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Racist Pedigree Commercial: white couple treats black child like DOG, literally (870 hits)

It's very disturbing that we as a people continue to allow corporations, which we SUPPORT, to dehumanize our people. Had this been a black couple and white child, the OUTRAGE would have been enormous. Black people ought to be ashamed.

Posted By: Miss Demi
Tuesday, July 12th 2016 at 12:07PM
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Then what is our permanent solution?
Tuesday, July 12th 2016 at 2:19PM
Harry Watley
Not you Harry.
Tuesday, July 12th 2016 at 3:32PM
Steve Williams
YES!!! Sister Demi this is very disturbing that we as a people continue to allow corporations, which we SUPPORT, to dehumanize our people without a thought on our part.

Tuesday, July 12th 2016 at 3:59PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Respectable Deacon Gray, most black people don't want to offend white people so they remain silent on these things. So dumb, but hey, that's black people for you. Had that been a black couple and white child, whites would be raging hell. I guess our children aren't as important to us. So sad.
Wednesday, July 13th 2016 at 9:42AM
Miss Demi
We need to call for and ALL participate in a worldwide BOYCOTT of this corporation. That's the solution.
Wednesday, July 13th 2016 at 9:43AM
Miss Demi
This incident would not happen to a White child because White people have their own! In addition, calling for a boycott on cooperation is extremely stupid since corporations have their own.

It is Black Americans who doesn't have their own and that is why we are in this pitiful situation that only I will permanently lead us out of because when it's all finish Black Americans will be in our own country that is what having your own is all about stupid people!
Wednesday, July 13th 2016 at 10:40AM
Harry Watley
Mr. Watley, you have nothing of value to say. Corporations get their monies from the population. A BOYCOTT is a valid response. Since you think you're the next best thing to JESUS, what's your solution? Prayer.
Wednesday, July 13th 2016 at 11:36AM
Miss Demi
Yes! Corporations to get their money from the population. But, if Black Americans are a sovereign people in a country of our own these White American corporations cannot be making their monies from Black Americans.

However, to boycott would mean that we totally have given up on having our own country and being a sovereign free people which is our only permanent solution.

The choice is clear, I would rather have my own country then to be in White America's country boycotting White corporations. That is absolutely stupid!
Wednesday, July 13th 2016 at 2:59PM
Harry Watley
Wrong, Mr. Whatley, so long we give them our money and time; they system will exist. We have to sacrifice and go back to living off the land. Plain and simple.
Thursday, July 14th 2016 at 1:18PM
Miss Demi
You are stupid!

Before we can live off the land or country the land must become our country, stupid woman! Having our own country is the cornerstone of my prophecy which is our only permanent solution and I am the only Black American that God will accomplish this task through! I am Christ Harry, Black America's first genuine prophet!
Thursday, July 14th 2016 at 2:49PM
Harry Watley
You, Watley, have bumped your head on that ice cube one time too many. I've had enough of your insults over the last six months. Not once have I disrespected you, because I understand some people are born with brain disorders. Now, the only idiot or stupid person here is YOU, the delusional man who have nothing to say worth listening to. Now, since you CLEARLY have the inability to conduct yourself with dignity and grace, and respect others, your access has been revoked. Talk to the BLOCK.
Saturday, July 16th 2016 at 10:25AM
Miss Demi
WOW... He had that one coming for along time now.

Saturday, July 16th 2016 at 10:47AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Ms. Demi,

Prophets do not insult people especially their own people. You (Ms. Demi) insults your self. Your position is that Black Americans should boycott White corporations. My position is that Black Americans should desire to have our own country.
The choice is clear; having your own country or boycotting White corporations. Anyone with an ounce of sense would choose having their own country. It is a no-brainer!

Since you choose to boycott White corporations rather than having your own country you leave me with no other choice but to call you what you are; a damn idiot!
Saturday, July 16th 2016 at 3:26PM
Harry Watley
Mr. Ron,

You are a damn idiot as well! Your position is that all Jews are Hebrew Israelites, but all Hebrew Israelites are not Jews. That's not true!

All Jews are Hebrew and all Israelites are Jews and all Hebrew are Jews. All three labels describes one race of people. The descendents of the Bible are the Jewish people that lives in the State of Israel today.

My proof is the Passover. I've explained it many a times to you and each time you have never showed that I was wrong. Therefore, you are worthy of being a damn idiot!

What you are trying to do is to stick a wedge between Hebrew and Jews so you can squeeze your stupid-ass Black American self in between to fit your bogus stupid belief that you are a Black Hebrew Israelites when there is no such thing.
Saturday, July 16th 2016 at 3:35PM
Harry Watley
I don't know how you managed to get pass that BLOCK, Watley, but I've been reassured that you no longer have access to my posts, message box, etc. Thank goodness. No more negative energy.
Saturday, July 16th 2016 at 6:35PM
Miss Demi
Respectable Deacon Gray, some people don't get it until you run them over with a train. lol
Saturday, July 16th 2016 at 11:50PM
Miss Demi
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