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~"In Light of Cush/Kush the Dark" Part 2~ (24990 hits)


This 30 page article has proven to be much too long for a one page posting. The only solution to getting you this information is to post in parts. Apologies for any inconveniences. The beautiful fascinating photos and artifacts are not able to be displyed on this platform. However, you may see them here: https://boulwareenterprises.wordpress.com/2015/03/24/in-light-of-cushkush-the-dark/

Thank You,

'G.' (a.k.a., Dr. Gregory V. Boulware)

Part 2 of...

"In Light of Cush/Kush the Dark"

~'The Cu****es Who Overthrew Ancient Egyptians'~


Gregory V. Boulware



... Amenhotep, like Solomon, was relentless in his pursuit of women for his harem, especially beautiful foreign women of both royal and common backgrounds alike (Redford, Akhenaten the Heretic King, 37). Amenhotep's harem included two princesses from Babylon, two princesses from Syria, two princesses from Mitanni, and like Solomon's harem, it included a princess from each of the seven nations listed in 1 Kings 11:1 (Osman, House of the Messiah, p. 204). As the mightiest king of the Middle East, Amenhotep did not send any of his own daughters to other kings in exchange, nor did any other Pharaoh of this dynasty (or likely any other throughout Egypt's history). He specifically denied a request by the king of Babylon for an Egyptian wife. Importantly, the Bible emphasizes Solomon's Egyptian bride, but does not mention that Solomon had any Hebrew wives.

The court of Amenhotep III was an extremely liberal one, and reflected every possible excess of an affluent and secure kingdom. erot*cism in art and court life reached its height during the reign of Amenhotep. The famous "**** dancing girls" mural dates to Amenhotep's reign. As with Solomon, Amenhotep denied himself nothing "his eyes desired" and "refused his heart no pleasure" (Ecclesiastes 2:10).

However, the last years of Amenhotep's thirty-eight year reign were not pleasant ones. The long years of indulgence had taken their toll and he had many ailments. As a compassionate gesture, his Mitanni brother-in-law sent him an idol of the goddess Ishtar (i.e., Asherah) (1 Kings 11:5).

The "inescapable conclusion" is that the story of Solomon was patterned specifically after the life of Amenhotep III (Osman, House of the Messiah, p. 223) .The name Solomon itself, which literally means "peace" or "safety" points to Amenhotep III whose long and pervasive reign in the 14th Century B.C. did not include any major military campaigns, but was characterized by unprecedented stability throughout the Near East (Ibid. p. 202).

After the Egyptian 18th Dynasty, the region between the two great rivers was not controlled by a single power again until the Assyrian empire of Ashurbanipal (the grandson of Sennacherib) who invaded Egypt and pillaged Thebes in the 7th Century B.C., and the 6th Century B.C. empire of Cyrus, who also conquered Egypt and made it a Persian province (Redford, Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times, p. 364; Osman, House of the Messiah, p. 88.) There is no evidence of any empire at any time controlling this region whose capital was Jerusalem (Ibid.).

Solomon is said to have had "a thousand and four hundred" chariots (1 Kings 1:26). This represents a prodigious army by ancient standards, and one which could only have been amassed over a long period of time by an established civilization. Yet we are told that only five years after the great King Solomon's death, the Egyptian Pharaoh Shishak and his allies invaded Judah and captured its fortified cities with little or no military resistance (2 Chron. 12). The Bible adds that Jerusalem itself was spared only after delivering up the entirety of King Solomon's accumulated wealth to Shishak. The rapidness with which Solomon's empire was established, as described by the Bible, and the ease with which it shortly thereafter submitted to a foreign power is also not consistent with the pattern set by other great ancient civilizations.

“The identities of Amenhotep III and King Solomon have been contrasted and the puzzle pieces sorted out and compared and to any "thinking believer" it should be obvious that the depiction of King Solomon is but a cover for Amenhotep III. Let us not forget that the "seed" of the promise to Sarah and Abraham has returned to Egypt through Joseph and with Divine providence we have Joseph marrying Tuya, the daughter of the priest of Heliopolis, and from their union we get Tiye, his daughter, who marries Amenhotep III (1405-1367 B.C.E.) who had earlier married Sitamum, his sister, in order to inherit the throne, as was Egyptian custom. It is here the "Hebrew Bloodline" enters Egyptian Royalty with the offspring of Amenhotep III and Tiye (daughter of Joseph) and the promise to Sarah and Abraham is almost fulfilled for in the child of Amenhotep III, the Biblical Moses, Amenhotep IV, otherwise known as the Biblical Moses, will Egypt experience a religious revolution that will impact the whole world. But it is such a world that this Moses, half-blooded heir to the throne of Egypt, will be thrown and we pick up the story next with the "seed of the promise"; none other than Akhenaten.

Origins of Hamites from Babylon to Timbuktu- Rudolph Windsor.”

Page 54-55

~David Johnson Sr.~

“Can we put any credence in Hebrew records that record the enthnology and migrations of the ancestors of the so-called Africans? I think so, because Abraham came from the district of Babylon, which was the cradle of civilization. Abraham had the oral traditions transmitted from Noah and Shem. Abraham rendered obeisance to the one true God; therefore his descendants were able to transmit a long uninterrupted religion, history, culture, and language. No other nation in the Ancient Near East can boast or claim as much. Even as great as Egypt (Mizraim) was, her ancient religion and language are now extinct.”

The Hamites began to arrive in Africa from the Middle East between 5000 and 3500 B.C. These Hamites were (according to the Hebrews):

Mizraim (Egypt), Phut (Somaliland and westward) and Cush (Ethiopia). The Hamitic Canaanite-Phoenicians did not colonize North Africa until the ninth century B.C., when they established the city of Carthage at Tunis.

The Egyptians (Mizraim) and their descendents are Ludim, Anamim, Lehabim, Naphtuhim, Pathrusim, Casluhim, Philistim, and the Caphtorim. The Naphtuhim settled in the Nile delta and the Pathrusim in the city of Pathros in Upper Egypt (Mizraim). Anaamim and Casluhim also settled in various sections of Egypt. But Lehabim and Ludim occupied the territory west of Egypt now called Libya and on westward. Caphtorim occupied the island Crete in the Mediterranean Sea, and occupied the island of Crete in the Mediterranean Sea, and Philistim eventually inhabited the lower coast of Palestine.

When the Israelites under Joshua Ben Nun invaded the land of Canaan, many of the Hamitic-Canaanite tribes migrated to North Africa. The Cu****es inhabited East Africa along the coast and parts of the interior. More Ethiopians and Black Semites crossed the Red Sea from the southern tip of Arabia and traveled into the interior of Africa. The entire continent of Africa was populated from the north and the east.

“Dr. Rudolph R. Windsor, a so-called Black American settled in Philadelphia where he attended Community College, studying Psychology and Political Science. He continued his educational pursuits at Gratz College majoring in Hebrew/Aramaic Studies, Temple University where he majored in Middle Eastern Studies, and the University of Metaphysics where he received his PhD in metaphysical philosophy.”

~Saint Jake~


"The Eye of Cain"


The 25th Dynasty: “Rise of the Black Pharaohs”

These were the mysterious Black Pharaohs of what is today Sudan — the Nubian kings — whose reign has become legendary among Africans and written off as heresy by early archaeologists who refused to believe that dark skinned Africans could have risen so high.

But now, in the heart of Sudan, exciting new archaeological finds are revealing the truth about the great Kush dynasty. A sacred mountain holds the key to the Kush kings’ spiritual claim on the Egyptian throne; stunning statues are providing details about the true color of their skin and their long and prosperous reign; and a long-hidden tomb complex is shedding light on the trappings of their royalty and the extent of their empire.

Archeologists Geoff Emberling and Tim Kendell are at the heart of the Ku****e revival. Emberling is digging his way into a royal pyramid/tomb at a site called El Kurru that he hopes will contain the bones of a Ku****e king and the treasure he took with him into the afterlife. He’s following in the footsteps of famous archeologist George Reisner, who excavated most of the other major Ku****e sites, but could never get past his racial myopia and accept that these dark-sinned African people had built such an advanced and powerful society. Fortunately, more enlightened archeologists are finally separating myth from fact and revealing the Ku****es for who they really were.

Not far from El Kurru, archaeologist Tim Kendell has his sights set on a loftier prize. At a mountain called Jebel Barkal, he believes he’s found the key to the rise of the Kush — the underpinning for their belief that they were the true heirs to the spiritual traditions of the great pharaohs like Ramses II and Thutmose III. Both the Egyptians and the Ku****es believed Jebel Barkal was home to Amun — Egypt’s supreme god-of-gods. So when the Ku****es rose up, they believed they were doing so to put Egypt back on the right religious path — chosen as the true leaders born in the shadow of Amun’s mountain.

In an effort to decipher the Ku****e’s story, Kendell sends professional climbers to the mountain’s spire, to photograph and analyze an ancient inscription commissioned by one of the great Ku****e kings. Amid the evidence of a gold-encrusted mountaintop billboard, can the elusive inscription bring the truth to light?

Emberling, Kendell and others are turning legend into fact — at long last overturning racist misconceptions and giving the Black Kings the exposure and respect they deserve as one of the great civilizations of the ancient world.

Rise of the Black Pharaohs was produced by National Geographic Television for PBS.

25th Dynasty, Ancient Egypt (ca. 746 BC to 653 BC) - See more at: http://www.blackpast.org/gah/25th-dynasty-ancient-egypt-ca-746-bc-653-bc#sthash.2rtr6HBI.dpuf


The 25th Dynasty refers to the Kings of Kush (which included Nubia) who ruled all or part of Egypt from around 746 to 653 BC. This period parallels the Egyptian Third Intermediate Period (1070-653 BC). The Ku****e kings of this period considered themselves the bodily sons of the god Amun; they sought to reunite the ancient original domain of Amun, with Egypt and Nubia as the northern and southern halves.


The Third Intermediate Period of Egyptian history represented a fragmentation of central authority in Egypt. Regional chieftains and elites vied for power.  Ultimately, Lower Egypt had a kingship in place, but priests of Amun ruled the larger Upper Egypt from Thebes.  The Ku****e kings in their capital at Napata struck out on military campaigns throughout Egypt to end the civil unrest and political instability.


The Kush King Piankye (or Piankhi), also known as Piye or Piya ruling from 743 to 712 BC, conquered and ruled Upper Egypt and Nubia from Napata and Thebes. One monument associated with his rule depicts the god Amun handing king Piye the crowns of Egypt and Kush.  Piye proclaimed himself king of Egypt and "of all lands" on Stelae erected in the ‘Temple of Amun of Gebel Barkal.’  Piye’s reign emphasized a revival of the culture of the New Kingdom, a period around 1200 BC. State artisans were encouraged to study masterworks of the New Kingdoms; similarly, the monarchy resurrected the pyramid as a royal tomb type and poured funds and labor into extensive renovations of ancient temples throughout the empire.


Piye’s successor, his brother Shabaqo (or Shabaka, ca. 712-702 BC), moved the royal residence to Memphis in Upper Egypt. Continuing the tradition of his brother, Shabaqo promoted the culture of ancient Egypt by commissioning the reproduction of religious texts of earlier periods.  Later monarchs include Shebitqo (ca. 702-690 BC) and Taharqa (690-664 BC); the reign of Taharqa was the most glorious of the dynasty with military victories expanding Nubian rule to Libya and Phoenicia.  Taharqa however could not turn back the invading Assyrian military forces in Egypt, and he ultimately retreated to Napata.


The 25th Dynasty ruled for almost a century and provided Egypt with a revival of its intellectual and artistic roots.  This appreciation for the New Kingdom culture also translated into the art and religion of Nubia and Kush.



"Alara is the name that is first known to us. He is first mentioned on the Stela of Queen Tabiry who was the daughter of Kasaqa and wife of Piye (Piankhi). He is also considered as the founder of the dynasty and brother of Taharqa's grandmother on a Kawa IV stela. It is apparent that Alara was the brother of Kashta wo succeeded him (c760)." p126


"Alara rose from the prince of Kurru to king and it was fitting for his successors to be known as the Kingdom of Kush. He was buried in 747 BC at Kurru in a pyramid tomb." p126


"Kashta was affirmed by the priests of Amun when he arrived in Thebes....To the Egyptian priests threatened as they were from the north and long accustomed to rely on Nubian troops for their protection, the rise of a new and effective commander may well have appeared as a deliverance.They hastened to recognise him and to claim his protection. Kashta's assumption of power at Thebes set the stage for a brief, meteoric appearance of Kush as a world power." p127


He was the first of the dynasty to reside at Napata permanently.


There were likely other "Black" Kings of Egypt before this...just not specifically a Nubian Dynasty before this period. For example, during the 2nd Intermediate Period there was a king in Lower Egypt named Nehesy, which literally means "The Nubian." There were also undoubtedly many kings who possessed Nubian blood due to regional admixture.


The only foreign takeover native Egyptians would be in a good position to offer an explanation for would be in the case of the Hyksos. The reason is because Egypt never really recovered from foreign domination from the 3rd Intermediate Period on (except for a brief resurgence during the 26th Dynasty). There was a long succession of foreign rulers -- Libyans, Nubians, Assyrians (effectively), Persians, Greeks & Romans. By the time 500 or 1000 years passed, the exact details were probably lost in the confusion and folks who might have offered an explanation probably didn't really know what they were talking about (i.e. Manetho).


In the case of the Hyksos, the native pharaohs of the ensuing New Kingdom preferred not to talk about it for the most part. However, there are some potential clues. For example, the Pharaoh credited with finally expelling the Hyksos and founding the New Kingdom is Ahmose. He erected the ‘Tempest Stela’ which potentially refers to the Hyksos. It describes a time when Egypt was overcome by "water" (potentially, the Hyksos) and he essentially "paid" the water to leave before restoring the land to its former glory. Kamose (predecessor of Ahmose) likewise erected a couple of ‘stelae’ describing events of the period. We also have a few other documents such as the Speos Artemidos inscription of Hatshepsut and papyrus Sallier I, which both contain definite references to the Hyksos. Although, they were written sometime after the fact. There is also a biographical inscription in the tomb of a soldier/sailor named Ahmose, son of Ebana which contains details about the war against the Hyksos.


Something else you may find interesting are texts that potentially speak to the rise and fall of native dynasties (e.g. Book of the Heavenly Cow, Westcar Papyrus).


The foreigners typically tied themselves to the Egyptian religion whenever they set up shop. Obviously, they brought customs and technology with them but they channeled it through the native culture to maintain their control. In the case of the Hyksos, they probably introduced the horse and chariot as well as the compound bow, which all became pivotal during the later New Kingdom.


'Egyptians are a branch of the Niolitic cattle pastoralist culture of the once fertile Sahara. As such they have deep ties from Ethiopia to Chad so a "black pharaoh" wasn't the least bit remarkable. It’s worth remembering the Neolithization of the Nile Valley came via Nubia. It’s possible the first kings to unite Egypt were Nubians. Ta-Seti was a much older kingdom than Egypt and Egyptians themselves referred to all of Upper Egypt as Ta-Seti (Land of the Bow). Piye and the Ku****e dynasty weren't unique. The 12th, 18th and 19th dynasties had similarly pronounced affinities with Ta-Seti. But it didn't take some obvious relationship with the south for there to be so-called black pharaohs, as evidenced by royalty of the 4th and 5th dynasties.'




Necia Desiree Harkless has completed her odyssey of 24 years initiated by a poem that emerged in the odd moments of early morning and her studies as a Donovan Scholar at the University of Kentucky with Dr. William Y. Adams, the leading Nubiologist of the world. The awesome result is her attempt to map the cultural, social, political history of Nubia "as a single people as actors on the world stage as they act out their destinies in the cradle of civilization". The underlying purpose of her book "is to reconstruct the collective efforts of the past and present Nubian campaigns and their collaborative scholarship so that the African American as well as all Americans can begin to understand the contributions of the civilization of Africa and Asia as a continuous historical entity". 


The history of the Kingdom of Kush begins with its earliest kingdom of Kerma in 2500 BC. It continues with the conquest of Egypt by the Nubian Pharaohs in 750 BC, reluctantly recognized as the Twenty-fifth Dynasty of Egyptian Pharaohs. They ruled as black pharaohs from their Kingdom at Napatan until they were forced one hundred years later to retreat to Napata by the Assyrians who assumed control of the Egyptians. It was at Meroe, the last empire of the Kush, that forty generations of Meroitic kings and queens continued the Kingdom of Kush reaching monumental and dynastic heights. Their symbiotic relationship with Egypt was over, allowing them to develop their own indigenous culture with a language and script of their own. Their architecture, arts, politics, material and spiritual culture in the minds of many scholars surpassed that of Egypt. Over two hundred pyramids have been investigated. It is an epic that will be long remembered. The dawn of Christianity in the Kingdom of Kush has been found in the treasure cove of the Frescoes of Faras.


Nubia took this updated knowledge in the new kingdom period, but it became more widespread in the 8th century, B.C. and in the 7th cen. B.C. Iron was made but not used and bronze was still mainly used. SOME NEW forms of art and a new script was created and some new ideas as well, but Nubia became greater than Egypt for that time period. I think the 25TH DYNASTY or the Napatan period at least was on the level of Egypt's greatest period. Some have said that the old kingdom was really greater than the new kingdom and scholars have said it was the other way around.


But when the Meroitic period came in Nubian morals were a little bit higher than Egypt of any period because of the greater respect for women, less crime, a more developed government etc. steel was first used in the first cen. A.D. and iron became even more widespread, so technology was more advanced than Egypt and the central water systems as well.


Armies were more better developed, the better use of the sail, a water clock, sun-clock, and an independent advancement in science, medicine, math, technology, writing , art, fashion, engineering, building, the water wheel and other things I have not mention here. From the book destruction of Black civilization-the Africans met the challenge by constructing a national system of reservoirs, new forms of architectural art that found expression in their beautiful statues, temples, palaces, columns, pyramids and other great buildings. In another study, a scholar said, “most folks could read in Nubia. In the book the destruction of Black civilization, chancellor Williams, a great African Scholar, said the reservoirs were more significant than the monuments important as these were in hiding the black man's intellectual achievements in the invention of writing deep under the sands and Mr. Williams rates the reservoirs as the supreme achievement because he said they reflect the real measure of African man as he met the challenge to survival head-on, with a constructive counter-attack against the adverse forces of earth, sun, and sky. The irrigation system, made reasonably effective with their oxen-powered wheels, was a part of this challenge to adverse circumstances.


There was an educational advancement as well, and more needs to be learned about during this great period in African history. That is why Nubian and African scholars have said that the Meriotic period in Nubia is greater than any period in Egypt's History.


Christian Nubia was more advanced than the Meroitic and richer but had less independent achievements. Their Morals were more developed, government as well and a greater use of steel to protect the kingdoms from outsiders and widespread building and new greater buildings as well, and new art.


A new Nubian script was created, using Greek with some Meriotic letters but it was in Nubian, and other scripts were used as well. It was a richer region than in the past and more folks could read and write and the standard of living was higher, and there were drainage and central water systems, Public latrines, and more developed math, science, medicine, widespread use of steel and terrace farming that was irrigated by water wheels constructed for high places, wide avenues lined with palm trees, public baths, countless craft industries, huge farms with extensive pastures where camels, horses, oxen, cows, sheep, goats and pigs could be seen grazing lazily, magnificent stone and brick palaces, temples, churches, cathedrals, government buildings and the massive brickmaking industry had led to homes of brick and stone in cities, towns, and villages-brick houses, and larger houses for the great common people. There were some OTHER things as well.


Note-Nubian steel was developed earlier, but became a bit more developed and widespread in the in the first century A.D. and later ancient times and became even more widespread in the middle ages.


The land of Nubia was located in what is now Sudan and lower Egypt. Home to what is considered to be the earliest African culture, Nubia waves of Central African inhabitants managed to transform a land notorious for its high temperatures and infrequent rainfall into a series of kingdoms that influenced occasionally conquered and inevitably outlasted their more famous Egyptian neighbours. Nubian achievements include the world’s first Archaeoastronomy devices, conceived approximately a millennium before Stonehenge. African Historian Chancellor William makes this clear too.


The prosperity the Arab visitors reported - the magnificent stone and brick palaces, temples, churches, cathedrals, wide avenues lined with palm trees, government buildings, public baths, water supply systems, beautiful gardens, countless craft industries, huge farms with extensive pastures where camels, horses, oxen, cows, sheep, goats, pigs, could be seen lazily grazing in peace and tranquility. It was indeed one of the finest hours on the stage of human progress.


The accounts were written by Arab Scholar Abu Salah, Ibn Salim and other scholar between the seventh and fifteenth centuries A.D. - the Arab scholars were so properly amazed at a way of way life so superior to that of their own homeland. For there were not only public baths, but public latrines, drainage and central water systems, but the most remarkable evidence of prosperity and progress reflected in the advanced standard of living among the masses.


The massive brickmaking industry had led to homes of brick and stone in cities, towns, and villages-brick houses, and larger houses for the great common people.


In the eight century this was something for visiting Arab scholars to write home about.


The prosperity in this center of the Black World represented one of the last epochs in this history of the Blacks. It was also one of their finest hours on the stage of human progress. Here the measure of a people's genius could be taken without speculation. Here the message of who Blacks were wrought in stone and iron for the succeeding generations of Blacks who were to lose their very identity in the blood and tears of unbroken oppression.



Til Next Time…



Acknowledgments, Sources, and References:

* Speiser, and Herget; Ancient Mesopotamia: A Light That Did Not Fail; National Geographic, January, 1951.

** See also Eze. 27:20-24.

** Gesenius, William; trans Robinson, Edw. Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament; Houghton, Mifflin, Boston, 1882. Page 455

*** See Herodotus, Book 7:70

Saint Jake, ‘BIA,’ Thursday, June 16th 2011

* See Strabo, Geography: Book I: 2; 20-26 for a discussion (circa 40 B.C.) of the distribution of Ethiopians to the most remote extremes of the known world, i.e., south of Egypt and the farthest east. That those of Africa and Asia were physically similar see Geo. Book II: 3; 8.

** A reference to Ethiopians of India as early as 800 to 1200 BC is found in the third paragraph of Homer's Odyssey, Book I. Homer records the location of the Ethiopians as also divided in two parts at the extremes of the civilized world.. He says: "Now Neptune had gone off to the Ethiopians, who are at the world's end, and lie in two halves, the one looking West and the other East."

*** Herodotus; op. cit.

Saint Jake, ‘Black In America,’ Thursday, June 16th 2011

Saint Jake, Wednesday, ‘Black In America,’ October 27th 2010

Cynthia Merrill Artis, ‘Black In America,’ Wednesday, October 27th 2010

Christine Govenor, ‘Black In America,’ Wednesday, October 27th 2010

David Johnson Sr., ‘Black In America,’ Wednesday, October 27th 2010



“Ancient Nubia,” The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, December 2, 2009; http://oi.uchicago.edu/museum/nubia/; Charles Bonnet and Dominique Valbelle, The Nubian Pharaohs: Black kings on the Nile (Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 2006); “History of Nubia,” Nubia Museum, 2 December 2009; http://www.numibia.net/nubia/history.htm


"CHOSEN BY GOD – The Great Black Pharaohs of the 25th Dynasty!"



The 25th DYNASTY or the Napatan period was a period more advanced/developed then Egypt of the past and Meroe was more advanced and developed then the Napatan period. Meroe is called an African Athens or Alexandria or an AFRICAN Athens/Alexandria by modern AFRICAN AND NUBIAN scholars.



"The Pyramid Texts are a collection of ancient Egyptian religious texts from the time of the Old Kingdom. The Pyramid texts are the OLDEST KNOWN RELIGIOUS TEXTS in the world."

Richard H. Wilkinson, The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt, Thames and Hudson, New York, 2003, p 6


Kemezis, Kathleen, University of Washington, Seattle




These figurines represent Pharaoh Taharqa and Queen Amenirdis I.


Amazon.co.uk: Necia Desiree Harkless: Books - Egypt's 25th dynasty - the black pharaohs





“One of Many Great African Kings!”



...In Continuance;

"The Illusion of Inclusion!"
Hollywood's Lil Joke - Good vs. Evil, the Lost Tribes
The Moors and Truth - 1787 a Truce
Black to White
When Nimrod Ruled
Judah in the Land of Ham
Esau, Shem, and Ham
Was King James of England and Scotland Black or White?
~You Tube Videos and Stories~
'Who Really Are The Hebrews?'
Who Are The Real Hebrews?



Posted By: Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.
Tuesday, March 24th 2015 at 10:59AM
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