this question I'll bet not many can answer and most of those whom try will more than likely just cut and paste something someone else said instead of doing some deep down soul searching.
I often share with people who come in my path that our generation has been giving a advantage unlike so many of our relatives who had their history told to them by the same people who stole them from their country....
I'm no scholar, but I do have the common sense that "Yah" has giving every man that he might know the truth!
Many people look down upon the information that is being presented to them just because its source is some internet site.... which leads me to my point...
Years ago before there was an internet, our Race was being taught to us by people who never wanted us to know where we really came from.....sad thing is some knew but were to afraid to speak out and bring the darkness to light.
Not I!
Posted By: Jimmy Plymouth
Sunday, November 2nd 2008 at 7:25PM
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