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This video attests to the fact that black Americans are indigenous people. More factual information can be found in my book Black Exiles at blackexiles.com.

Posted By: Miss Demi
Tuesday, March 15th 2016 at 10:58AM
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Sister Demi,

You will receive comments from our people who will refuse to view this content.

Thanks you for sharing this info, TEACH...

Tuesday, March 15th 2016 at 11:51AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Miss Demi,

Seriously Ms. Demi, is this blog about a stone face statue is our only permanent solution to our sovereignty of having a country of our own? I don't think so!

Now, why don't you ramp up your intelligence and discuss our only permanent solution which is to have a country of our own, I will own prophet, our own religion and our own spiritual book of our experiences we are presently having with God through me Prophet Harry; Black America's first genuine prophet!
Tuesday, March 15th 2016 at 5:31PM
Harry Watley
Here they come... This one has no clue, what so ever. (LOL)

Tuesday, March 15th 2016 at 5:42PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Mr. Ron,

If you think that I have not a clue then you fill in the blanks, would you please!
Tuesday, March 15th 2016 at 6:06PM
Harry Watley

I would love to talk about this subject with you. Did you see this material? If so, what do the stone heads represents?
And who carved the stone heads?

Tuesday, March 15th 2016 at 6:57PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Mr. Ron,

Okay, let's talk about it! You said that I had not a clue. With that said I asked you to fill in the blanks. But instead of you filling in the blanks you asked me three questions!

I am still waiting for you to fill in the blanks to what you claim I have not a clue. Let us stop playing games!

Tuesday, March 15th 2016 at 7:24PM
Harry Watley

What blinks? The material here on this blog is very clear and have a very clear history, what is that history? What did you see?

Tuesday, March 15th 2016 at 8:09PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Mr. Watley, we are too lost as a people to rebuilt our nation. We must first education our people about our true identity. Black people will not advance until they UNIFY. But this cannot happen until they realize who they really are. At the moment, many blacks are lost because they continue to follow whites and believe in everything white people teaches them. They refuse to learn the truth from their own people. This is real challenge. So, for me, I don't entertain blacks complaints about whites, because they refuse to learn who they are and how to defend themselves in order to advance as a people.
Tuesday, March 15th 2016 at 8:31PM
Miss Demi
Mr. Watley, again, I encourage you to read my book and all the questions you require will be found there--guaranteed.
Tuesday, March 15th 2016 at 8:32PM
Miss Demi
Mr. Ron,

I am older than you are. I am smarter than you are. And I have more life experiences than you have had besides being your prophet!

Let us be clear, you said teach this Demi. Apparently, you must have learned something. You went on to say that this one (Prophet Harry) has no clue what so ever LOL!

This was a moment that you could have shine by clearly showing me I have no clue whatsoever, but you did not! With that said I will take advantage of the moment and shine for myself.

Pres. Obama and Mr. Anderson Cooper of CNN don't know that Black Americans are a new race of people and never came from the continent of Africa, but you know since I taught you how Black Americans are a new race of people.
Tuesday, March 15th 2016 at 8:34PM
Harry Watley
Sorry HARRY,

That BULL💩 You just said about you shining was not in that material.

Sister Demi, please excuse me but I told you they will come. This one will try to hi jack your successful blogs because nobody is talking to him on the blog she tries to starts. (LOL) WOW!!!

Tuesday, March 15th 2016 at 8:58PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Ms. Demi,

I will begin by saying once again that you are in extreme denial! The contents of your book has no more than how you express yourself on this site and that is a state of denial.

You are correct when you say that we are lost as of people, but you are wrong when you said re-building our nation. Black Americans never had a nation to rebuild since we are a new race of people.

You are right when you say that we must first educate our people about our true identity. That responsibility falls within my hands and you can see that is exactly what I am doing when I trumps everything you say!

I am the only one that can unite us, that is the Christians and the Muslims into one people and it is going to happen!

As far as entertaining our complaints that is all you have been doing since you became a new member on this site and I suppose the contents of your book is exactly that, entertaining the complains of Black Americans.

Several things you have already agreed with me and the most important one is our sovereignty in a country of our own and I got that directly from God when I was anointed.

I want you to stop encouraging our young men to stand up against a force greater then they are and get themselves killed like Ms. Sondra Bland did and the original Black Panther party.
Tuesday, March 15th 2016 at 9:22PM
Harry Watley
Mr. Watley, YOU HAVE READ MY BOOK TO MAKE ANY ASSESSMENT OF IT. SECOND, you provide NO evidence that black people are a 'new race' which is absolutely ridiculous, since scientific and archaeological evidence proves the oldest skeletal remains found on the American continent are 'NEGROID." People who are today called Whites are the genetic hybrids or new race. Until you can prove your point on the subject, I'm done on that one. ALL EVIDENCE PROVES THE FIRST SLAVES WERE WHITE NOT BLACK. And yes, they cross-bred with some of our ancestors, just as they continue to dilute the black gene today.


Wednesday, March 16th 2016 at 8:06AM
Miss Demi
BLACK PEOPLE can continue to live in denial all they want, but it's killing them off. Our nation is going backwards, and as we read in the bible, Our people is destroyed because they refuse knowledge.
Wednesday, March 16th 2016 at 8:07AM
Miss Demi
Miss Demi,

Let me begin by saying that I am fighting an attitude that surely believes you are right and that is the epitome of arrogance and ignorance.
I am just the opposite meaning that I reserved the right to be wrong, but I am hardly ever wrong!

You said that I have not read your book to make an assessment of it. That is true, but since you are the author of this book I have made an assessment of the you unless the contents of your book is someone else's knowledge. My assessment of you is that you are not an analytical thinker neither do you reason rationally. I will prove that to you in my next paragraph.

You claim that I have provided no evidence that Black Americans are a NEW race of people. I will provide this evidence for you once again.

I will start from the top. I did clear without a doubt that the slave ships leaving Africa were all African people and not Black Americans or any other race of people. When the Africans arrived in the New World the White slave masters purchased from the slave traders these African people. The slave masters then took these African slaves back to their plantations and bread themselves with the female Africans. In fact, many of these African females were already impregnated and sold for more money. The first generation were 50% African and 50% Caucasian. The second generation was 55% Caucasian and 45% African. The third generation was 60% Caucasian and 40% African.

If you notice the first wave of African slaves are changing and losing that pedigree African identity. However,
by the time Pres. Abraham Lincoln outlawed plantation slavery enough African DNA had been removed that they could not scientifically be considered Africans and not enough Caucasian DNA present that date could scientifically be considered Caucasians. So what we have left is a NEW race of people known today as Black Americans descendents of plantation slaves.

The word NEGROID for example includes; Nigerians, Ethiopians, Zimbabweans, and Black Americans. However, the Nigerians are racially different from the Ethiopians. Likewise, Black Americans are racially different from Ethiopians and Zimbabweans. I am making this point to say that there can be any archaeological skeletal findings of Black Americans on this continent before slavery since Black Americans are a NEW race of people.

I don't consider Ms. Sandra Bland to be a chicken when she stood up as you would think to the Texas sheriff deputy and was murdered in her Texas jail cell. I considered her to be as ignorant and stupid as you are. The force that she stood up to was greater then she was. Ms. Siebra Muhammad, Miss Memphis and I have explained to you gets us killed rather than to live another day to become a sovereign and free people in a country of our own, yet you refuse to give in since we are fighting an attitude that believes you are always right.
Wednesday, March 16th 2016 at 9:28AM
Harry Watley
This man knows that he is pulling these figures out of thin air and will not show you any references to where he got this DNA theory. He also knows that 70% of Black American's today have Sub-Saharan blood line that proves his BULL💩 is a LIE.

DNA don't go from the Black race of people to the white race of people and then Black again, it just don't happen that way and that man knows it.

If you have noticed, HARRY will come down on a flowing blog to promote his Band of 💩 because when he starts one, no one comes. and no one talks to him at all.

So, stay on topic Sister Demi. Have you also noticed, I told you that they would come who will refuse to view this content and this one is trying he best to M is-lead, misinform, Deceive, hoodwink and make fabrications about the true intent of your blog Sister Demi.

I encourage you to continue to TEACH and educate our people by using the tools of the internet. TEACH!!!

Wednesday, March 16th 2016 at 9:25PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
What I know is what God led me to see and then gave me my second revelation which is my race, BLACK AMERICANS are a new race of people that had never existed anywhere in the world before plantation slavery started in this country in the 1500s.

God led me to see that the slave masters systemically bred themselves with their slaves and kept all female slaves of childbearing age pregnant. Most of you referred to this as a rape and therefore could not see the larger picture which was the systemic breeding that eventually brought forth a NEW race of people.

These are the same people in 1865 Pres. Abraham Lincoln emancipated by outlawing plantation slavery. And, today these people which is us Black Americans numbers 41 million.

Today God will turn over into our hands the land of our birthplace that will become our country! That territory consist of from the northern borders of North Carolina stretching into the Gulf of Mexico and from the Mississippi River region over into the Atlantic Ocean.
Wednesday, March 16th 2016 at 9:48PM
Harry Watley
Wednesday, March 16th 2016 at 9:51PM
Miss Demi
Ms. Demi,Ms. Demi,

Let me repeat what you said. Mr. Watley, Abraham Lincoln did not exist. You challenged me to prove that Abraham Lincoln whether Abraham Lincoln existed outside white people's imagination.

Well, if Abraham Lincoln did not exist then I am wrong about my second revelation that Black Americans are a NEW race of people!

Then the United States of America don't exist either since Pres. Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States!
If this is true then the North American continent does not exist either since United States occupies a portion of this continent of North America.

Then the continent of North America don't exist and that means the world don't exist and that translate in to you don't exist!

And to think that you encouraged me to read your book! You are just as silly as your book must be!
Thursday, March 17th 2016 at 12:00AM
Harry Watley
Mr. Watley, the United States DID NOT EXIST prior to the white slave revolution in the mid-1860s. This is why we are told of a Reformation period, which was simply the current power taking over our nation. Hence, Pres. Obama admits that Blacks were in North America "HUNDREDS OF YEARS BEFORE WE FOUNDED THE NATION." Most people don't know the truth because they are just a nation of ventriloquists, repeating historical lies. They refuse to learn the truth because the truth generally caused people to take action. In other cases, people are simply lazy, and many blacks don't want to learn their true history. However, if you don't know what happened in the past, you will not understand our current condition, and thus, cannot plan for the future. Just like the two British investigative journalists in the video, I, TOO, have conducted a worldwide research into history and slavery, and the results are nothing like what we are taught in the dumb-down schools in the United States. Instead of complaining about their conditions, blacks need to, for once, learn the truth.
Thursday, March 17th 2016 at 7:09AM
Miss Demi
Got my attention... TEACH.

Thursday, March 17th 2016 at 7:15AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Miss Demi,

You are saying something different now. First, you said that Pres. Lincoln does not exist! You challenged me to prove that Pres. Lincoln existed outside white people's imagination.

In return, I said that if Pres. Lincoln did not exist then I am wrong that Black Americans are a new race of people. I went on to say that if Pres. Lincoln did not exist since he was the 16th president of the United States then America does not exist! I finished up by saying then the North American continent does not exist!

Now you are admitting that the continent of North America do exist, but it wasn't a founded nation yet because somehow you claim that Black's were there first.

Given the fact that you said that the North American continent do exist but America was not a founded nation tells me that as we travel down the road when America became a founded nation proves that Pres. Lincoln did exist! And, since Pres. Lincoln was a real man then I am right that Black Americans are a NEW race of people!

I cannot imagine that a person as brilliant as you think you are would say such a thing that Pres. Lincoln did not exist.

Thursday, March 17th 2016 at 7:44AM
Harry Watley
Mr. Watley, you really need to pay attention. I never said Lincoln existed, but that HE NEVER EXISTED. You were told he was the 16th president, when the United States had not had sixteen presidents in 1865. It's all deception. Again, prove that Lincoln existed, for NO WRITERS OF THAT TIME, mentions him. The image you see is no different from the white washed images of Jesus, and nearly every personal in history of any significance. This is not about who knows what, but historical facts over fiction and white-washed history. Don't expect to hear truth from the people who stole your land and now controls your nation. Both Lincoln and Jefferson Davis (pres. of confederacy) were presidents at the same time, so we are told. But no evidence exist on Lincoln, and Jefferson Davis was half-black. You need to leave your comfortable couch and travel the world TO DO THE RESEARCH, and stop speaking from what you were taught by the same system oppressing our people. Our history is nothing to play with. This is very serious.
Thursday, March 17th 2016 at 9:34AM
Miss Demi
Mr. Watley, if you want to believe that black Americans are a new race, so be it, but I expect some scientific proof to back your claim, along with a valid argument (with evidence) that the oldest bones found on the American continent, including the surrounding islands, are not "NEGROID," as they have been classified in all archaeological accounts, as early as the 1700s.
Thursday, March 17th 2016 at 9:39AM
Miss Demi
Miss Demi,

This statement interest me – – don't expect to hear truth from the people who stole your land and now controls your nation – – now, my question is this! Undoubtedly, the people that stole our land is very, very much smarter than we are, would you not agree?

Just think about it, you are the one that made it is very truthful statement!

Since that is the case it gives rise to the reason why I am here telling you that I am your first genuine prophet! My presence indicates how mentally poor we are as a people and the tremendous divine help that we need and now we have it; God is in our presence through me, Prophet Harry!

At the same time that you are trying to convince yourself that you and our Black American people is so smart and intelligent, but at the same time you are also saying how stupid we are!

You are a very dumb and ignorant woman and the sooner you admit to with the sooner you can change. Your problem is that you cannot analytically think and you cannot rationally reason at the same time you think you are very intelligent.
Thursday, March 17th 2016 at 5:06PM
Harry Watley
To all, this issue is not about Lincoln who did not exist, but a presentation of information about the original black inhabitants of America and white slaves.
Thursday, March 17th 2016 at 6:15PM
Miss Demi
We know for a FACT that WHITEWASHED history is completely fabricated. I asked for valid proof.
Thursday, March 17th 2016 at 9:28PM
Miss Demi
To all, please stay on the subject, or start your own post about unrelated content. THE SUBJECT IS INDIGENOUS BLACK AMERICANS AND WHITE SLAVES.
Thursday, March 17th 2016 at 9:36PM
Miss Demi
Thank You Sister Demi for bringing your blog back to the topic at hand. Reframe from letting HARRY get you off topic because you was in the teaching mode before you started talking about Lincoin, that was not your objective.

Thursday, March 17th 2016 at 10:16PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Hello to all,

When the truth is sorted it first travels a difficult road until it meets the fork of analytical thinking and rational reasoning then the truth is hatched!

A pitch of analytical thinking came into play when Saint explained to Miss Demi that relying on a birth record is not analytical and sound reasoning since Saint's grandmother also did not have a birth record!
So, that point made by St. trumps Ms. Demi's rationale that since Pres. Abraham Lincoln don't have a birth record doesn't mean he did not exist.

Friday, March 18th 2016 at 7:08AM
Harry Watley
Mr. Watley, the comment by Saint does not trump anything because you have not research any of those books. You mentality is stereotypical to believe anyone other than black people. YOU need to do your own research. People have written about lot about blacks being slaves, but that turns out to not be true either. You don't have to agree with anything I say, but that won't change the fact that no such person named Abraham Lincoln existed.
Friday, March 18th 2016 at 7:27AM
Miss Demi
Ms. Demi,

Essentially, what you are saying is that White Americans know less about themselves and their own history, but you know more! Quite interesting.

So, the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC that I visited is White people's imagination. But, don't you think you are the one whose imagination is into play making these ridiculous statements that Pres. Abraham Lincoln did not exist since you read it in your research by some idiot and you believe that and now trying to spread it!

Friday, March 18th 2016 at 7:57AM
Harry Watley
Mr. Watley, all those memorials in Washington DC were built in the early 1900s. You should know this. Now, can you please stick to the subject.
Friday, March 18th 2016 at 8:42AM
Miss Demi
Respectable Deacon Gray, you're right. If people want to comment here, they WILL stay on the subject, or start their own post. :)
Friday, March 18th 2016 at 8:44AM
Miss Demi
Mr. Watley, what I am saying is black Americans are indigenous people and whites arrived first as slaves, and later, in mass numbers, as they continue to arrive today, as immigrants, namely from Eastern Europe. You must know what happened in the past, in order to understand the current conditions, and what it will take to change that
Friday, March 18th 2016 at 8:48AM
Miss Demi
To all, this post, AGAIN, is about indigenous black Americans and white slavery, as shown in the VIDEO. Any comments off this subject will be deleted. I do not want people to distract others from this important information. If you want to start your own post about whatever, please feel free to do so. Thanks for your cooperation.
Saturday, March 19th 2016 at 3:53PM
Miss Demi
Miss Demi,

Black Americans were never an indigenous people since Black Americans are a NEW race of people born out of the ashes of plantation slavery when the White American slave masters systemically bred themselves with their African slaves for 300 years until Pres. Abraham Lincoln outlawed plantation slavery in 1865!

The native American Indians are the indigenous people since they were already here when the Whites from Europe crossed the Atlantic Ocean and discovered the Indians.

Black Americans are a specific race of people identified as descendants of plantation slaves while no other Negroid people have had our experience of plantation slavery!

Everyone Makin a comment on your blog is on topic! What is bothering you is the tough questions that are being raised that is making your research look stupid and that is what's angering you!
Saturday, March 19th 2016 at 4:12PM
Harry Watley
Sister Demi,

As you can see, this is one of those who never saw and will refuse to view the information that you put right in front of his face. This one is a troll and he got his own personal agenda and he will never deal with your topic at hand.

Saturday, March 19th 2016 at 5:38PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
~ "SANKOFA" the "MAAFA" ~

“The Black Man has never been a competitor, but has always been subservient to the white race. And just as long as he remains subservient, his position is secure, and just as soon as he becomes a competitor, his fate is sealed.”
~Dr. Benjamin Hayes, Eugenicist, 1905~

"The Sankofa symbolizes the Akan people’s quest for knowledge among the Akan with the implication that the quest is based on critical examination, and intelligent and patient investigation.
The symbol is based on a mythical bird with its feet firmly planted forward with its head turned backwards."

Saturday, March 19th 2016 at 5:53PM
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.
Mr. Gregory,

This is my response to your first post. You open up with this; "The Black Man has never been a competitor, but has always been a subservient to the white race."

The terminology The Black Man could mean any Negroid man such as; Nigerian Black Man, Zimbabwean Black Man, or The Black American Black Man.
Which Black man you are referring to who knows since you are not clear! This means you are lacking in communication skills.

The Black American Black Man has a specific identity which is plantation slavery. This identity no other Negroid/Black Man has. Therefore, The Black American Black Man is different from other kinds of Black men!

This is my comment to your second post. This quote of mines goes back several years (seven years),
“Black Americans are not African Americans. Black Americans are a new breed or race of people that has emerged out of the ashes of slavery. Black Americans are the people that came from the breeding process between White men and the first wave of African slave women. This breeding process ended after the Civil War. By then Black Americans numbered well over 20 million people. We are neither African nor Caucasians since we numbered over 20 million by the end of the Civil War, which made us a new breed or race of people that emerged from the ashes of slavery.”

That is how I used to express and explain that Black Americans are a NEW race of people and how we are a NEW race of people!

I have been change ever since God first anointed me and that goes to my authenticity that I am Black America's first genuine prophet to lead us into our new country, seven Confederate states as I have described.
Saturday, March 19th 2016 at 6:32PM
Harry Watley
Mr. Ron,

The information that miss Demi put before me was a claim that Black Americans are and indigenous people and that is not true!
Black Americans are a NEW race of people bred into existence 500 years ago when the White American slave masters systemically bred themselves with their slaves for 300 years until Pres. Abraham Lincoln outlawed plantation slavery in 1865.

By definition it is the Native American Indians who are the indigenous people since they were here when the White European cross the Atlantic Ocean and discovered them here.

If we can analytically think right and reason rationally we would not have this poor communication!
Saturday, March 19th 2016 at 6:38PM
Harry Watley

Excellent If Not Great Posting Sister Demi!

~ ‘They Know We Have A History’ ~
“The ancestors of Black Indians often created an American Sisterhood and Brotherhood we have tried to maintain under terrible circumstances and in the face of armed opposition.”

“Black Americans are not African Americans. Black Americans are a new breed or race of people that has emerged out of the ashes of slavery. Black Americans are the people that came from the breeding process between White men and the first wave of African slave women. This breeding process ended after the Civil War. By then Black Americans numbered well over 20 million people. We are neither African nor Caucasians since we numbered over 20 million by the end of the Civil War, which made us a new breed or race of people that emerged from the ashes of slavery.”

In Pride, Justice, Peace, and Love,


~ "SANKOFA" the "MAAFA" ~
P.S.: Since I do not communicate with a certain type of individual, I have espoused an agreement with such in the past, i.e., "Black Americans Are A New Breed Of People After Slavery In The America's!" Black People, as a matter of record, were here before the white-man. Therefore, having explicit relations with and among the indigenous people of the region, a.k.a., 'Black-Indians!' The communication line was broken with disrespect, name calling, and vulgar expletives that are unacceptable. People such as described really should view the source material/information in its entirety before drawing erroneous and misconceived conclusions.

Saturday, March 19th 2016 at 6:52PM
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.
Mr. Gregory,

Your problem is not me! Your problem is you and you are blaming it on me. I did not go through the length of education that you have, but I am smarter than you are. You should rejoice about that since I told you that I am your prophet. Because I am your prophet God made it so that I am smarter than all Black American people.
Obviously, if any of you were smarter than I am I would not have been anointed. The other person that is smarter than I would have been anointed.
Saturday, March 19th 2016 at 7:31PM
Harry Watley
Thank you my brother, Esq Boulware. Our people are completely lost because they have chosen to denounce not only their blackness, but also their American history. They cling to so-called Egyptian history, not understanding that Black Americans (called Mayans) colonize north Africa from the west coast to Egypt, and also Sudan. Hence it is said that the Africans were not the Egyptians. The Egyptians, as they are now called, depicted themselves as Red people, just like the Red Indians called Copper-colored by 17th and 18th century writers. Unlike many black Americans, my family knows it history, and that our ancestors were born of this land.
Saturday, March 19th 2016 at 8:19PM
Miss Demi
Miss Demi,

You as well is completely lost for the same reason of denouncing your blackness! The only history Black Americans have thus far is from plantation slavery to spiritual, economic and educational oppression that only God can deliver us from and that has begun since my anointing.

I know that I am right because I am the only one speaking of our permanent and complete freedom and that is our sovereignty in a country of our own. Exactly 7 Confederate states will become our country.
I know that I am right because when God picks up the cause of a people the first thing that God always do is anoint that specific people a prophet and I am Black America's first genuine prophet!
Sunday, March 20th 2016 at 6:55AM
Harry Watley
Ya’ateeh, As Salaam Alaikum, Shalom, Hotep, Hola, Konichiwa, Privyet, Hallo, and Hello To One and All!

Sister Demi, You and I are On The Same Page...and Have Been Throughout This Journey! :-)

~ "SANKOFA" the "MAAFA" ~

In Pride, Justice, Peace, and Love,


Sunday, March 20th 2016 at 5:00PM
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.

Both of you are wrong! Since neither one of you desire to be a sovereign and free people in a country of our own knowing quite well that is our only permanent solution!
Sunday, March 20th 2016 at 5:16PM
Harry Watley
Mr. Watley, get some rest.
Sunday, March 20th 2016 at 7:09PM
Miss Demi
Miss Demi,

I don't do research like you do since God tells me everything I need to know! For example, I did not need to do research to know that prophets are racially different and each people must line up behind their own prophet since that prophet will be the same race as his people are.

This knowledge and understanding came to me directly from God. If you take notice no one has ever said something like this before, not even the theologian universities teach that prophets are racially different and that each people must line up behind their own prophet by race.
Monday, March 21st 2016 at 9:40PM
Harry Watley
Mr. Watley, I can't argue with what goes on inside your head. Have a great evening!

Monday, March 21st 2016 at 10:14PM
Miss Demi
Miss Demi,

Don't be silly! Why would you find it necessary to argue with what is inside my head when I am expressing just what's inside my head through words!

Do you understand words? Do you speak English? Then deal with the words I say. I said that I do not do research like you do since God tells me everything I need to know.
For example, God told me that prophets are racially different. No one knew this valuable knowledge before me, but my point is I didn't do research like you do to come to know that prophets are racially different. Do you understand!
Monday, March 21st 2016 at 10:23PM
Harry Watley
Mr. Watley, "God" is a recently constructed English word. Who is really talking inside your head.
Tuesday, March 22nd 2016 at 8:35AM
Miss Demi
Ms. Demi,

You said that, "GOD" is a recently constructed English word!

Let me explain to you the purpose for words. Words convey a specific thought from the sender to the receiver and that is all that words do.
Because of your inferior intelligence you are focusing and attacking the word, "God" thinking you are making me look ignorant but it is you that is ignorant.

There was a thought in your mind that is associated with the word God. This thought you have in your mind tells you that God is responsible for all that you see and all that you don't see, all that you know and all that you don't know, and there is nothing comparable to this thought (God)

So, when I say God the thought in my head rides on the back of this newly constructed English word right into your ears and your brains connects to the same thought I have in my brains and now we are communicated on the same page.
So, do you understand the purpose of words? Don't focus on the words. Focus on the definition of the words!

You then ask who was really talking to me inside my head. Well, what it was knucklehead it told me that prophets are racially different something that nobody knew before and when you examine it you find that it is true! Ignorant woman, who else then could it be if it wasn't God to reveal something as majestic as that? What it does it tells the deacon he cannot follow Jesus he has to follow me that I am has prophet.
It tells all black Americans including you silly woman that I am your prophet as well since you appear to me to be a Black American.
Tuesday, March 22nd 2016 at 5:38PM
Harry Watley
Mr. Watley, don't need a lesson on words or etymology. The fact is what it is.
Tuesday, March 22nd 2016 at 6:25PM
Miss Demi
Ms. Demi,

As hard as I try not to curse at you all sometimes I just have to. You are damn stupid! You do need a lesson in words idiot.

I am satisfied with myself because I know from you reply I connected. Your response psychologically spells submission that you do understand words and you feel shame that you forced me to give you a lesson in words.
Tuesday, March 22nd 2016 at 6:29PM
Harry Watley
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