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JANUARY 27, 2020

It has often been said that association comes about by assimilation. The power and influence of nearly all freemasons and Eastern Stars, not just within the U.S., but across the globe panders to the children of the evil alien overlords. Within East Cleveland, there are parties who claim to be Nuwaubian freemasons. Even those these beings verbally speak out against the Illuminati and freemasons of various denominations, it would be wise to pay very close attention to their actions and to whom they hang around. If you are fearful of terrorism or nuclear holocaust it will surely come. If you fear that there will be an anti–Christ, then there will be one. If you suspect that an alien threat has taken hold of our world, then it probably has happened to a certain degree. It seems that we can imagine a great deal, and thought forms can bring reality, and many of the things we fear can and will materialize. The collective obsession with terror has sent a very loud message out into the ether and that so–called alien threat or terrorist threat that we are thinking about will evoke a very terrifying reality. What’s coming at you, may be coming from you. It is through our consent that these fears take hold of our everyday lives and opens the way for the shades to enter in places that we thought were immune to their presence. The truth is, crosses just don’t do the job on vampires any more, and holy water only gets a demon wet. Holding your hand to the square and declaring that by the name of Jesus all evil should disperse only antagonizes a "shade" that doesn’t even recognize who Jesus is or what praying is. Do you really think that an alien entity that has been brought in through thought forms of war even shudders when someone mentions the prince of peace, especially a prince of peace that is depicted as a dying and powerless failure? Think about what you are being forced to believe in. A dead God or a powerful God? Fanatical genuflecting doesn’t get the job done. Fanatics are the biggest targets for their divisive methods. The demons and the Archons love a good fanatic because all fanatics believe about as much as is necessary to fill their egos. The biggest example of how this clouded fanaticism has destroyed common sense is in our Government. The rise of fanaticism is clouding the minds of those that we place in our highest esteem. These are so–called patriots, or good Christians who are providing a red carpet welcoming those demons that they know are persecuting them.

Without the persecution of demons these born–again religious fanatics can’t perch themselves on their crosses and bleed to death emotionally and physically when the cameras roll. Without the shadow of the World Trade Center and the black smoke spewing from the towers, fanatics can’t even produce a shred of evidence that our country is despised and hated. They can’t produce a crumb of evidence that suggests that we should be going into country after country bombing them back to the Stone Age. Without their horrific visions of attack the fanatics wouldn’t be able to get people to demand that a police state should be in place to protect everyone. Without their burning towers they wouldn’t be able to push their Project for the New American Century, their New World Order, or their new Vulcan Empire. Without any of their tools the shades with their alien thought forms wouldn’t be able to convince us that we are doomed. That we should prepare for our surrender now. Those that demand that we surrender our freedoms for security are widening the gyre for the shades to give us more atrocities and further violence as they challenge the wills to guarantee mental and physical slavery. The majority of men will reap the whirlwind as they begin to see the horrible slaughter unfolding in a cataclysmic domino effect. The end of the age is soon to be upon us, and the fanatical elite are now preparing for the mass holocaust. Pay attention to what is going on in other countries. The final war for resources has begun. We will soon become the witnesses to one of the most horrific events in human history. The demons of the medieval times have returned and they are now in alien clothing. By our own indifference we have given them the keys that unlock the very doors in our hearts that we never knew existed.

They are in the hidden places where we keep all of the skeletons and the past pain and suffering and they will unleash famine, plague and pestilence until a critical mass of the planet is destroyed. Are there more human lives in the balance? Of course; they are merely collateral damage in their plan. All the ballast is dropping stone by stone. The weight will pull down the weak and unprepared. By our own choice we have empowered these demons by allowing the lie of Peace Through Death to take hold of our cultural character. Those who praise war and suffering have reduced their contribution to all that is living. They have participated in the crimes against humanity by not demanding an elimination of the brutal behaviors of the powerful elite. Denying freedom or demanding that freedoms be eliminated for safety is an act of cowardice. How do we defend freedom by denying others their ability to live as they choose? It is time to name what we are seeing in the world. It is time to call it what it truly is so that people may see its true form. We must name it barbarism! In self–reflection we must realize that we have been misled. We have been misled by clowns leading a carnival of Fausts making bargains based upon phantoms, fears, and desires that have been shaped and forged by a network of warped and devalued social controls. Manipulated by merciless, dark forces and alien philosophies. What more evidence is needed to demonstrate that there is a dark force that rips through space–time and consumes us gradually and painfully digesting us until we are nothing more than a heap of waste waiting to be disposed of?

It would be an understatement to say that a simple explanation of shape-shifting aliens running the whole show on Planet Earth is outrageous, but there might be some vital links to the explanation that show up in the mythologies of the Sumerians. What we see is that not only are we allegedly being controlled by a secret brotherhood, but a brotherhood that has a disease that has mutated over the millennia and creates the effect of a "metaphoric" shape-shifting experience. They have been infected with the "virus" and the "worms" have invaded their bodies. This type of "disease" is spoken of in the lyrics of the Pink Floyd song "Waiting for the Worms." The song is from the album "The Wall" and it is sung after the main character loses control of his mind and allows his entire hatred and bigotry to rise to the surface. He then shaves his head and wears a fascist uniform. He recruits henchmen to march through the city and begin a reign of terror. In the lyrics we see how "the worms'" infestation creates a bloodthirsty and power- hungry animal, half man, half beast. The effect also results in a creation of a human that can be labeled a "hemophagic psychovore" for lack of a better terminology. The mission of the reptilian hemophagic psychovore is to introduce to the bloodline a plague that will kill off the inhabitants of the earth. The reptilian vision is to rid the planet of what they consider to be useless eaters. Many people wonder: why does it appear that a fulfillment of prophecy is happening now? They wonder why the planet seems to be in chaos and why things are out of control. It may be as simple as an organism that was once thought to be dead is now alive again and it is infecting all of us. It is a new form of sociopathic behavior.

It is all being done by design. The alien threat has arrived as an invisible entity. The darker forces spoken of by the ancient Babylonians have been unleashed in order to rid the planet of its divine stock. There was no armada of flying saucers, no army of satanic minions, and no formal arrival from superior beings on the White House lawn. The invasion was literally an infestation of an organism that when introduced to the populace convinced the masses that they were their own alien threat. If we were facing an invisible, biological alien threat, or a threat of an invisible enemy that is in the form of a disease that can be contracted by anyone, then no one would be above suspicion. What if it goes much deeper than this? What if a group of researchers working at the Human Genome Project announced that that through an astonishing scientific discovery they found that non-coding sequences in human DNA is no less than genetic code of an unknown extraterrestrial life form? Now this would mean that everything on earth has this extraterrestrial DNA. In human DNA, these so called non-coding sequences constitute a larger part of the total genome. We only use 3% of our DNA. Now even though this so called "junk DNA" has no purpose it has to be relaying some information. The information sends a sequence and then there is a predetermined glitch in the sequence. This produces an alien protein that triggers a dormant gene. This dormant gene sends a self-destruct signal. It is a remote controlled process. The question is who has the remote control switch and are the junk genes that have a relationship with an extraterrestrial intelligence being manipulated by the puppet masters? If the answer is yes then that would mean that evolution is not what we think it is. The frightening thesis, if you choose to accept it, is that the reason we are seeing war and bloodshed without opposition now is because there are many humans being triggered in some way to respond to the ancient war like programming given to us by our extraterrestrial creators. The idea of alien meddling is something that transcends borders and cultures.
Posted By: george patel
Sunday, January 26th 2020 at 11:43PM
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The forces involved with this "key" move towards the New World Order involves the race of evil jinn, who reside in powerful positions all over the world. The jinn (also spelled djinn) are a race of supernaturally empowered beings who have the ability to intervene in the affairs of people. Like the Greek daimones, jinn are self-propagating, and can be either good or evil. They can be conjured in magical rites to perform various tasks and services, or have tooken on the forms of humans. A jinni (singular) appears as a wish-granting “genie”, in folk tales such as in "The Book of 1001 Nights collection of folk tales."
In Western lore, jinn are sometimes equated with demons, but they are not the same. They are often portrayed as having a demonic-like appearance, but they can also appear in beautiful, seductive forms. The jinn are masterful shape-shifters, and their favorite forms are snakes and black dogs. They also can masquerade as anything: humans, animals, ghosts, cryptids, and other entities such as extraterrestrials, demons, shadow people, fairies, angels, and more. The jinn are not confined to the Middle East, or to the past. They exist in their own realm, a parallel dimension, and they have the ability, and the desire, to enter our world and interact with humans. The jinn have been among humans in antiquity, and they are among humans right now! The jinn are born of smokeless fire (which in modern terms is plasma). Why do you think there are so many Plasma and Blood Banks all across the globe? They live very long lives but they are not immortal. They live with other supernatural beings in the Kaf, a range of emerald mountains that encircles the Earth. In modern terms, they live in a parallel dimension. The jinn like to roam the deserts and wilderness, and inhabit caves. They are usually invisible, but have the power to shape-shift to any form, be it insect, animal, human, or entity. They have long been regarded as malicious and dangerous, capable of bringing bad luck, illness, disaster, and death. Even when granting favors, they have a trickster nature and can twist events for the worse. Though the jinn can be conjured in magical rites, they are difficult to control. One can hold power over a jinn using copper and iron. Many jinn running your Governments know this which is why they monitor anyone with a large amounts of copper. Copper and iron, if properly used, can protect humans from the powers of jinns. One story tells that a jealous jinni (sometimes identified as Asmodeus) stole King Solomon’s ring while he bathed in the river Jordan. The jinn seated himself on the king’s throne at his palace and reigned over his kingdom, forcing Solomon to become a wanderer. The Most High compelled the jinn to throw the ring into the sea. Solomon retrieved it, and punished the jinn by imprisoning him in a bottle. According to another story, King Solomon summoned the jinn to his crystal-paved palace, where they sat at tables made of iron. (iron weakens supernatural entities.) The Qur’an tells how the king made them work at building palaces, making carpets, and creating ponds, statues and gardens. Whenever King Solomon wanted to travel to faraway places, the jinn carried him on their backs. Islamic theology absorbed the jinn to which an entire chapter in the Qur’an concerns them.

Muhammad had encounters with the jinn. He warned the people to cover their utensils, close their doors, and keep their children close to them at night, as the jinn spread out at night and took things. He also warned people to put out their lights, as the jinn drug away the wicks and started fires. However, they will not open a locked door, untie a tied knot, or uncover a vessel. If a jinni is harmed or killed, even inadvertently, jinn will take revenge, bringing misfortune, illness, and even death to the offenders. Muhammad said that if people find a snake in their house, they should call out to it for three days before killing it. If the snake is a shape-shifted jinn, it will leave. If it remains after three days, it is an ordinary snake and can be killed. The life span of jinn, as we stated earlier, is much longer than humans, but they do die. They are both male and female, and have children. In Africa and other places, they eat meat, bones, and the dung of animals. They play, sleep, and have their own pet animals, especially dogs. They live in communities organized into families and clans, and is ruled by kings. Although they can live anywhere, they prefer remote and lonely places, such as deserts, ruins, caves, and tunnels. They also inhabit places of impurity such as graveyards, garbage dumps, bathrooms, and camel pastures. They can live in houses occupied by people. They like to sit in the places between the shade and the sunlight, and move around when the dark first comes. They also like marketplaces, and Muslim lore holds that it is not a good idea to be the first to enter a market or the last to leave it. Some jinn become attached to human beings and function like companion spirits. The joining of humans and jinn in marriage is still a practice in some parts of the world. A mixed marriage is believed to be capable of producing offspring, though this is not desirable. The Queen of Sheba, who fascinated King Solomon, was rumored to be part jinn. Jinn are capable of possessing human beings. They can enter the blood stream and circulate rapidly through the body. They cause mental and physical problems, and also disrupt marriages and relationships. Asking a jinn to leave, or bargaining with it, may not be enough to get it to go, and someone who is trained may be needed to perform an exorcism to get it out of the body. Jinn encounters occur everywhere, and they may be interpreted as other entities rather than their true selves. This is especially the case in areas where little is known about them.

Many Americans, and people around the world for that matter, do not believe that Satan has a seed or offspring on the Planet Earth. So many Americans are under the impression that Satan is an invisible spirit. This couldn't be more wrong. When you go into your Bibles and your Qurans, it speaks about the Angel Micha'el battling Satan and his demons. Muslims term this Satan, "Iblis." The sacred language of Satan was Sanskrit. A direct dialect of Sanskrit is Urdu, meaning the language of fire. And the offspring of Satan, by blood, is your Arabs, your Hindus, your Pakistanis, your pale Egyptians, and the list goes on and on. Born into what is known as Genus Homo, here on Earth, millions of years before the arrival of the certain species of Hindus from the Planet Nirvana, which is their own heaven, known as the Enkiduites. Their purpose was to breed a daughter who was to be named, Nekaybaw, Hawwah, or mother of all living, who would be able to procreate. A delegation was sent to the land of Nod amongst the Cuthites, the original Hindu people. The disagreeable Anaqite of Singh, the 6th planet in Orion (Bible-Book of Job 9:9), also called Nirvana and Procyon, which means "before the dog," the 8th brightest binary star in the Canis Major Constellation. It is also called the Dog Star. That dog being the Sirius star constellation, known as the dog star. Its also known as Kalb, Keleb, Kulaab, or Kuluub. This is where the Hindus mixed their seed with the Shaggy, also known as the bigfoot. Then they came down to the Planet Tiamat (Earth) from the constellation of Orion. These Hindus that ruled from their Planet Nirvana, which they called heaven, were Sarasvati, also known as Satarupa, Savitri, Gayatri, and Brahman, meaning deity of science, wisdom, and music.

Sita, also known as Parthivi, an incarnation of Laksmi, meaning deity of love, prosperity, and learning. Supay, meaning deity of of air. Suryasavitri, meaning deity of the sun. Kottavei, the female warrior, who was the deity of war. Kama, meaning deity of desire, which is one of the laws on their realm. Karttikeya, also called Skanda, the sixth faced deity of war, and the Hindu demon who leads the heavenly hosts into battle and rides a peacock. It was the peacock which brought wars to the Planet Earth! Hamuman came to earth and is known as the monkey deity, who was only part monkey. Shiva, also called Siva, Rudra, and Nataraja, came to earth, and his wife Kali, also came to the Planet Earth in order that she may stop the war, and protect humans from demons. And Kali slew the general of the demons, and then you have Brahma and Thessaly, the cherioteer of Arjuna. Varuna, or deity of the sea, is termed the creator of the world, and ruler of the universe. Then you have Vayu, father of Hanuman, who is deity of the wind. Yama, brother and husband of his twin sister Yami, claims to have created the human race, and is the deity of the dead, whose souls the Yamadutas bring to him. Then you have Tripurasura, a demon of three worlds: their planet, the moon, and the earth. There is Matsya, Kurma, Varahs, Aditi, Agni, also known as Pavaka. Dhumaketu, Jatavedas, Anala, Surya, Asvins, Dasra, Nasatya, and Narasimha, who is half human and half lion. Then there is Manasa, mother of Nakhash or Naqas, who is queen of serpents, and grants fertility to sterile mortal females. Thessaly, who is a hermaphrodite, is also known as Baphomet-The Goat of Mendes. Then there is Vairocana, who is known as king of demons, and only desire to do his job well!

Vishnu, who is also called Narayana, was the overseer, meaning the soul universe, of these black haired Hindu demons. There is then Jagannath, a warrior who incarnates in the topaz skinned tone with neutral gender, making him a hermaphrodite, having both male and female genitalia, as in the case of all of these Hindu demons. These are the real devils with their scrolls, the Upanishads, and later, the Baghavada Gita; and they bred the original brown-man, with 6 ether black hair, black eyes, and dark skin. Certain species of the Hindus are descendants of the shggies, or bigfoot, which are descendants of Enkidu, one of the descendants of the original shaggies from Sirius, a friend of Gilgamesh, who is two-thirds human and one third deity. Some of the Hindus were identified as Garubaat, and is classified as the disagreeable Avatars. Their coming down to earth is recorded in the Upanishads. They came in crafts called Vimaanas. These Hindu demons gave praise to these Avatars of the sky, and these Avatars that came down to earth were the 200 fallen angels, after they lost the fight with the angel Micha'el, and the good angels (mal-awk or messangers) . The Hindu people of today are descendants of the 200 fallen demons, headed by Satan. Their deities arrived thousands of years ago in the land of Nod, and are hermaphrodites. They moved to the earth to set up Bali, their secret homeland on earth, where they used the images of the many thousands of creatures that incarnated to Earth. There in Bali, they are worshipped, even in 2017. Those who came from Bhogabati, which is the first planet in Dvaraka of Procyon, after the Planet Nirvana, came down to help humans. They are called Naga, or Nagini, or Nagas. They were the non-violent race of serpents and reptilians who are benevolent toward humans.

The ruler, king of the Naga serpents, was called Takshaka, who was beloved by Indra, and the queen was Manasa. There is a particular strain of Hindu Indians, who are called the Jackal People, who are water worshippers, and have deities of the water, like Hiranyaksha, a demon that held earth prisoner beneath the waters of a flood. Another breed of Hindus were beings that were half human and half monkey. These are the ab-originals who once lived in China. They are the monkey people who were the first breed of the shaggies. Many animals are worshipped in the land of Indra, presently called India, amongst the Hindus. For they also know the true story of existence, and of beings coming to this planet. Long after this second group of Hindu, were and are the agreeable ones, have bred the many great leaders, such as Shirdi Sai Baba, Satya Sai Baba, Mahatma Ghandi, and Siddhartha Guatama Buddha. But many of the Hindus living in America, and in other parts of the world who doesn't recognize the teachings and practices of those above have embraced the many Hindu demons, and is pushing for the New World Order on earth, with the rest of the demons on Planet Earth. Many of these hybrid beings were your mermaids, your unicorns, your minotaurs, and other half-man, half-animal creatures. Many of these beings who came to earth are defected beings, and is deformed in appearance. Those on earth that have descended from them are your people with 3 arms, no legs, 6 fingers, 6 toes, and are Siamese twins. The practice of Yoga imitates and immulates these deform beings.

Sunday, January 26th 2020 at 11:43PM
george patel

History is taught in reverse to present the slow appropriation of world power by the occult as progress. Americans, and others, have been taught that human history was destined to deteriorate rather than progress in advance of the End Times. That is because the instrument of that deterioration, Lucifer, and his legions among the Illuminati, have rewritten history in order to convince us that Satanic possession is progress. Satanists always present evil as good. In truth, the Luciferians are highly composed of East Indians. Morality is always true. While there may be technological progress, there is no progress in moral truth. On the contrary, we are deteriorating because we are regressing from truth. The goal of Lucifer is to induce humanity to construct his own prison hell, a global tyranny that inverts everything that is moral and good. But we are indoctrinated to believe that the unfolding of Lucifer's plan is progress towards truth. Whether Americans know it or not, there are many many East Indian Jews. Lucifer's plan was formulated in the Kabbalah in the sixth century BC, when the Jews were being held in captivity in Babylon. According to the Bible, this Exile was punishment for the repeated excesses of the Jewish people, who had adopted the pagan ways of their neighbours, the Canaanites. They appropriated the ancient worship of the dying-god, Lucifer. Among the heinous practices this cult prescribed were "mystery" rites involving music, intoxicants, orgiastic s*x and human sacrifice. A number of Jews adopted this pagan tradition, mixing it with Babylonian magic and astrology, and called it an "interpretation" of Judaism, i.e. what we now know as Kabbalah. These Kabbalists disguised their Luciferian agenda of world domination as preparing the world for their supposed "messiah". This plot gained further impetus with Isaac Luria, who in the sixteenth century developed the New Kabbalah. Luria argued that, in order to know himself, God created man as another of himself. Therefore, the progress of history is that of man coming to know himself.

With the advent of the Illuminati, the Freemasons were responsible for the great project of the Enlightenment, whose goal was to supplant Christian authority, by way of the American and French Revolutions. The goal of these revolutions was to create secular societies, by which Christianity, or any religion for that matter, was permanently separated from the "state". Freed from these constraints, the Illuminati could advance their power through banking, because until then Christianity had largely forbidden the practice of interest-banking. Kabbalistic interpretation of history would have us believe that this evolution of secularism is progress. Democracy, we are led to believe, is the end-product of years of human evolution away from religious superstition. However, while this evolution has been a prerogative of the West, the East is still mired in a more primitive stage of evolution, stubbornly adhering to the idea of "theocracy" i.e. the world of Islam. And so, for the fulfillment of Kabbalistic progress, this last obstacle must be removed, before the final imposition of an occult hegemony over humanity. Hence the "Clash of Civilizations" leading to the rule of the Anti-Christ. Little by little, the Illuminati bankers are dropping their mask and revealing the evil agenda behind current events. What is called "progressive" and "liberal" is in fact satanic. What is called "revolution" is aimed at overthrowing God --the natural and spiritual (moral) order-- and replacing Him with dictates of devil worshipers, the Rothschilds and their lackeys. When we read about "Hate Laws" that protect pedophiles, s*x education for five-year-olds, the promotion of homos*xuality to heteros*xuals, we must see them in spiritual context, as the Luciferian overthrow of all that is natural, healthy, true and good, turning the world upside down, i.e. "revolution." When we hear about pig flu, let's keep our focus on the big picture. We are infected by a more serious and widespread cancer, satanism, under the guises of communism, liberalism, socialism, zionism, fascism, feminism and globalism. Luciferianism permeates society in the form of materialism, naturalism, occultism, obscenity, sadism, violence, pornography and promiscuity. They created the Communist state as a "machine of total power" unprecedented in history. In the past, due to many factors, "there was always room for individual freedom. Do you understand that those who already partially rule over nations and worldly governments have pretensions to absolute domination? Understand that this is the only thing which they have not yet reached."

The aim of the Revolution is no less than to redefine reality in terms of their interests and Cabalist beliefs. This involves the promotion of subjective truth over objective truth. If Lenin "feels something to be real" then it is real. "For him every reality, every truth was relative in the face of the sole and absolute one: the revolution." In other words, white is black and evil is good. Homos*xuality which specialists agree is usually a developmental disorder is now something everyone should try. Teachers who protest are fired. Babies who survive abortions are left to die and thrown out with the trash. Obama approves. People who protest the Zionist slaughter of Palestinian women and children lose their jobs. The Illuminati bankers financed intellectuals who recommended ways to weaken society to accept their tyranny. In a perceptive article, "The Frankfurt School: Conspiracy to Corrupt," Timothy Mathews lists their recommendations, made over 50 years ago. How many do you recognize?

1. The creation of racism offenses.
2. Continual change to create confusion
3. The teaching of s*x and homos*xuality to children
4. The undermining of schools' and teachers' authority
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking
7. Emptying of churches
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits
10. Control and dumbing down of media
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family

One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud's idea of 'pans*xualism' - the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the s*xes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children. The School believed there were two types of revolution: (a) political and (b) cultural. Cultural revolution demolishes from within. 'Modern forms of subjection are marked by mildness'. They saw it as a long-term project and kept their sights clearly focused on the family, education, media, s*x and popular culture. Since the Illuminati bankers control the mass media, political parties and education, it is not an exaggeration to say society is under mortal attack by its putative leaders. This attack is felt every day. Let me extrapolate from a small example. The Student's Association at the local university has been dominated by homos*xuals and feminists for years. They are holding a Prom on May 8. Except it is called an "Anti-Prom" and like homos*xuality itself, it is a parody of heteros*xuality. "Come as you aren't!" the poster exhorts us. "Dress-up, down, drag, hairy or famous. the stranger the better." An "Anti-King" and "Anti-Queen" will be chosen. Since the so-called "Enlightenment," (as in Lucifer, the "light-bringer") Western civilization has been based on a denial of God, i.e. Truth, Love and Goodness, and His Design. Instead, it is based on an assertion of man's (i.e. the Illuminati banker's) divinity and right to redefine reality. Modernity is nothing but the neuroses, dysfunction and dissatisfaction caused by this solipsistic delusion. Culture and true civilization are founded on using our spiritual ideals to refine our baser instincts. This is what defines us as human, "gentle" men, civilized. Luciferianism aims to "liberate" us from self-restraint, i.e. self-discipline. It glorifies the animal and rejects the human. Why? Because the Illuminati bankers see us as their cattle, born to serve them. We are under a relentless occult psychological barrage. Part is the suggestion that to defend our rights and values is somehow bigoted and "hateful." We have been subjugated by witting and unwitting servants of Lucifer, human demons, sell-outs and traitors. We must resist in every way we can.

Sunday, January 26th 2020 at 11:43PM
george patel

Before Israel existed, the Soviet Union had been the Rothschilds' first proxy state. The Roosevelt-Truman administration had shipped Stalin both blueprints and materials for making atomic bombs on orders from Harry Hopkins (White House front man for Zionist bankster Bernard Baruch). Roland Perry documented that banker Victor Rothschild passed Britain's own atomic secrets to the Soviets (as MI5 inspector he had complete authority over state security during World War II). Victor Rothschild was Jacob Rothschild's father. Many believe Jacob and his cousin Evelyn de Rothschild are the world's most powerful men. Evelyn honeymooned in the Clinton White House, and he had a penthouse view of the World Trade Center's destruction on 9/11. Israel and treasonous American Zionists were responsible for 9/11. If Americans think all first responders and parties there at ground zero, who have all pretty much died from a strange untreatable cancer is coincidence, then you'd better think again. These people don't make mistakes! When they plan to kill you, you will die! But if Americans were their brother's and sister's keepers, we could counter their evils! Like Dresden and Nagasaki, the Twin Towers' destruction constituted a mass-scale burnt offering. It was also nuclear gaining wider acceptance. Two days after 9/11, Benjamin Netanyahu told NBC's Tom Brokaw: "In 1995 I wrote a book called FIGHTING TERRORISM, and I said that if we don't arrest the tide of militant Islamic terrorism, then the next thing that will be is not a car bomb in the World Trade Center, but a nuclear bomb." Netanyahu, perhaps realizing he'd disclosed too much, elaborated: "Now it wasn't a nuclear bomb, it was a 350-ton conventional bomb." Though Netanyahu revised "nuclear" to "conventional," how did he know the bomb's specific yield? How did he even know it was a bomb? Supposedly planes destroyed the Towers.

Less than two months before 9/11, "Lucky Larry" Silverstein acquired the World Trade Center. He avoided 9/11 thanks to a fortuitous doctor's appointment, and received an insurance payout of nearly $5 billion. Netanyahu was such good friends with Silverstein that Israel's newspaper HAARETZ reported Netanyahu would call him every Sunday. The nuclear explanation of the Towers' destruction was pioneered in a 2006 book by William Tahil, "Ground Zero: The Nuclear Demolition of the WTC." He discussed the molten steel, WTC dust samples containing inexplicably high amounts of elements produced by nuclear fission, and seismology recordings with two enormous spikes consistent with explosions, not collapse. Tahil's conclusions are being corroborated by thyroid cancer occurring in 9/11 first responders at more above-average frequency than any other cancer type. This is a signature of nuclear bombs: they emit iodine-131, which embeds in thyroid glands. Many 9/11 phenomena were consistent with nuclear explosions. The Towers' inner contents vaporized: no furniture, computers or toilets survived. All turned into dust; as did the concrete, instead of falling in chunks. Not only is a nuclear bomb the most powerful explosive known, its blast--unlike conventional explosives--endures for several seconds, enabling it to inflict considerably more damage. Tremendous force was also needed to hurl sections of the Trade Center, weighing multiple tons, hundreds of feet, such as a piece impaled in the American Express building across the street. A common objection to the nuclear hypothesis: "Where are the post-9/11 Geiger counter readings showing radiation in New York City?" Not all nuclear bombs discharge lots of radiation. "Tactical" or "battlefield" nukes emit minimal fallout; otherwise one's own army would suffer. What types of warheads does Israel stockpile? Although that's an ironclad secret, Israel would clearly emphasize "battlefield" nukes. In war with its neighbors, it wouldn't want radiation blowback to Tel Aviv.

The site of the Towers' destruction was called "Ground Zero," which the 1994 Webster's dictionary defines as "the land or water surface area directly below or above the point of detonation of a nuclear bomb." As the Trade Center's new owner, Silverstein could have granted access to Israeli agents with suitcase nukes, which are small enough to carry in backpacks. If, as Netanyahu implied, there was one bomb per Tower, a logical place for such nukes would have been the buildings' deepest points: the service pits carved in bedrock beneath Elevator 50, the only elevator that ran the entire length of either Tower, and went to the Towers' deepest level, Sublevel B6. It was also close to each building's center. This position would have created a virtual "launching pad" for a nuke; surrounding bedrock would have largely contained the blast's sideways/downward force. The main force would have followed the path of least resistance­--upwards through the hole in the bedrock, its expanding energy surging fastest through the elevator shaft until hitting mass above the "airplane strike" zone. This scenario might resolve the mysterious damage to other WTC structures. Buildings 5 and 7 blazed with fires; Building 6 had an enormous crater that went to its lowest basement level. These fires could not have started before the Towers' destruction. Otherwise, video of the burning Towers would show additional smoke plumes, and newscasters would have said, "We have another building on fire." Some suggest these fires resulted from bombs detonating as the Towers exploded. Yet given the terrorists' success in bringing down the Towers, why would they fail to collapse the smaller structures (except Building 7 at 5:20 PM, in an obvious controlled demolition)?

Nuclear blasts at the Towers' lowest points may provide the answer. Underground, WTC buildings interconnected through a 3-foot-wide storm water drainage system. It was a dual system, with the South Tower connected to Buildings 5 and 7, the North Tower to 6. From the Towers' lowest points, flood water would be sump-pumped through pipes to the storm drain. Thus atomic blasts here would not only follow the path of least resistance into Elevator 50's shaft, but into the storm drain. Nuclear bombs' secondary force could have propagated through the underground pipes and shot up through buildings 5, 6 and 7, igniting them. Falling debris could not have caused the smaller buildings' internal fires. Debris impacted edifices outside the Trade Center, but none caught fire. THEY WEREN'T CONNECTED TO THE WTC'S UNDERGROUND SYSTEM. Building 7's collapse is called 9/11's "smoking gun." But might Silverstein have had an even bigger smoking gun had he NOT "pulled it"? Building 7 survivor Barry Jennings reported stepping over dead bodies as he left the blown-out lobby. Perhaps for Silverstein, demolishing 7 was better than trying to explain those mysterious fires and corpses, which didn't fit the official narrative. The full post also explores evidence that what struck the Towers (as well as the Pentagon and Shanksville) was missiles cloaked as aircraft. Scarcity of plane wreckage, along with the impossibility of aluminum wings slicing steel beams, point this way. The Israeli firm El-Op was already developing holographic technology with "stealth applications" in the 1980s; in 1999 Israel began commissioning her first Dolphin-class submarines, capable of launching cruise missiles. Israel's next false flag will involve high-yield nuclear missiles. These would attack America cloaked as Russian bombers, or Russia cloaked as American bombers, igniting a Third World War to produce the coveted World Government. The Rothschild-owned THE ECONOMIST is notorious for its annual predictive covers. "The World in 2020" displays Tarot cards; the "death" card shows a nuclear bomb exploding. https://jamesperloff.com/2016/11/22/to-911... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJkVaEJ1by... http://nucleardemolition.com/GZero_Report....

When America collapses, they will already have another system set up just as China did. Millenials and Generation Z, are open to the Social Credit System in America. In fact, hundreds support it. But many of them are evil reptilian and alien human hybrids placed out in society at the specific designated times. The Illuminati, and their many minions, have intricately planned this out for many many years. Cloning wasn't taking place in secret militaries around the world for the fun of it. They had a plan in mind. An army of darkness which would support their agendas and fight for the agendas with their very lives. There are over 100 million evil reptilian and alien human hybrids who are pushing for America to become a Socialist/Communist country. Many of them are women, which is why Eastern Stars started the Feminist movements. The freemasons, along with Deep State and the militaries, provided the psycho men who killed and implemented unspeakable crimes against women. This allowed victimized women to be ministered to by Eastern Star appointees. The witches used the womens tragedies to gain ground on establishing an army of misled and miguided humans. They then launched the transgeder agenda which would be another issue in America while they secretly pushed the Feminist movement in the shadows. The psycho men kept on killing, empowering the witches more and more, and now we are living in an age where a woman can take down a man who has worked all of his life for what he has, deceitfully, stealing a piece of his pie.
Sunday, January 26th 2020 at 11:44PM
george patel
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