Every people must come by their own religion from their first genuine prophet and we already know that the prophet of the people must always be the same race as the people; so the people and the prophet is always a racial match.
For example, Prophet Abraham was the first prophet of the Hebrew Israelite Jewish people and Prophet Abraham gave his Jewish people the Judaism and Prophet Abraham was the same race as Jesus and the people in the State of Israel. Every prophet after Prophet Abraham religion was Judaism. It is all common-sense.
Prophet Mohammed was the first prophet of the Arabian people and Prophet Mohammed gave the Arabian people the religion named Islam and Prophet Mohammed was the same race as the Arabian people.
So, you dumb-NIGG*RS claim the White Jewish Jesus and some of you claim the Islam clearly shows how STUPID and ignorant you all are except me. I am the only Black American that isn’t dumb stupid and ignorant because I am Black America’s first genuine prophet or Christ Harry and my religion is named LIFE.
Posted By: Harry Watley
Friday, September 23rd 2016 at 2:50AM
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