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Funny, I thought beyonce was the one who would be abused by Jay Z (see picture for incident ). So it was quite a shock that little sweetheart Chris Brown had such a problem and that he would hurt another sweetheart like Rhianna. Well, he finally released a statement to the press: "Words cannot begin to express how sorry and saddened I am over what transpired. I am seeking the counseling of my pastor, my mother and other loved ones and I am committed, with God's help, to emerging a better person. Much of what has been speculated or reported on blogs and/or reported in the media is wrong. While I would like to be able to talk about this more, until the legal issues are resolved, this is all I can say except that I have not written any messages or made any posts to Facebook, on blogs or any place else. Those posts or writings under my name are frauds." What do you think about Chris Brown's half-hearted mea culpa?
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Sunday, February 15th 2009 at 4:14PM
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What I am looking at is disgraceful, even more so that other men are standing around watching him violate a woman and doing nothing to come to her rescue. There is no excuse.
Sunday, February 15th 2009 at 5:08PM
Juanita Parker
I refuse to be judgmental. There are two sides to very story. I like Chris and hope things turn out for the best for him. I'll keep him in prayer.
Sunday, February 15th 2009 at 6:11PM
Kenya Wilson
I tell you I've never been a fan o Jay-Z and I don't think I ever will. Maybe Beyonce knows something we don't. He may treat her with love and respect but to ever put your hands on a woman it just WRONG and he needs his butt whipped talking about another man walking DEAD ...........PLEASE Jay-Z practice what you PREACH!
Sunday, February 15th 2009 at 9:42PM
Nickie Thomas
I can't amagine what was said to cause such a thing to happen, maybe the full report of the matter will surface.
Sunday, February 15th 2009 at 11:22PM
Helen Lofton
Just an example of why violence against women is not taking seriously. The way those males stood around and not intervene to stop this or even say something to him about his behavior is a disgrace. As if it is acceptable to treat a woman that way, that seems to be the theme that continues to permeate and has for so many years. At one time it was actually ok for a husband to hit his wife and it was nothing that she could do about it. Sadly enough this is what happens when situations like this occur, people stand around and look, they don't come to the rescue of the woman. Some will even say they don't want to get involved, but have plenty to say about how messed up that such and such happened. Amazingly enough some males have the audacity to wonder why some women are just sick and tired of them. If he is to be the protector and provider, to name a few, of the woman then who is going to protect us from them? It is as if they have this, she belongs to me mental like woman are their property to do whatever they want and a woman is suppose to just be quiet and take it. I think not.
Monday, February 16th 2009 at 9:57PM
Marquerite Burgess
We all make mistakes no matter who we are, but the thing is we have to learn how to rise above our mistakes, and the first key to that is to realize our wrong, and admitt it, and ask the Lord to help us where we fail to help ourselves, so I pray this bring him closer to Jesus, and getting his life in order as well as having money, because money does'nt buy who we are, or either get us in heaven.
Tuesday, February 17th 2009 at 2:27AM
rita caston
I am all for the idea that the some media personalities should not be role models. However, they must understand that when you are a celebrity of JayZ's caliber, you are in fact a picture to millions of young men of how to treat, other young men, young women, and themselves. I am appalled at this clip. How sad that someone who claims to be so manly, and intelligent, a virtual genius at his craft would do something so dispicable. God forbid my sons or daughter would see this. What so you say? Oh son, dont ever do that, he's not a man. But guess what? all the kids see is $$$, bling and noteriety. What looks more appealing, the life style of these lost souls,or that of a struggling 9-5 working family? Obama in the White house should be a call to all Black men to step up and claim your rightful place as the head of your households and destiny's and to act accordingly!
Thursday, February 19th 2009 at 1:00AM
Carrie Hardin
These BOY'S are out of control. I grew up in Marcy since the late 60's and Jz wasn't all that. He's my younger brother's age, don't get me wrong his music is good but theses boys have a lot to learn. and that looked like a little girl.
Tuesday, March 24th 2009 at 10:49PM
Audrey Pearson Shabazz
All I have to say is I am so thankful that Chris Brown is not wearing one of those GIANT jewel crosses to shoe how GINUINE his being sorry and has become a person who has turned his life over to GOD. Been there seen this too many times, I believe the last Black male star was Kobe Bryant???? There have been so much of this it is very easy to keep up with these "I am sorry .."
Thursday, April 10th 2014 at 6:47PM
so sorry, E I just took another look at the vedio...is that a CROSS. It is very hard to get it pinned down as it moves ? Please tell me that is not a cross, PLEASE. E.
Thursday, April 10th 2014 at 6:47PM
Looking at this video again these men look like they are maybe his body guards, huh? And, was anyone sued if for nothing else but to bring media attention to this matter,because it seems that everyone sues everyone in this day and age..just wondering...I am going to side with the female in any form of abuse by a male, but the one abused must make the first move in getting justice for their selves.
Thursday, April 10th 2014 at 6:47PM
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