I met a beautiful lady at the gym and I complimented
her pretty skin and color. She was that sunkissed
brown red glowy tone. She explained that she just
returned from a cruise.
Then we got to comparing cruises we experienced
and she told me that she really enjoyed the Fantastic
Voyage Cruise sponsored and created by Tom Joyner!
She said the whole ship caters to the group vs other
cruises that have few activities and themes dedicated
to Fantastic Voyage registrants!
That was easy to believe! She stated that it is pricey
but overall a great time.
So I encourage you to look into going. Grab your
family and friends and make it a reunion!
Get the registration, daily themes, and what to expect
deets here:
Posted By: Cheer Leader
Friday, October 18th 2019 at 7:26AM
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