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Steve W It Has Been Two Days Since You Have Not Logged Into BIA ?? (2635 hits)

I find it very strange that you have not logged into the site however you made a comment yesterday on 2/10/16.

I would like for you to explain (OTHER THEN) that you kept your computer idle for a few days or logged in via another channel of Connect Platform.

In the past I heard these excuses however when I challenged Harry W to respond you felt it was important that you respond before him/strange ?????

Steve W: Bia Profile Log-In:

Steve Williams from Coatesville, PA
Click here to meet Steve Williams...
Profession: None
College: Other College...
Major: Linguistics
Class: 1979
Joined: 07/19/2009 Last Visit: 02/09/2016
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Siebra Muhammad just commented on a Blog entitled 'Flint Weighs Scope of Harm to Children Caused by Lead in Water '.
02/10/2016 at 09:25:PM

02/10/2016 at 09:22:PM

Steve Williams just commented on a Blog entitled 'Sanders defeats Clinton in decisive New Hampshire primary victory'.
02/10/2016 at 09:19:PM

02/10/2016 at 09:16:PM

David Johnson just posted a Blog entitled 'Time for the Nile valley scholars,,SCHOLARSHIP PRESENTATION !'.
02/10/2016 at 08:45:PM

Steve Williams just commented on a Blog entitled 'First Read: Nightmares Come True for Clinton, GOP Establishment'.
02/10/2016 at 08:29:PM

Posted By: Yaiqab Saint
Thursday, February 11th 2016 at 3:25PM
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Okay it's been verified that your last log-in on the other two sister Connect Platform sites as follows: HBCU and Black History.com was 2/9/16.

So what's up ????
Thursday, February 11th 2016 at 3:58PM
Yaiqab Saint
Thursday, February 11th 2016 at 4:21PM
Steve Williams
Oops I forgot to mention that Black Women Connect has verified you logged in prior to approximately 4:00 pm today was 2/9/16.

Thursday, February 11th 2016 at 5:11PM
Yaiqab Saint
Proof just in case you try to use deception of my inquiry.

Commentary Page:
All Member Updates (Page 1)

Yaiqab Saint just commented on a Blog entitled 'Steve W It Has Been Two Days Since You Have Not Logged Into BIA ??'.
02/11/2016 at 05:11:PM

Siebra Muhammad just posted a Blog entitled 'BLACK HISTORY MOMENT: REMEMBERING WHITNEY HOUSTON'.
02/11/2016 at 05:00:PM

02/11/2016 at 04:47:PM

Steve Williams just commented on a Blog entitled 'Steve W It Has Been Two Days Since You Have Not Logged Into BIA ??'.
02/11/2016 at 04:21:PM

Thursday, February 11th 2016 at 5:15PM
Yaiqab Saint
How are you doing in the market this year?
Thursday, February 11th 2016 at 5:17PM
Steve Williams
Apparently I rest my case on this issue and the BIA members that are not asleep suspected "FRAUD" your intuition was RIGHT. If IT looks and smells like a RAT, IT IS A RAT.

Harry has abstained from any explanation and has not posted for three days since my challenge to him?? Despite logging in over the last three days?????????????

When has any member on BIA witness him hiding from a simple inquiry request????
Thursday, February 11th 2016 at 7:31PM
Yaiqab Saint
Two days huh??? That's unusual for the so-called prophet to ignore our blogs. But you know one of the members at the South Carolina mosque read Harry's posts, and threatened to beat the **** outta him if he continues to post blogs disrespecting Elijah Muhammad and the Nation Of Islam. Maybe that's why he can only log in and peek, but not post????

While we await Harry's response, I just have one quick question, is there any salary or money earned from checking the daily sign in rostrums? Seriously though, I'm looking for some ways to earn extra money to supplement the income from my current job this year...
Friday, February 12th 2016 at 2:49PM
Siebra Muhammad
@ Siebra: Actually the point is either Steve W or Harry W are one in the same people.
Harry response has been made, he stated it does not know why it happen !

On my latest blog which you can view on my profile not the general log.

Now you have been on this site longer than me and you have seen several fraudulent characters come and go.

Remember when I exposed Steve Williams with Adam Fate and his deism quest????

Do you think he is going to come out a second time openly and admit that I exposed him twice?????

The themes are the same (RELIGION) and it's all based on causing confusion with members.

It's a atheist in belief that causes this division and actively creates characters that oppose any nationalistic movements among our people whether Christian, Hebrew, Islamic.

We all know who is the Atheist on this channel.

I'm not sure about the salary however it's not necessary because the software through plug-ins has help the management with security. Reggie would not admit this however it is logical and factual by design.

Remember how Steve went on LINKEDIN to expose that Egyptologist women from Boston. When he made that move I knew he was the culprit behind most of the fraudulent characters on this site.
Friday, February 12th 2016 at 3:54PM
Yaiqab Saint
When you have your Prayer meeting I suggest don't let Steve Williams be a part of it!

If Irma brought him in perhaps some of your personal secrets were exposed to him????
Friday, February 12th 2016 at 3:55PM
Yaiqab Saint
What I think Jake is you are bored and lonely, losing your shirt in the market, out of a job and your wife has put you in the doghouse again.
Saturday, February 13th 2016 at 1:31AM
Steve Williams

Steve W It Has Been Two Days Since You Have Not Logged Into BIA ??


Facebook loggers do it......or steveSiebraDJ--she/he/its......


I want to know why in 2016....a blogger can write this TRASH..thinking people are as IGNORANT as she/he/it..?

"...disrespecting Elijah Muhammad and the Nation Of Islam. Maybe that's why he can only log in .... but not post?.."

Friday, February 12th 2016 at 2:49PM
Siebra Muhammad


SiebraWriter.. BIA life

... is DISRESPECTING the Family of elijahMuhammad, AlQur'aan and Sunnah of Mohamed(as)

1. this Monster of Ignorance is a 35year old nonMarried ....? ..... 'blackMoslum'
2. BIA biggest Blocker/Deleter of African Asian Islaamic History, Scholarship and Science
3. A COWARD at BIA, that ENABLES 'whiteSupremist' Racist belief

Forget ABOUT the puppeteer BIA 'whiteBlackMan' steveAdam

.....its character...... siebra"blackie" writes as a redNeckFBIA, gayITE or both..............

Saturday, February 13th 2016 at 1:45PM
robert powell
You know what I find interesting? When I'm replying to a blog post and getting my thoughts and ideas out about the main topic (not even talking about or thinking about Robert Powell's functionally illiterate ass) that's when Robert Powell wants to direct all of the focus on me and my BIA life and how I block/delete him from my blogs. When Robert, in reality, is the most shameful of all the BIA site members, given his age and the fact that he claims to be "a member of the family of Elijah Muhammad."

Robert disrespects the site members of BIA and calls them derogatory names, writes like a 9 year old who never learned the importance of leaving spacing between nouns and adjectives, complains like a woman going through menopause whenever someone blocks, deletes, or disagrees with him, and keep trying to buy your way into my blogs like a silly spoiled nagging little child who keeps begging mommy for a new toy even though mommy keeps saying “NO”.

Robert has also been exposed for being a wife abuser, a philanderer, and a child molester who had s*x with his own daughters. Robert's treatment of his wives and daughters makes the Bill Cosby scandal look like Angel Food Cake.

Robert is not the type of man the family of Elijah Muhammad produces...he's nothing more than one of those pagan Christians that he teaches so hard against...
Saturday, February 13th 2016 at 5:41PM
Siebra Muhammad
And for your information, I'm not a gayite, I am a heteros*xual woman, I have all the reproductive organs of a woman, I am reminded of it once a month...
Saturday, February 13th 2016 at 6:31PM
Siebra Muhammad

Steve W It Has Been Two Days Since You Have Not Logged Into BIA ??


....... the LYING siebraDJ....steveAdamPuppet....not real



".....................Prophet Muhammad owned slaves................................when Robert Powell wants to direct all of the focus on me and my BIA life and how I block/delete him from my blogs........Robert has also been exposed for being a wife abuser, a philanderer, and a child molester who had s*x with his own daughters......."

Saturday, February 13th 2016 at 5:41PM
Siebra Muhammad


She has ACCUSED EITHER..........

1. Nabi Allaah Mohamed(saw)


2. our Father(Elijah).....May Allaah have Mercy on Him......of americanSlavery

3. OR ......could JUST be she/he/its siebraMuhammad Family......

what she says of me, robertPowell is INSIGNIFICANT ghettoGay LYING

.....her LYING misconception of Mohamed(saw) can be summed up by her Deleting at BIA..... AlQur'aan


Sûrat AlHijr

(The Rocky Track - Solid Track) XV

Bismillaah irRahmaan ir Raheem

1. Alif-Lâm-Râ.

2. Those who disbelieved will greatly wish that they had submitted themselves to Allâah’s Will of Monotheism
This will be on the Day of Resurrection when they will see the disbelievers going to Hell and Believers going to Paradise.

3. Leave them to eat and enjoy Dunyaah,(Life of Disbelief of Monotheism)

Let them be preoccupied with hope.
They will come to know!

6. They say:

Mohamed, to who AdDhikr(AlQur’âan) has been sent down!

Truly, you are an incorrect man!

Sunday, February 14th 2016 at 8:49AM
robert powell
Hay Robert, what do you think of Jake's fiction?
Sunday, February 14th 2016 at 10:01AM
Steve Williams
@ Siebra

You see the dynamic duel with Khazer Jewish names are trying to create division as I stated earlier.

Once you get busted the next step is plausible denial !

Notice Steve or Harry have not explained why this technical issue OCCURRED ?????

Steve W is careless and he knows by now that I don't play !

Just keep doing you and be confident in your abilities.

I warned the SISTERS along time ago about Steve W the Edomite deceiver, his BS don't work on me. Because I know that EDOMITES are fully program able........... There actions and reactions are predictable !
Sunday, February 14th 2016 at 11:26AM
Yaiqab Saint

No amount of childish ass name calling and verses from the Holy Qur'an is gonna change the fact that you are a stupid person, nor is it going to make me feel sorry for you. You think you're so wise and intelligent, when really all you're do on this site is take our words out of context, and draw ass backwards conclusions based on your deliberate misinterpretation and misunderstanding and everybody (at least The Wise Ones anyway) can see it. Then when we correct you, rather than admit your analysis is wrong so as not to appear more foolish in front of everybody, you continue to slander, tell lies and spread misinformation about us just to appear righteous to the reading audience. Your talk sounds just like the foolishness I used to hear in the junior and senior high public schools I graduated from.

I never accused Elijah Muhammad of American slavery, I accused the Sunni Muslims of slavery. Learn how to read, dumb ass! You want to question my s*xuality, because I'm a single woman who's never been married and has never bore any children? And even if I've never been married before, so the hell what? At least I'm not having babies out of wedlock. Hell, I'd rather be single and childless, than to get with your silly Sunni ideology and be forced into an arranged marriage to someone I don't really love or barely even know.

The truth is, you yourself are a hater of Islam as taught by Elijah Muhammad. Elijah Muhammad never called women ***es, or publicly disrespected women like you have disrespected the sisters on this site. I wouldn't have no reason to block you from my pages, if you knew how to be respectful in your comments. Men are neither petty nor catty as you are, therefore I have to question whether you yourself are really a female posing as a man!!!
Sunday, February 14th 2016 at 4:35PM
Siebra Muhammad
WHAT!!! Absolutely Amazing!!!.
Sunday, February 14th 2016 at 6:02PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

Steve W It Has Been Two Days Since You Have Not Logged Into BIA ??


....... the LYING siebraDJ....steveAdamPuppet....not real



".....beat the **** outta him...."

Friday, February 12th 2016 at 2:49PM
Siebra Muhammad

".....................Prophet Muhammad owned slaves................................"

Saturday, February 13th 2016 at 5:41PM
Siebra Muhammad

"......No amount of childish ass name calling and verses from the Holy Qur'an......
I accused the Sunni Muslims of slavery......
Learn how to read, dumb ass! ........
You want to question my s*xuality, because I'm a single woman who's never been married and has never bore any children? And even if I've never been married before, so the hell what? At least I'm not having babies out of wedlock. Hell, I'd rather be single and childless.....
than to get with your silly Sunni ideology and be forced into an arranged marriage to someone I don't really love or barely even know......
........ The truth is, you yourself are a hater of Islam as taught by Elijah Muhammad
.......Men are neither petty nor catty as you are, therefore I have to question whether you yourself are really a female posing as a man!!!...."

Sunday, February 14th 2016 at 4:35PM
Siebra Muhammad


I am a Believer of Creator of Adaam(as), AlQur'aan and the Sunnah of Mohamed(saw)
I am a Member of the Family of Elijah Muhammad

----- AlQur'aan, the Sunnah of Mohamed(saw) AND my Father in Law Elijah Muhammad Teaches me to be a Man, Follow AlQur'aan and GET MARRIED and MAINTAIN children.....

----- AlQur'aan, the Sunnah of Mohamed(saw) AND my Father in Law Elijah Muhammad Teaches me to be a Man, Follow AlQur'aan and DO NOT HAVE intimate relations reserved for the MARRIED

*********to you foulMouthed LIAR and Single femaleDEFAMER and Deleter of AlQur'aan and elijahMuhammad

------siebraMuhammad..YOU have DONE NOTHING AT BIA .... BUT..... LIE.....and spread FALSEHOOD


NO MUSLIM...... 630...1000....1492....1864.....1928....2016 has EVER done slaverAmericana...1492-1864

NO MUSLIM has EVER THOUGHT of Devising that EVIL/DECADENT, RACISM of slaverAmericana...1492-1864

----slaverAmericana...1492-1864 was the GENERATIONAL rape, torture, gayISM and Murder of African Asians by europeanRACISTS posing as the Jesus people.......


----slaverAmericana...1492-1864 did NOT educate the African Asian

----slaverAmericana...1492-1864 MADE lyingEVIL....paganChristian salemFemales..... like siebra

Sunni/Shia Muslims WITH AlQur'aan and SunnahtulMohamed(saw) NEVER hurt the African American

Sunni/Shia Muslims have in fact fought and died to STOP slaverAmericana

.......2016....10 Million African Americans..Sunni/Shia Muslims protect and ENRICH American Communities

STOP your antiIslaamic RACIST LYING

when I write to siebraDJDeacon ...... I KNOW I am writing to puppet steveAdam.....STOP IT steveAdam

Sunday, February 14th 2016 at 6:53PM
robert powell
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