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It is a Brand New World! Change Has Finally Come! (3926 hits)

I just want to take a moment to voice my feelings at this time before I head off to my meeting. My heart is truly overwhelmed with much joy and pride during this historical event!!

I felt the spirit of God move all through this Presidential Campaign and more so last night, November 4, 2008! This is the most astonishing historical event ever. We have Come a Long Way Baby! This is our opportunity to implement change for the better people! PLEASE DO NOT WASTE ANY MOMENT OF IT!!

President Elect, Barack Obama has boldly, strategically and confidently moved this nation to mobility. We have so much to be proud of and to look forward to. There is a lot of work ahead of him, no doubt about that. However, WE CAN help! We can continue the momentum past the election. We CANNOT afford to stop now! Not only does President Elect Barack Obama have a massive responsibility to this nation, SO DO WE!!!

We can begin by rolling up our sleeves and becoming more involved in our communities, more involved with OUR government. Making our voices heard without fear. Encourage one another to seize the opportunity to impact the lives of the people and our America in a positive way. It is truly time to act for the American People! Bring everything home where it belongs! We must buy American...We must create American…We must live American! We are not a divided nation, we are the United Nation!

During President Elect Barack Obama’s acceptance speech, I watched the faces of America…Black, White, Hispanic, Asian and was so touched to see the twinkle in the eyes and the unmistakable hope emanating from the faces of EVERYONE, standing together hanging on every word of our new President. Everything felt so new and surreal. I cried tears of JOY!!

It is official; WE ARE FREE AT LAST, WE ARE FREE AT LAST!! Change has finally come! Martin Luther King, Jr. is smiling upon the nation right now…I Know He Is!!

Continue to make your voices heard…For it truly does count!

Peace and Blessings America!!!


Imagination is the only key to the future. Without it none exists - with it all things are possible.
--Ida Tarbell
Posted By: This is Bren
Wednesday, November 5th 2008 at 8:55AM
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