But, what is so tragic is that we accept why they kill us whether we are uneducated of whether we are highly educated. As a people we are all stupid and ignorant no matter our station in life except for me since I am Black America’s first genuine prophet.
The slave masters had a practice that they would explain to the slave why the slaves must pick cotton from sun up to sun down and the slave would respond; YASA BOSS!
When the young slave girls were of child bearing age the slave masters would have the slave woman bring he daughter to the Big-House to be skewed by the master all night and the slaver mother and father would say to the slave masters that they hope the slave masters enjoyed themselves!
White America has dehumanized Black Americans to the point Black Americans believe in the White man’s White Jewish Jesus and the their White Christian religion!
How can you claim to be intelligent when you can accept the explanation of White America that it is alright to kill you and your children?
I am the only one that is SAVED!
Posted By: Harry Watley
Saturday, September 24th 2016 at 1:59AM
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