At this point in our parental lives; we should be able to recognize that the children of this world need love. Not only do they need our love, but they need our guidance, they need our examples, they need our failures and our successes. We can go on for days just talking about what the children of today need from us, but one thing that I feel they need, and so many of us have yet to realize is; parental teamwork. I touch briefly on this topic in my book; but I felt it deserved more now.
I watch television, and I see it, I go shopping in the mall, and I see it. I can go grocery shopping, I can go the park, and quite frankly I can go to church and still see it. Now you might be asking yourself, what exactly is this man seeing? I'm talking about this baby-mama, baby-daddy drama. In the midst of all this bickering, it seems that we have totally forgotten about the children. To so many today, the children are only seen as chess pieces if you will; in a game that will never decide a victor. Why haven't we realized that the only way to claim a true check-mate; is to play this game as a team?
Kobe Bryant did not win the championship last year without the rest of his team. It took four other guys on the court and others on the bench awaiting their turn to contribute in some fashion. But when it comes to parenting; some of us tend to forget about that other teammate of ours. I don't know if it's because we fill they are not capable of providing the ample amount of help needed or simply that we just do not want their help. But whatever it is we feel; let's just make sure that we are not letting our personal emotions towards someone interrupt what is due our children.
I cannot tell you what is going on in your certain situation, so if I do offend anyone; please forgive me. I am just so tired of our young people losing their lives because of who they affiliate with, or because of where they live or what clothes they have on, or just simply because someone they came across was in a bad mood. We have to invite that village raising back into our society.
I can remember be younger, and was scared to do things I knew to be wrong all because of who my parents knew. And whenever I slipped up and did something anyway; my parents were well aware of it before I walked through the door and lied about it. And don't get me wrong; I am not saying that this would erase all the problems that we face in today's society, but it won't hurt either. We are slowly losing our young people on a daily basis, and just sitting idly by waiting for our governmental representatives to figure out a solution will only make the matters worse.
It is time for us to stand up and take a stand. Parents, step-parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, guardians, friends, and even church members. We are being called to take up our arms and join in the fight to save our young people. We are being called to work as a team to insure that all our young people can know that a bright future is possible. I am calling all of you right now. Who will be bold enough to stand with me right now?
Will you join my team?
Posted By: Bryan Patton
Sunday, November 15th 2009 at 12:36AM
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