buzz with partner podcast. Bookmark this page for links to our partners and get the buzz while its buzzing from the source - YOU!!
Follow the Buzz: If you are a blogger or podcaster with a show scheduled for November 4th, please share your link so we can update the listener links. Spread the Buzz - Keep 'Em Honest
Posted By: yalanda
Saturday, November 1st 2008 at 11:49AM
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