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October 3, 2019

Many Americans are under the impression that Yahweh is God. In truth, this is partly true. remember, a God is anything or being in control of other things and beings. So anything can be your god if it is control of every aspect of your life. This is why Muhammad Eury, staying at the Chateau Motel (717)m 757-1714, located at: 3951 East Market street in Springettsbury/York, Pennsylvania, is so much of a threat. Muhammad is a brilliant person who pretty much knows whose who on the Planet Earth. The conspiracies against him by freemasons and others within York, is very intense. The same conspiracies are against each and every American except most Americans don't know who is out to get them. They just think that the reason for their many problems is the fact that the earth is changing. Some believe in a rapture. Muhammad holds the keys to why Americans are suffering and the suffering soon to come by most unaware Americans. The Muhammad plight is a sad one, and before we continue we just want you, the reader, to re-familiarize yourself with things he has been undergoing. See: "THE ELIMINATION OF HUMANS IN YORK PENNSYLVANIA AND ABROAD", "RETALIATION USING YORK PENNSYLVANIA AS A CATALYST", "BLACK DEVILS IN YORK, PENNSYLVANIA", "ATTACK OF THE WHITE SUPREMACIST POLICE IN YORK COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA," "WHITE SUPREMACIST BUSINESSMEN IN YORK, PENNSYLVANIA", "" MISSING PEOPLE AND RACIAL DURESS IN YORK, PENNSYLVANIA... PART 1", MISSING PEOPLE AND RACIAL DURESS IN YORK, PENNSYLVANIA....PART 2', "PLANS TO KILL BLACKMAN FROM NORTH CAROLINA STAYING AT CHATEAU MOTEL IN SPRINGETTSBURY, PA.", PLANS TO KILL BLACKMAN FROM NORTH CAROLINA STAYING AT CHATEAU MOTEL IN SPRINGETTSBURY, PA...PART 2", WE MUST KILL MUHAMMAD EURY, THEY ARE CHANTING, "ARE BLACKMEN TARGETS WHO DATE OR MARRY CAUCASIAN FEMALES WITH BI-POLAR DISORDER?", "WHITE SUPREMACISTS AND BLACK DEVILS TAKE ON MUHAMMAD AT CHATEAU MOTEL IN SPRINGETTSBURY PENNSYLVANIA," "THE POWER OF EVIL IN YORK, HALLAM, LANCASTER, AND HARRISBURG PENNSYLVANIA," "CAUCASIAN FEMALES USED AS A POWERFUL WEAPON AGAINST BLACK COMMUNITIES IN YORK PENNSYLVANIA," "BLACK DEVILS AND WHITE SUPREMACISTS IN YORK PENNSYLVANIA," "GUN RUNNING WHITE SUPREMACISTS IN NORTH CAROLINA," "WHITE SUPREMACIST BUSINESSMEN IN YORK, PENNSYLVANIA, " MISSING PEOPLE AND RACIAL DURESS IN YORK, PENNSYLVANIA... PART 1," "UPDATE: MISSING WOMAN IN YORK COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA."

Now, since we have hopefully aided you in re-familiarizing yourself with Muhammad's plight, lets move on to the next trick which most Americans either don't know anything about, or are too enslaved psychologically to change their fates. Muhammad informs most humans that Yahweh is actually a group of extraterrestrials from the Aldebaran Constellation, tied in with Pleiades. They sought the appearance of the caucasian and then came in that form. Please keep in mind that not all caucasians are tied in with these monsters. But those with gray eyes are. Yahweh is composed of two poles. Positive and negative. Yah means positive and Weh means negative, which is why there is always infighting amongst them. Then there are the Luciferians, who are actually a group of extraterrestrial reptilians. The Luciferians are responsible for the many changes within all religions right now, and the merging of Jesuit Priests placed them in positions over most churches, Jewish temples, mosques and masjids, et cetera. The Catholic Church was the first chuch to be brought down. And then like a domino effect, all other churches will crumble. This explains why hundreds or perhaps thousands of churches all across America, especially in Pennsylvania, have closed to never open their doors again. Many Pastors who wasn't tied in with the conspiracies were set up. They were set up using women and children. Some had special agents plant child porn on their computer harddrives without their knowledge, and others were approached by very beautiful under-aged girls who could seduce in a way that would make a man change his belief temporarily. The Luciferians don't make mistakes! They know mostly everything about each target they are after. They know how you think, how you feel, what changes your thinking, and what changes the way you feel. What makes you edgy, and what makes you snap.

The Luciferians know the minds of most Americans and people across the globe. And if humans across the globe doesn't shield themselves and soon, you will become extinct. These demons also have what is known as "soul catchers", for lack of a better phrase. When you die many of your spirits and souls will be kept in devices. You don't have to believe this but just ask yourselves aboput the extent of their technology. Muhammad know that he is being watched on a daily basis, and he also knows that cameras have been placed around many cities which bounce back and forth off of one another keeping up with targets. Then there is the use of space satellites when one is outside of the range of most cameras. They can watch you taking showers, having s*x, eating, and from newer technology which many gray eyed Pleiadians constantly got on the local and national news medias complaining about their safety, they can now listen to conversations within your homes. People are being abducted (arrested) all of the time in America, China, and Russia, because of listening devices within the homes, and the information is almost always kept quiet about this. Even at motels like the Chateau Motel in Springettsbury/York, Pennsylvania, there are flatscreen televisions equipt with listening devices and built-in-cameras. They are monitoring everything Americans do. Dimension shifts occur all of the time because of devices like the Hadron Collider and other technology. Gates or portals are being opened which allow demons to enter into the earth's atmosphere unlawfully. There is an extraterrstrial plot against humans. This is why they term earth, "Planet Earth." Or E.T. Plan. The plan is to enslave the human race and feast on body parts without any laws to stop them. That is their New World Order. China steals and feasts on many human organs all of the time, which is why they kill their population by the thousands. The chaos in the streets of Hong Kong is something the President of America should get involved with because when their mouths are shut, and there is no more opposition, America will be next.

Joe Biden, and many other so-called Democrats and Liberals, along with countless Republicans, are tied in with China. This is why they are above the law, and can tell serious lies about events which brings about no legal punishment for them. Most blacks who want to be caucasian, like many withion the York/Springettsbury, Pennsylvania, region, are under the control of the Aldebaran. Other blacks are from Procyon which is why they can connect with the Global Order for the Ages. Earth is a battlefield, and many beings on earth, prior to incarnating through females, derived from other places and galaxies. These beings are also tied in with many Space programs such as the Mars Corporation and others. Americans must understand that the Earth Defense Force’s purpose is to protect the Mars Colony Corporation, and as long as human interests do not encroach on the territory of the indigenous Martians, the relations there will be stable. Maintaining peaceful relations is not always easy. The Earth Defense Force is not only part of the Mars Defense Force, but is also part of the Lunar Operations Command (Moon Project President Kennedy and Senator Bobby kennedy were murdered for), and the Mars Colony Corporation. Most of the extraterrestrials don't like humans, but have tolerated those who were human alien hybrids. There are species who are considered extremely dangerous, or neutral and benevolent. In reality, for most supersoldier programs, the training starts long before the person is into adulthood or formally recruited into particular branches of military covert operations. Many recruits are also undergoing what is known as hybrid upgrades. At one time Project Moonshadow was actually the program that prepped recruits for service for the Mars Defense Force tour of duty. Usually at the ages of 17, 18, or 29, recruits will be put into a block with soldiers who are to serve the Earth Defense Force. Afterwards, they will then be contracted out from the Earth Defense Force to work for the Mars Defense Force, which is the main defense contractor for the Mars Colony Corporation. One General even claims that after recruits serve a certain amount of years they'll be rotated back to the Luna Operations for reverse aging, a process that takes several weeks to prepare recruits to be inserted back into their original timelines. The debrief consists of memory suppression of their training, their duties, and some advanced tests to determine the effects of influence of extraterrstrial consciousness from Mars. Some recruits return before age regression period may include being shown off to some military brass, some gladiator style fighting, and many medical tests and procedures. It was even revealed not long ago that President Obama himself took part in both Project Montauk and Project Pegasus.

Project Moonshadow was a youth program which calculates to about 300 soldiers in the original program; a 80/20 split of boys and girls. Project Moonshadow is a United States Marine Corps Super Soldier cooperative program with the Bronze ones, or the Grandchildren of the Great Dragon Li. Sometimes they are transferred to the United States Marine Corps Super Soldier general service pool. That pool usually consist of about 10,000 to 20,2000 personnel who is to be sent to Luna Operations Command for individual assignments in the Earth Defense Force system. Recruits will later be able to connect with their higher and lower selves. The seven chakras is the individual, and is in between those two Selves. Recruits are taught that their higher Self is the eighth chakra, and the lower Self is beneath the root chakra, below your feet, at the bottom of the prana tube that runs through your body. Once they make the connection, the higher Self can have a way of making it very clear that the recruit is in communication with Him/Her. When other beings, even handlers, that may have good intentions, sometimes there be a feeling the recruit will have of being invaded by something from outside of them. The rulers of the global elites believe that the Galaxy is sentient, and that they’re job is much like white blood cells in the body of the galaxy. They’re goal is to rid all planets in the galaxy of cancer and disease, as they put it. Humans are neither to them. Humans are a part of the Gaian ecosystem that should have opportunity to flourish, but infections by other species, and by a sociopathic strain in our own species, threaten the whole ecosystem of the entire planet, the entire solar system, and this corner of the galaxy. They would like to stop what’s here before it spreads. Culling back the population to a few hundred million (500,000,000... http://www.radioliberty.com/stones.htm).

The demons work using the system of 24, which sums up as the number 6. There are 60 seconds in a minute (6), 60 minutes in an hour (6), and 24 hours in their day time frame (6), which totals 666. So many are entrapped within the 666 framework, regardless of taking or accepting bio-chips. The chips are only meant to mark and keep track of your whereabouts like cattle. You will be stored like cattle, much like what is soon to take place with prisoners in North Carolina, and abroad. The bio-chip implants will tie in with Immigration. Both the Yahwehans and the Luciferians are working together to bring about this New Global Order which China seems to being imposing using brute forcce. The Luciferians are masters of deception and controls many humans through their religions. People use the words like God, Jesus, Allah, G-D, and the list goes on. Luciferian was an apt pupil when it came to learning religion. It was their job to learn the religion, learn tha names of those who are invoked by humans, and then change the tones to. Take for an instance levity, which is the opposite of gravity. Levity operates from sounds in a keyboard such as AFC. All tones and octaves must be aligned for levitation to take place. The Luciferians use tones and octave manipulation to change positive tones and rythms into negative ones. Thus, the word Allah, God, and Jesus, are likened unto mantras. The tones have been changed and many people are calling on evil entities, thinking that they are invoking the power of God, the Creator of all humans. Many will not accept this fact and shall be slaves and food for the demons forever and ever. Others will oppose these facts because they deal with the inner workings of evil. These demons can manipulate time and space, imposing various holographic entities within the experiences, which is why alot of people claim that they've seen Jesus. Humans have been tricked to the very core from each strand of their DNA. Muhammad, who stays at the Chateau Motel, tries to update the people on this, but many turn out to be sell-outs, likened to those who betrayed Jesus the Christ, while others cling to the churches, masjids, and temples, because of financial security and so-called friendships. Its all about the money and materialism, which is why there were so many messages claiming that for the love of money stems the root of all evil.

The Pleiadians, who are in human form on the Planet earth, is behind the lies and manipulations of caucasian humans. Many caucasians, from their manipulation, lies on black people, and others, using demonic and satanic alien human hybrid cops. There is a universal law which backs up the laws of the land in America, but the demons change the law to fit their narritive, schemes, and agendas. White supremacists are in the way of their progress which is why they are taking them down. If white supremacists had any sense they would see that all humans are under an extraterrestrial attack. But they are selfish and think that a handfull of them can take out beings who possess the ability to function at the speed of light. Such fools mortals are! People like Muhammad should be protected because he strives on a daily basis to save all of the race of humans. And yet, many of those same humans betray him for their alien human hybrid masters who know that Muhammad can recognize them quick. So they send other humans to do their dirty work. The gap between our dimension and that of the putative extraterrestrial aliens is filled by the overarching reality of the diabolical hosts and their pretentious prince, Lucifer, who uses deluded and manipulated, malicious men/women to achieve his ends. Lucifer is at the top of this real, extra-dimensional world, but his influence reaches into our time and space especially through his minions. Now who are these minions? They all form one army, but it has two principal branches: the human agents at his bidding, and the fallen angelic agents (Nephilim) no less his slaves. However, between these two branches, there is a continuum from being that is more human, material and hence less spiritual-diabolical, to being that is more spiritual and diabolical and less human.

To understand how this spectrum comes about, we have to consider something quite astonishing: hybrids between human beings and devils. This is inherently difficult to accept, for our Western habits of thought have been formed since the time of Plato and his "second navigation" to think that spirit ("non material reality") exists, and that there exists a great fissure between the realm of the spiritual and that of the material. Notionally, we are unprepared to deal with something like s*xual reproduction between a spirit like an extraterrstrial, and a material being like that of a woman: our minds are asked to ford the unfordable, so we think. Yet, this is exactly where we have to go to account for the origins of "demons" and "aliens". Paradoxically, the genetic manipulation going on in our most advanced laboratories have prepared us somewhat to make this leap. We read news accounts of human-animal and human-plant hybrids... Why alien-human hybrids? Genetic manipulation is, if you want to believe Genesis 6, not new in history. We read that the "Sons of God" (a certain kind of heavenly angels, "watchers") decided to leave their estate and have s*xual relations with the daughters of men. This event is recorded in Genesis 6 as noted, but the "Ancient Book of Enoch", goes into much greater depth, and apparently, the author of Genesis drew his account from Enoch, according to which this intermixing of the angelic and the human was the beginning of witchcraft, as these fallen angels taught the women how to be their "brides", and bear hybrid children, the "nephilim" (cf wikipedia) or "the fallen" (less than angels) also translated into Greek as "giants", for indeed they where corporeally immense. This is decisive because hybrid, angel-men are the "Aliens" of the UFOs. They are not extraterrestrial at all but very terrestrial, even sub-terrestrial in the sense of hell-bound. If we can accept all this apparent nonsense, then we can fit the ETs into the proper scheme of things.

The Illuminati (Yahwehans and Luciferians) are the avant-garde of the more human part of the diabolical army. Lucifer has duped them with promises of power and unending suzerainty for their family lines, and it does not surprise me that the royal lines of Europe such as the Hapsburg and the Windsors claim their lineages go back through Charlemagne all the way to Nimrod, king of ancient Babylon and builder of what was then the "New World Order" around the Tower of Babel (Genesis 10, etc). It's just possible that their family lines do extend that far. It has always been Lucifer's interest to maintain an elite and use them to enslave the rest, ultimately to destroy both elite and slaves together (much to the coming surprise of our contemporary Illuminati -- they forget that Lucifer lies even to them, and hates them no less than his other slaves; and will share power with no one). Although the universal deluge of Noah's time is supposed to have destroyed the giants, the interbreeding between fallen angelic beings has not ceased because witchcraft has not ceased, and many, perhaps most of the Illuminati, have "demonic genes" in them. The blood lines in which they take pride are in fact corrupted and putrid with demonic genes, and endure only because of special diabolical assistance and God's mysterious plan that has withheld judgement until now.

Lucifer will want to scare us so much that all human sheep-for-the-slaughter will run into the arms of a "savior" that he will be so kind as to provide. This savior will take the form of some "ET" descending from the clouds as Christ ascended into the clouds, but in an updated version: Christian tradition has branded this ET as "Anti-Christ". But it will all be a sham, for the humanoid elites and the ETs are really on the same team. It is essential to close this gap between the apparently opposing armies, to see it for what it is, nothing more than the machinations of Lucifer and his slaves. Lucifer can reasonably expect that a humanity, cowed by fear, will gratefully throw itself into the saving arms of such "superheroes" and of such an "Anti-Christ".

In Conclusion: Now comes the many tricks and lies about Mars forcing humans to believe that there is no life there, and that Mars is intangible.NASA spokesman Allard Beutel said that everyone is excited about the new mission to Mars, as well as future missions where the prospects of life have been raised. Mars 2020 will be launched next summer along with the European Space Agency’s probe ExoMars. The rovers will land on the Jezero Crater, the Mars 2020 rover is expected to touch down on the surface of the planet on Feb. 18, 2021. The 28-mile-wide Jezero Crater is on the western edge of Isidis Planitia, a giant impact basin north of the planet’s equator. NASA noted that it is home to some of the “most scientifically interesting landscapes Mars has to offer,” adding that it was once home to an ancient river delta, where ancient organic molecules and other signs of microbial life may be stored from billions of years ago. In June 2018, NASA made a stunning announcement, noting the Curiosity rover “found organic molecules in rocks from an ancient lake bed.” The rocks are billions of years old, NASA said, before adding it had not found life on the planet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXlkvEBZVg... A study presented in August suggested that the Red Planet was warm and wet enough to have massive rainstorms and flowing water, an environment that may have supported life, between 3 and 4 billion years ago. Water still flows on Mars today at or very near the surface. For more than a decade, NASA’s strategy in exploring Mars has been to “follow the water;” the agency reasons that wherever there’s water, we might find life. With this in mind, there are those who believe that NASA has been involved in a cover-up where NASA was well aware of intelligent life on Mars as far back as 1976. After the Viking Landers were used on Mars there was data sent back that indicated that there was indeed life on Mars, however past experiments in Martian biology asked questions that were too narrow or even wrong. If how NASA defines life is wrong or narrow and other scientists have already presented evidence of life, who do you believe?

Where do you put your faith? Is it prudent to wait for NASA to declare their definition of life or do you put your faith in some of the younger independent scientists that say that NASA is holding back information in order to demand more money for exploration? This is a very important question, especially now that we are learning more about how we are being visited by interstellar objects and that the military is now observing flying objects that they are trying to determine if they are piloted by extraterrestrial intelligence. There have been a number of breaking events that are certainly giving us an indication of NASA is holding back on its information about life and it may be more than just a few microbial fossils embedded in rocks. More than 2,000 years ago, Aristotle defined living beings as those that metabolize (consume nutrients and eliminate waste) and s*xually reproduce. That definition served well enough until the middle of the 20th century when scientists learned about DNA and came to understand that the predominant life-form on Earth is the single-cell organism. Many single-cell creatures defy Aristotelian ideas about metabolism and reproduction. Some don’t consume organic nutrients at all. A bizarre marine microbe called Shewanella, for example, gets its metabolic energy by using “nanowires” that draw electrons directly from rocks. Some organisms don’t need s*x to reproduce: They “fragment” directly from the parent. Still, others act as if they’re alive at some times, dead at others. Viruses, for example, can lie dormant for centuries in a crystalline state. In the past few decades, scientists have found many “extremophiles,” which survive quite nicely in environments once thought to be lethal: in superheated geysers, on the bottoms of Antarctic glaciers, in the crushing blackness of the deep ocean.

If terrestrial life has turned out to be far stranger and more adaptable than we once thought, how much weirder could it be in an alien biosphere like Mars? What about the idea that life of some kind is also traveling on asteroids or Near Earth Objects? American physicist James Benford has suggested that alien satellites could be disguised in Near Earth Objects which are monitoring our planet. James Benford suggests in his new paper that “A probe located nearby could bide its time while our civilization developed technology that could find it, and, once contacted, could undertake a conversation in real-time.” They’re called ‘lurkers’, and they may have been covertly surveilling us from space for millions of years, since before we even existed, perhaps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0OIU5Lcaw... In 1960, Stanford radiophysicist Ronald Bracewell first suggested the idea that “superior galactic communities” could disperse autonomous interstellar probes as “hypothetical feelers” throughout space in order to observe, monitor, and maybe even communicate with other life-forms, including those on Earth. Richard C. Hoagland appeared on Ground Zero and he suggested that the two interstellar objects Oumuamua and the newest C/2019 Q4 (Borisov) could serve this purpose as their activity has been odd and could be objects sent by an extraterrestrial intelligence to scan the solar system and if Benford is to be believed spy on Earth. Think about Bracewell’s theory and compare it to the monolith from Arthur C. Clarke 2001: A Space Odyssey. The monolith fits the definition of Ronald Bracwell’s autonomous interstellar space probe dispatched for the express purpose of communication with one or more alien civilizations. Science Fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke once said that great science fiction stories always begin with a “Big Dumb Object” that creates a domino effect of wonder and intrigue. The “Big Dumb Object” was usually any mysterious object usually of extraterrestrial or unknown origin and immense power that is the centerpiece of the entire story. https://www.tor.com/2018/01/08/a-brief-his...

Clarke’s monolith or the Bracewell probe is actually the “Big Dum Object” that could be sending a message from space. These objects could very well be these interstellar objects that have been passing through the solar system. The monolith was a huge slab of extraterrestrial design. At the beginning of 2001: A Space Odyssey, both the book and film was set in prehistoric times. It is discovered by a group of hominids and somehow triggers a considerable shift in evolution, starting with the ability to use tools and weaponry. A similar monolith appears in the film “Dead Space. It was called “The Black Marker.” It was an alien artifact discovered on Earth by the Earth Government in 2214. It was hidden to discourage alien belief. It was brought to public knowledge by Michael Altman who was contracted to research the Marker nearly 300 years prior to the events of Dead Space.” Now, monoliths are simply near earth and interstellar objects and they may be sending signals or eavesdropping on our communications. Buzz Aldrin during an Interview in 2009 said that there was a huge monolith on Phobos, the Martian moon. The mysterious object was spotted several years ago by a NASA probe, and to this day nobody is quite sure what it is or how it got there. If a monolith or a rocky probe is embedded there, who put it there and is it a beacon is the same way a Bracewell probe would observe us utilizing rocky near earth and interstellar objects like Oumuamua? Recently, there was an announcement that the InSight Rover picked up some interesting sound as it moved about on Mars. https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?fea... Ever since it picked up on its first Marsquake back in April of this year, InSight’s Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS) instrument has been hearing all kinds of things.

Anything from a Mars tornado to what are called Dinks and Donks that are unexplained. There have been Marsquakes and other seismic activities recorded –some things that are picked up are large meteorites and many things that scientists claim may be a techno signature. We will have to wait a fair while before the first peer-reviewed studies on its operations are published, but over the past few weeks, a ream of preliminary data has begun to trickle out. InSight has picked up Marsquakes which register about 3.5 which is normal however strange magnetic pulsations are taking place at midnight, and many of them sound like they may have intelligence behind them, in fact, many of them sound like the hum heard from the monolith in 2001: A Space Odyssey. No one is saying that the monolith is responsible but both Benford and Bracewell’s theories are now more intriguing as we are being told that NASA is about to make announcements about Life and since SETI the search for extraterrestrial intelligence are looking for techno signatures there may be a number of them that are now being picked up by our own probes and telescopes. The focus now is on rocky objects and interstellar objects and what they might have lurking on them. These quasi-satellites of Earth perform orbital loops around the Sun that are similar to Earth’s own orbital pattern, and they do it in close proximity to Earth, being gravitationally bound to our own planet in addition to the Sun. Only a small number of such objects have ever been found by astronomers. The closest known one to Earth, called 2016 HO3, is a small asteroid described by NASA as “Earth’s constant companion.” It is earth’s co-orbital Near Earth Object that dances with us cosmically. But co-orbital objects could turn out to be much more than Earth’s dancing partners, Benford suggests. Due to their constant orbital proximity, these nearby space rocks might offer an optimal vantage point for robotic probes seeking to keep tabs on us.

Benford’s paper states: “These near-Earth objects provide an ideal way to watch our world from a secure natural object.” “That provides resources an ETI might need: materials, a firm anchor, and concealment.” Because of this possibility and the fact that co-orbitals are indeed so close to Earth, the physicist argues investigating them should be a priority for SETI astronomers. Aside from the prospect of finding alien sentinels, it’s a case that could make sense for other scientific reasons too – especially since we know so little about co-orbital objects, with less than 20 ever having been discovered. As it happens, Benford may actually get his wish sooner rather than later. China has already announced plans to launch an ambitious 10-year mission that would include visiting and collecting samples from 2016 HO3: a perfect opportunity to see up close if there’s anything funny (or alien-y) about Earth’s constant companion. They are actually looking for techno signatures that may lead to life or at least evidence of a civilization that has an interest in our welfare. Signals from Mars are also compelling and while no one is now suggesting that the sounds form InSight are synthetic A.I. or some other intelligent signature – the time is passing where there will be a definite and confident report about life on Mars. There’s a reason to hope we’ll find familiar organisms too. The argument for water-based and carbon-based life is never stronger than on Mars. Whether the search is for current life or for fossil evidence of past life, “follow the water” continues to be a useful strategy. Life both past and present should be theirs. Fortunately, in the 40 years since the Viking missions, we have something that we can compare it too even though NASA denies that the Viking missions proved that life existed on Mars. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esTj25tRig...

Gilbert Levin, the principal investigator for the labeled-release experiment, is convinced to this day that Vikings 1 and 2 found evidence of life on Mars. NASA’s Phoenix spacecraft, which landed near the planet’s north pole in 2008, re-started the argument when it confirmed that the chemistry of the Martian soil may, in fact, destroy organic material—which could explain at least some of the Viking findings. NASA says that the Viking data has been lost or incomplete or some other story. NASA still denies that life as they define it has been found on MARS—NASA will not admit the sounds picked up by InSight are alien or proof of ETI. The Navy acknowledges that UFO’s exist but they will not concede to them being extraterrestrial vehicles. A Gallup poll of 1,522 adults in the United States found that one-third of respondents believe extraterrestrial spacecraft are visiting Earth. Demographic groups more likely to believe in visiting alien spaceships include the young (18-29), non-college graduates and the irreligious, with respondents in those categories trending toward 40 percent. But even with variation across demographic groups, no category fell below 27 percent of respondents describing some UFOs as alien spacecraft. The poll even found an interesting regional bump, with people from the West far more likely to prefer the extraterrestrial hypothesis. Midwesterners, on the other hand, were most skeptical of aliens coming to this planet. Belief in extraterrestrial vessels entering Earth’s atmosphere was consistent across gender identity and within the margin of sampling error across income groups. The search for extraterrestrial life as practiced by scientists has little to do with the UFO phenomena, with research projects like Breakthrough Listen focusing their search on stars and distant galactic centers in a search of radio signals and optical laser transmissions.

While the extraterrestrial explanation for the UFO aerial phenomena represents a substantial minority of the United States, a large majority agree that the government of the United States knows “more about UFOs than it is telling us.” In 1996, 71 percent of those polled answered “Yes” to the same description of a government withholding UFO disclosures. That figure remains consistent with 2019, at 68 percent, with results that Gallup describes as “similar among all main demographic groups,” including party identification. The results are surprising in light of widespread disclosures regarding military UFO programs and the political mainstreaming of the phenomena. However, it can be said that much of the streamlining of the information and new revelations are buried in political distractions of Russian Collusion and the recent probes into the impeachment of President Trump. The phenomena of “foreign shiny objects” have seized the imagination of the world and these objects are not in the sky. One combatant produces a concealed item and holds it up for scrutiny and later there is a long investigation that takes precedence over whether or not there is life in space. Pretty much every day someone, whether it be a whistleblower, a candidate, or the media, will ‘‘hold up some bright, shiny object,’’ put it on “Meet the Press” and stories of alien armadas attacking battleships end up as a novelty shot that airs towards the end of a broadcast or is buried in the back of the paper next to the “jumble.” Ufology and the study of exobiology needs a bright shiny object that raises beyond a doubt, awareness of the fact that some “Big Dumb Object” as Clarke calls it creates a domino effect of wonder and intrigue.

After thought: In truth, everything they are saying about wanting to invade Mars has already been achieved. The lies making it appear as if it is some new mission is there to dispell the truth about the Earth and Mars connection. Beings from Mars are on earth working with scientists who has succeeded in test tube baby hybrids. Humans would be surprised at how is actually roaming the streets around you. They work with you, eat with you, make love with you, marry amongst you, and kill you. So don't believe the hype!!!
Posted By: george patel
Thursday, October 3rd 2019 at 1:26PM
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"...YAHWEH is only talking to and about The Original Negro Hebrews 28 And the heathen shall know

that I the Lord do sanctify Israel, when my sanctuary shall be in the midst of them for evermore..."

Sunday, July 12th 2020 at 10:38PM
Deacon Ron Gray


Mr. patel or Ms. storm....this deaconCOLORED'blackChristianHebrewIsraelite' might be your reference

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robert powell
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Registered Nurse - Adult Psychiatry, Full-Time, $15K Sign-on Bonus with University of Maryland Medical System in Baltimore, MD.
Associate Vice Chancellor for Advancment with University of Washington in Bothell, WA.
Contract Pricing Analyst with Cencora in Philadelphia, PA.
Lead Scenic Artist with Seattle Repertory Theatre in Seattle, WA.
Business Solutions Manager – Sales & Recruiting with Roth Staffing Companies in Baltimore, MD.
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