Adaam(as) and Howaah are the father and mother..............
The Creator made Adaam(as) from the dust, mud, clay, water and gel of earth.
Using 'black/white', to describe the Family of Adaam, is a racialist, racist and divisively evil.
Skin color cannot think or reason!
Clintons, George Bush, Me, You, SteveAdam, Rush, Beck, Siebra, Earl, Harry, JuaJingTao, Mr. Mann, Angela Merkel, The Queen of England, Bishop Tutu, the Pope, Mozell, and our Leader President Baraka Hussein Obama etal, etc. are human sons and daughters of Adaam(as) and Howaah , brothers, cousins---related---we become unrelated if we eat the Apple that Evil of Racism that masters gave to eve.
Posted By: robert powell
Tuesday, November 11th 2014 at 7:36PM
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