Political Gossip / #TrumpBlackVersion
By Black Ink
On one side we have [ the white ] Donald Trump, who is undoubtedly the most ridiculed President in the history of U.S Presidents.
And on the other side of the spectrum we have a man who calls himself [ the black ] Donald Trump (aka) King Nazir Muhammad. Because like President Trump he is greatly ridiculed for his beliefs on how to MAKE BLACK AMERICA GREAT 4 ONCE
And yes, the idea of a [ Donald Trump - Black Version ] would normally be laughed at, and then dismissed as just a ploy for attention. But this black version of Trump is essential to analyze a very important assumption held by the masses of poor blacks in America.
That assumption being : Trump thinks the way he does because he's an old - rich - white man !!!
With that being said, by now we all know where President Trump stands on most of his issues. But the question is, would a "younger black version" of Trump have the same social and political ideaologies ?
Black Trump being 35 yrs old and essentially poverty stricken, and the White Trump being 73 coming from wealth and privilege.
[ How differently would they "think" coming from dramatically different backgrounds ? ]
This is the concept behind the [ Black Trump Idea ] - it represents the question of - what if President Trump was a poor black man ? - would he think the same if he wasn't white and coming from wealth and privilege ?
This question addresses the ultimate race question by asking, could a young poor black man ( aka ) BLACK TRUMP see the world the same as WHITE TRUMP ?
The answer will spark the biggest race debate in U.S history ...
Posted By: The #Sleep Culture
Thursday, January 23rd 2020 at 3:18AM
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