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The Depths of US Depravity (1437 hits)

From The Ramparts
Junious Ricardo Stanton
The Depths of US Depravity

August 6 2016 marked seventy-one years since the United States unleashed the first of two atomic bomb attacks on two Japanese cities killing, maiming and disfiguring hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians. It cannot be stressed enough that both Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not militarily significant, they were civilian cities! The US did this dastardly deed despite the fact Japanese resources had been so depleted they were unable to counter the relentless and destructive US bombing runs over Japan the months preceding the dropping of the atomic bombs. The Japanese bombing campaign like the US bombing of German cities was devastating to both the Japanese war effort and their morale. Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians were killed by that bombing campaign. The two atomic bombs amounted to deliberate overkill, war crimes of the highest magnitude!
Records indicate the Japanese were actively seeking negotiations to end the war as early as January of 1945. Their only condition was that their Emperor not be touched. The US ignored their efforts. In fact the US boosted their aerial assaults on Japanese cities! The Japanese continuously pressed for a way to save face in their surrender. In July of 1945 the US and Britain issued the Potsdam Declaration demanding an unconditional surrender, saying if they did not Japan faced "prompt and utter destruction."
The Americans knew the Japanese wanted to end the war as soon as possible but were unwilling to accept a dishonorable surrender! "America's leaders understood Japan's desperate position: the Japanese were willing to end the war on any terms, as long as the Emperor was not molested. If the US leadership had not insisted on unconditional surrender -- that is, if they had made clear a willingness to permit the Emperor to remain in place -- the Japanese very likely would have surrendered immediately, thus saving many thousands of lives." Was Hiroshima Necessary? Mark Weber http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v16/v16n3p-4_weber....
The US goal was to humiliate the Japanese, not allow them to save face and demonstrate the full power of the US military for all the world to see. By that reckoning the atomic bombs were acts of terrorism! That US position cost hundreds of thousands of innocent lives, non-combat men, women and children! Months prior to the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the US conducted massive bombing runs on Japanese cities reducing them to ruble.
Looking at the various records, communiqués and memos the dropping of atomic bombs was not necessary! The first atomic bomb was dropped on August 6 1945, three days later a second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. When Russia attacked the Japanese positions in Manchuria on August 8, 1945 reneging on their 1941 treaty of non-aggression against the Japanese, the Japanese were in no position to continue the fight. They were totally overwhelmed by the US bombings of Tokyo and the other Japanese cities.
What lessons can we glean from this knowledge? We can easily conclude the US civilian and military leadership are psychopaths who have no regard for human life. We see this same contempt for life in the Vietnam War, in Kosovo and the "Middle East". Now the US military routinely bombs the civilian infrastructures of nations it deems terroristic regimes, targeting their water treatment plants, electrical generating plants, roads, oil refineries, airports and rail lines inflicting massive suffering on civilians. The US leadership enjoys killing civilians. Look at what the US has done in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Yemen and now Syria.
This is the history of the United States. We must never ignore or dismiss this history when we look at the US government and military.

Posted By: Junious Stanton
Sunday, August 7th 2016 at 3:14PM
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I have to AGREE with guestVisitor or ANY BIA member

----- American racistIgnorance has been HIGHLITED by BOMBING....BOMBING and MORE EVIL BOMBING......

Sunday, August 7th 2016 at 3:53PM
robert powell
Mr. Stanton, my dear ignorant brother!

Why it is that you cannot talk about your self and future of Black Americans, but instead you talk about off-the-wall things like the bombing of Japan which has nothing to do with us Black Americans?

Why do you insist on being an ignorant man?
Sunday, August 7th 2016 at 4:53PM
Harry Watley
Brother Junious Ricardo Stanton on those islands off of the chains of Japan was dark skin Black Japanese Ainus, the Black Japanese (Old Africans of Japan) – Oguejiofor Annu. This is history that is not taught in the basic education curriculum here in the U.S. Take a look at the people called the "Ainus" and One can assess the level of racism against the Ainus when it is realized that the modern Chinese/Korean descended Japanese pretend that they are indigenous, rather than settlers; and they down-play the fact that there were original black muurish Japanese who lived on those Islands of Japan.

Perhaps it is because they stole the land from the indigenes. Perhaps they do not want to recall the true owners of the beautiful land which they stole, the land belonging to another Asiatic black people, the Ainus, the last Muurs of Japan.

Armed with this knowledge, the people of those two islands was sacrificed to show the superiority of weapons and the strength of U.S. power at that time in history, even though it was documented the Japanese was negotiating peace with the leadership of The United States.


Sunday, August 7th 2016 at 9:02PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

The Depths of US Depravity


Is that US as in USA, or us ...... as in US

Cause US at BIA wrote this...with these BIAauthors...we are shown the REAL ...#1 ... us ....DEPRAVITY


"........Black Americans? ....."

Sunday, August 7th 2016 at 4:53PM
Harry Watley

"......original black muurish Japanese....."

Sunday, August 7th 2016 at 9:02PM
Deacon Ron Gray


Facts .... by 1945 The Germans had DONE much more Human Genocidal Carnage in WW1 -WWW2

.....yet American racistIgnorance DROVE them to UNLEASH 10,000 YEAR killing BOMBS on the WRONG country

The BOMB'S radioactive Effects were on JAPAN...not GERMANY

..........BIA family WE and US in USA CAN STOP....... racistIgnorance BECAUSE we Believe

All men/women are from ONE FAMILY ........ Mankind Human Beings......

Monday, August 8th 2016 at 9:13AM
robert powell
Deacon Gray,
Dark skinned African people populated this whole world. The first Chinese dynasty was started by Africans, the first inhabitants of Japan were Black. There are still Black skinned people in the Pacific Islands Australia, the Philippines, Hawaii, New Zealand, New Guinea et al despite the efforts of Europeans to exterminate them all! Our ancestors were the first to establish civil organization (civilization) and we have left our mark all over the globe, just as the savage Caucasians have left their mark via invasion, social disruption, pillage, plunder death and disease. The study of history is important because it gives us a reference point and a way to discern the character, motivations, values, patterns and accomplishments of one's ancestors and others. Unfortunately we have been subjected to lies, propaganda and a Eurocentric narrative about human history that ignores the important role of African and indigenous throughout our time on this planet. The truth is we have been here far longer and have a much more glorious history than Caucasians. A person like Harry Watley who is obviously intellectually challenged, delusional with limited reading and writing skills and so insecure he tries to denigrate others in a feeble attempt to boost his own low esteem/status will never grasp the importance of studying human history or its implications on the present and future.
Monday, August 8th 2016 at 10:30AM
Junious Stanton

The Depths of US Depravity


Is that US as in USA, or us ...... as in US

US at BIA wrote this...with these BIAauthors...we are shown the REAL ...#1 ... us ....DEPRAVITY

...#1 ... us ....DEPRAVITY is RACIST IGNORANCE and its Believers


guest OR # 1 BIA blagger write......

"...Deacon Gray,
Dark skinned African people populated this whole world. The first Chinese dynasty was started by Africans, the first inhabitants of Japan were Black...."

Monday, August 8th 2016 at 10:30AM
Guest Visitor

"......those Old Testament stories and through science of DNA shows who the people was who lived in those lands and how we followed the morning sun across the surface of this planet early in man's history before the gentiles are the converted ones. ...."

Monday, August 8th 2016 at 5:44PM
Deacon Ron Gray


Again.... IF ONE believes SCIENCE or Monotheistic Belief of Africa Asia

ALL PEOPLE are ONE FAMILY of Adaam(as) ...

----- The Family of Adaam(as) spread EVERY CORNER of Planet and ONE, cousin in Neanderthal Europe......

----- The Family of Adaam(as) Neanderthal Europe......spread RACIST Division

----- The Family of Adaam(as) and MANY from ALL corners of the EARTH STILL 1945 OR 2016 spread RACIST Division

Monday, August 8th 2016 at 6:09PM
robert powell
Brother Junious Ricardo Stanton,

All of this is happening not by accident but by design. The education of the poor and middle classes both Black and White is no accident because if the population was educated pass a 6 grade learning skills, which the level of the local daily news papers are kept, more American people would see the world, would see history in a much different light and they two would know about the LIE of white supremacy.

Throughout the history the Gentiles of this country engaged in the white-washing of history of a people and religion has taken place so long that we have our people saying, "What difference do it make what color was Abraham, Moses or YESHUA was."

Yes Black lives do matter because it was those basic morals of civilizations started with those Old Testament stories and through science of DNA shows who the people was who lived in those lands and how we followed the morning sun across the surface of this planet early in man's history before the gentiles are the converted ones.

With that belief those who have such a weapon can find it easier to use such a weapon not just one time but twice, this is one way to describe The Depths of US Depravity.

I looked up the word Gentile and here's what I found in The Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, which I like to highlight this sentence "Since most of the nations at the time of the Bible were "heathens", goy or gentile became synonymous with heathen, although their literal translation is distinct." This translation is talking about the nature of the unconverted Caucasians living outside of the lands of Israel or outside the lands of Canaan, referring to the son's of Japheth found in The Book of Genesis Chapter 10:5 (KJV)

Monday, August 8th 2016 at 6:18PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

The Depths of US Depravity


BOMBING....BOMBING and MORE BOMBING...... rifles/cannons/gatlinGuns.....

BUT again......

Is that US as in USA, or us ...... as in US .... you me and deacon.....?

...#1 ... us .... and USA DEPRAVITY is RACIST IGNORANCE and its Believers ..... case in point....

"Since most of the nations at the time of the Bible were "heathens", goy or gentile became synonymous with heathen, although their literal translation is distinct." This translation is talking about the nature of the unconverted Caucasians living outside of the lands of Israel or outside the lands of Canaan, referring to the son's of Japheth found in The Book of Genesis Chapter 10:5 (KJV)

Monday, August 8th 2016 at 6:18PM
Deacon Ron Gray


deacon have you seen enough videos or read anything in English yet to conclude that you and your CULT of

racistlyIGNORANT writing or thought is ...#1 ... NUMBER !......us .... and USA DEPRAVITY

-------- STOP your RACISTLYIGNORANT euroTHINKING and learn something from AfricanAsian History, Scholarship

Science someday..... sometime.....

Tuesday, August 9th 2016 at 9:51AM
robert powell
My ignorant friends,

There is no such thing as an African Japanese. Africans are a distinct race that has features and traits unlike Japanese people. And, Japanese people are a distinct race that has features and traits unalike African people!

It is not analytical thinking and rational reasoning to join these two distinct races when your very eyes see that these two people are physically different!

Your stupid thinking gives me the reason to call you dumb and ignorant ass holes! Mr. Stanton is extremely stupid and Mr. Ron you are a+ stupid!
Tuesday, August 9th 2016 at 11:16AM
Harry Watley
Rather than expound upon the obvious, that Mr Watley is severely intellectually challenged suffering from deep feelings of inadequacy which he tries to compensate for by attacking others, I will use this as a teachable moment to shed some light on human history. The original Africans were small in stature but over time other phenotypes developed that were taller. The human family originally was dark skinned and over time mutations occurred which affected their appearance, skin tone, hair etc. The original strain of small statured Africans multiplied and migrated around the world. You can see pictures of them all over if you take the time to look. I suggest you go to Runoko Rashidi's Website The Global African Presence or watch one of his YouTube programshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPjcAKIhuoY and see for yourself what I am sharing about the original inhabitants of this planet. That being said the original inhabitants of Africa, all of Asia, Japan and the Pacific islands were deeply melanin short Africoid people. "The Negrito (/nɪˈɡriːtoʊ/) are several ethnic groups who inhabit isolated parts of Southeast Asia.[1] Their current populations include Andamanese peoples of the Andaman Islands, Semang peoples of Malaysia, the Mani of Thailand, and the Aeta or Agta, Ati, and 30 other peoples of the Philippines.The Negrito peoples show strong physical similarities with Negrillos (African Pygmies), but are genetically closer to other Southeast Asian populations. They may be descended from ancient Australoid-Melanesian settlers of Southeast Asia, or represent an early split from the southern coast migrants from Africa." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negrito. I hope this is helpful to those who genuinely want to be educated about our history.
Tuesday, August 9th 2016 at 12:29PM
Junious Stanton

Instead of name-calling, I will take this opportune moment to educate you to Black History in Japan and the far east.

“At about 35,000 B.C. a group of African Mongoloids; later known to us as the Jomon, took this route and entered Japan, they became the first Humans to inhabit the Japanese Islands. Later, another group; Known to us as the Ainu, followed. Today, the Black African genes can still be found in 40% of modern Japanese, as well as Mongolians and Tibetans…”

“And we can cross the whole of Asia and find the Negro again, for, when, in far-off Japan, the ancestors of the modern Japanese were making their way northward against the Ainu, the aborigines of that country, the leader of their armies was Sakanouye Tamuramaro, a famous general and a Japanese Negro or Black” via The Journal of Race Development entitled The Contribution of the Negro to Human Civilization, Alexander Francis Chamberlain, The Journal of Race Development, Vol. 1, No. 4 (Apr., 1911), pp. 482-502

Now this video require you to do some reading. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=the+h...

There you will find the truth about how humanity started in Africa and followed the morning sun from Africa, through India, through China, to Japan. These was Black, dark skin people from Africa that migrated eastward and first settled in these Asian Nations.

UNTOLD BLACK HISTORY: The Black Chinese https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=the+h...

Now in this video, you will find Black Japanese art work including Buda

HARRY, it is easy to say that something don't exist but when the proof and the evidence of that existence is provided to you and put right in front of your face, then it is your task to refute that evidence with creditable proof or either sit down shut-up and get out of my way!

That was a drop the mic moment, your move.

Tuesday, August 9th 2016 at 12:59PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Brother Junious Ricardo Stanton I just wanted to make sure that our Brother have excuse to say that your link did not work for him, even if he decided not to take this moment not to educate himself.

DR. RUNOKO RASHIDI: The Original Man - The History Of The Ancient Black Peoples? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPjcAKIhuo...
Tuesday, August 9th 2016 at 1:10PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
I what to just highlight the name " Negrito": https://www.bing.com/search?q=negrito&form...
Tuesday, August 9th 2016 at 1:35PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
My dear ignorant friends,

Mr. Stanton wrote a lot and used some big-time words, but here's the point. He never explained how Japanese and Africans are the same people.

He mentioned how I am severely intellectually challenged. He mentioned how the original Africans were small in stature. He copied and paste different things. He talked about the Philippines. But, here is the thing! He never produced an African that was Japanese neither has he produced a Japanese that was African. This man is a+ stupid.

Dumb ass Ron he does the same thing. In all that he wrote he never explained how a African man can be a Japanese man at the same time. Or, a Japanese man could be an African man at the same time as well.

Mr. Ron talked about my name calling. I've explained to this man that I don't name call. When I call you stupid and ignorant I present the proof right then and there which means I'm not name calling I am telling the truth that you all are ignorant and stupid because you all do not think analytically and reason rationally.
Mr. Ron mentioned 35,000 BC, but did not show how an African and a Japanese were the same people 35,000 BC. Mr. Ron is stupid!
Tuesday, August 9th 2016 at 3:41PM
Harry Watley

bottom Line.... negritos.... The SUN created by the Creator of Adaam(as)....MAKES COLORED people......

Tuesday, August 9th 2016 at 6:11PM
robert powell
HARRY, If you my lost brother would just take your head out of your as and look at the links that I provided for you of what historians have found to be FACT, then you would have seen the evidence of black people from Africa migrating eastward toward Asia.

Like I told you before, HARRY, it is easy to say that something don't exist but when the proof and the evidence of that existence is provided to you and put right in front of your face, then it is your task to refute that evidence with creditable proof or either sit down shut-up and get out of my way!

That was a drop the mic moment, your move.

Where is your proof?

Tuesday, August 9th 2016 at 8:21PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Deacon Gray, as I've said on numerous occasions it is a total waste of valuable time to attempt to dialogue with a Harry Watley type. He obviously has poor reading comprehension skills and just wants to babble. He cherry picks what is written to justify his inane unsubstantiated responses and ignores the rest of what we write. Even if he did go to the link, view the video or understand our conversation he just likes to see himself in print as amazingly uninformed as he is. It is apparent he has no critical thinking or deductive reasoning skills because the world is rife with examples of invading tribes or mass migrations moving into new territory claiming it as their own; Europeans coming to this hemisphere, Africa Asia and the Pacific subsequently displacing/ killing the aboriginal and indigenous inhabitants is a perfect example! But in his blindness he cannot see it.
Tuesday, August 9th 2016 at 9:33PM
Junious Stanton
I believe that you are right but something in the back of my mind that is holding out some hope for that lost Brother, that he will learn and understand that the Black race of people just did not start at the beginning of slavery in the America's..

Now what I have seen is a pattern of his, he only comes out from his place when he sees high hit numbers so, his ugliness can be seen by more people and he can spew out his message. At this point, on a good day he might generate 10 to 15 hits and now by using this tactic, has redirected your topic and directed this important topic of " The Depths of US Depravity" and the history of how the African migrated from Africa to Asia and beyond, to his pattern of useless worth.

Brother Junious Ricardo Stanton I encourage you to continue to TEACH and continue to bring these thought provoking subjects to Black In America because there are many of our people in the background learning from what you bring to this floor.

TEACH Brother Junious Ricardo Stanton TEACH.

Tuesday, August 9th 2016 at 10:30PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Thank you Deacon Gray, I shall keep on keepin' on. I know a benighted soul like Harry Watley is deliberately attempting to sabotage real information, learning, honest informed and enlightened discourse which he knows he cannot provide. Stay strong Black People, never allow ignorant, backward and low vibrational people to keep us back!
Tuesday, August 9th 2016 at 11:46PM
Junious Stanton
Hello to my two ignorant friends, Mr. Stanton and Mr. Ron.

Mr. Stanton you made the statement that there is such a thing as an African Japanese! I have never seen or heard of an African man who was Japanese as well. Mr. Ron agreed with you.

This is your second reply and still you have not shown how an African man can be a Japanese man. You claim that there is such a thing as a Japanese man is African all wrapped up in one skin. You have no interest in improving yourself right. Therefore, what you are saying is not worth a damn thing!
Wednesday, August 10th 2016 at 8:53AM
Harry Watley
My lost Brother HARRY,

I see that you have clicked on any of my links because if you did, you would see evidence of African Asians and the history.

Wednesday, August 10th 2016 at 11:37AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Mr. Ron I am trying to raise your thinking and reasoning by strongly encouraging you to walk in my footsteps.

I said that Black Americans are a NEW race of people. Then I explained how Black Americans are a NEW race of people from the systemic breeding between the White American slave masters and their slaves (Black Americans). Then I give a timeline when I said Black Americans came into existence in the late 1500s on this continent.

But, when it comes to you Mr. Ron you don't explain anything and you don't give no timeline so you don't know what you are talking about! What I want you to do is show me an African man that is Japanese! There is no such thing as an African Japanese. Give me a timeline when some African people turned into Japanese people. You don't have any sense!
Wednesday, August 10th 2016 at 12:20PM
Harry Watley
We are not talk any Black Americans today Harry. The time is from some 30 to 35000 years ago, right to this present day. I see that you have not seen those links, that I have provided evidence of and put right before your face, for your review.

Harry, I don't have to walk in darkness, when I can share information that will set you free.

Don't come back to me until you have reviewed those links and the evidence of the Afican Asian.

Wednesday, August 10th 2016 at 1:24PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
You need to prove how an Asian person can be an African person since Asian people are classified as mongoloid and African people are Negroid and White people are Caucasian. Those are the three different races that science recognize!

It is not rational reasoning to say that Asians and Africans are the same people when science classifies them as racially different. You are an extremely stupid man.
Wednesday, August 10th 2016 at 8:59PM
Harry Watley
You won't find the truth, where you got your head at HARRY. What you need to do is, review the above links and you will find the answer to those questions as well.

Wednesday, August 10th 2016 at 10:08PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
To my ignorant friend, Mr. Ron.

You said that I won't find the truth where I got my head. Stupid man the so-called truth I am rejecting is your truth. You said that Japanese and Africans are the same people. I don't believe that so I challenged you and asked you to show me and give me a time line when Japanese were Africans or when Africans were Japanese. You are extremely stupid because of the manner in which you think and reason.

The reason I won't find the truth is because there is no truth that at one time Africans were Japanese and vice a versa! It is just utterly stupid to think a Japanese man hidden under his straight fake black hair and slanted almond shaped eyes is really an African man with kinky hair, broad nose and thick lips. You are a very very stupid thinking man!

You are stupid!
Wednesday, August 10th 2016 at 10:53PM
Harry Watley

The answer to your questions can't be found up your backside. I am not asking you to believe me on a thing or anything that is my truth. What I'm asking you to do is review Historians, Biologist and Scientist through DNA.

YOUR WORDS: I don't believe that so I challenged you and asked you to show me and give me a time line when Japanese were Africans or when Africans were Japanese.

If you notice I told you The time is from some 30 to 35000 years ago, right to this present day as the African migrated Eastward, following the rising sun. HARRY, this is a question that I have already answered for you or did that go over your head too?

YOUR WORDS: The reason I won't find the truth is because there is no truth that at one time Africans were Japanese and vice a versa! It is just utterly stupid to think a Japanese man hidden under his straight fake black hair and slanted almond shaped eyes is really an African man with kinky hair, broad nose and thick lips. You are a very very stupid thinking man!

There is no vice a versa in this history HARRY. I have explored that the African people migrated from Africa to Asia and beyond. The African people adapted to his environment as they move from a warmer climate to a cooler one, that would take in account the difference in hair, skin and nose.

These are not my truth but the research of the explores, Historians, Biologist and Scientist.

Now this video require you to do some reading. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=the+h...

There you will find the truth about how humanity started in Africa and followed the morning sun from Africa, through India, through China, to Japan. These was Black, dark skin people from Africa that migrated eastward and first settled in these Asian Nations.

UNTOLD BLACK HISTORY: The Black Chinese https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=the+h...

Now in this video, you will find Black Japanese art work including Buda

Wednesday, August 10th 2016 at 11:41PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
What Black American man descended of plantation slaves was a Japanese man between 30 to 35,000 years ago.
Was that Black Japanese man Booker T. Washington or Prof. Washington Carver? Explained how this magical trick was done. Explain how a Japanese man came from an African man when I know that God created every race separately from each other. I explained in detail by detail how my Black American people is a NEW race of people. I gave the timeline of the late 1500s when plantation slavery began and written history backs me up. That is what I want you to do and that is not what you are doing.
I offered up Mr. Frederick Douglass as an example of a NEW race of people and Mr. Frederick Douglass is in written history.
That is what I want you to do, but you are not doing that. You don't even give me the name of a Black American that later turned into a Japanese. You don't give me any corresponding history. All that you do is say these stupid and illogical things, but never offering any proof.

Links on not proof. Videos on 90% lies since anyone can produce a video post it on YouTube!

This kind of dialogue is going to go on until I stop it when I give the ultimatum that this will be my last comment to you if you don't show me what Black man at what time in history did this Black American man turned into a Japanese man when I know that God created all the races separately except for Black Americans descended the plantation slaves.

You are extremely stupid Mr. Ron and have been this way for the past nine years that I knew you.

Thursday, August 11th 2016 at 3:09AM
Harry Watley
Deacon Gray,
There is an old saying "ignorance is bliss" I can see your frustration trying to educate a man like Harry Watley who enjoys his state of benightedness. Please do us all a favor and converse with him in private rather than here on this open forum. Mr Watley's ignorance is damaging our racial image.
Thursday, August 11th 2016 at 9:03AM
Junious Stanton

I told you once before HARRY, that I am not talking about the Black American, lost one so logic dictates, that Booker T. Washington or Prof. Washington Carver would not come into play any where in the African migration some 30 to 35,000 years ago. I am talking about the African who migrated Eastward, towards Asia, following the rising sun.

Since you are on a fishing expedition and refuse to deal with the evidence provided to you in those links, that you may learn how the original Japanese were black and dark skinned people on those islands off Japan where those two bombs went off and I cannot stress the point enough that both Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not militarily significant, they were civilian cities, the United States unleashed the first of two atomic bomb attacks on two Japanese cities killing, maiming and disfiguring hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians, then I find your remark mute and my no more worthy of my Well-intentioned effort to bring you from a place of darkness, into the light, then you are not no more worthy of my valuable time.

HARRY, the evidence is right in front of you, review it, if not, have a good morning.

Thursday, August 11th 2016 at 9:38AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Thank You Brother Junious Ricardo Stanton for the time and the space on your blog to attempt to right and unfortunate wrong through the evidence, education and the FACTS that is so easily obtained through the power of the internet and still stay true to the flow of this very, very important topic.

Thursday, August 11th 2016 at 9:50AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Mr. Ron,

This will be my last comment to you. You are talking about Africans, but you are a Black American like Mr. Booker T. Washington was. I am a Black American like you and Mr. Booker T. Washington are. Don't you think that you are talking about the wrong people e.g African people?

I was really looking for you to intelligently explain how an African turned into a Black Japanese when Africans are Africans and Japanese are Japanese. You just won't take the opportunity and prove that I am wrong when I say that you are in idiot. If someone keeps calling me an idiot the first opportunity I get to show him I am wrong I would jump at it.

Now, at what time inhumanity did some Africans mysteriously and magically became Japanese? That's what I want to know!

You use the term Black Japanese. I've never heard of a Black Japanese.
Thursday, August 11th 2016 at 11:59AM
Harry Watley
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