Ali explains that there could NEVER be unity between blacks and whites. One reason is the deep-seated hatred whites have toward blacks in their racist DNA. Whites are struggling to SURVIVE and times are going to get worse for black people if we do not unite.
It is not right of the you to miss represent Muhammad Ali with this old ass video when you honestly know that Ali had significantly changed his position religiously and about White people.
Be a better woman!
Friday, June 17th 2016 at 3:18PM
Harry Watley
Mr. Watley, the age of a video or history does not matter, now does it. Ali made the comments, and YOU missed the point about our people needing to create their OWN nation. You really need to apply more critical thinking before attacking people on something you clearly don't understand. Now play nice. This video, like books, is HISTORY. The history of Ali. Thanks for watching!
Friday, June 17th 2016 at 7:10PM
Miss Demi
Miss Demi,
I am not talking about the age of the video I am talking about the age of Ali in the video. The age of Ali and the mindset of Ali at the time the video was made Ali had grown up mentally and physically and had significantly changed his position on religion and his attitude towards White people.
My charge is that you are mis-representing Ali's change in life by the time he died. It is wrong for you to do that and if it was me and somehow I was able to raise my head from the dead I would call you all kinds of wicked things, ignorant woman.
Age does matter! When I was a child I thought and did as a child, but now that I am a grown man I have put away childish things, ignorant woman. Age does matter.
Mr. Watley, this is ALI in the video. I can't misrepresent what he said or how he felt. YOU are missing the point, so clearly the message is not meant for you to understand. If you have a problem with that, write your congressmen and stop making a big deal over nothing.
Saturday, June 18th 2016 at 6:20AM
Miss Demi
Stupid woman! I am not contesting that it isn't Ali in the video idiot woman. I am contesting that you are mis-representing Ali's attitude towards White people.
Ali's attitude towards White people had significantly changed since that video was made and therefore you are mis-representing Ali's true and up to date feelings towards White people when Ali passed away. Even White people had changed their tune towards Ali as well! How hard is that for you to understand? You are a low ass woman. If Ali was alive to speak for himself he was spit in your damn face!