New York, New York – New Book Our Stories Our Voices Black Men Speak Their Truth Book 1 is available for launch sale on Barnes and Noble online starting February 17, 2020. Black Men telling their stories and speaking their truth will give readers a glimpse into their live as well as provide an inspiration for many generations into the future.
Review "There is a silent code that exists among men which calls for us not to speak about our early life experiences, because we were raised, and society led us to believe, that keeping those feelings and emotions inside were an integral part of becoming a man. To talk about them would be a sign of weakness and would also lead to an emotional unraveling.
However, in the book Our Stories Our Voices: Black Men Speak Their Truth, this code is shattered into thirteen pieces when the exact same number of African-American co-authors courageously share their deepest secrets and unique life journeys as they turned pain into power, and trauma into triumph. This book is a must read for anyone interested in understanding the personal challenges and life-changing experiences of black men in America."'
Dr. Jeffrey R. Gardere (aka Dr. Jeff) M. Phil, M.S., D. Min, Ph.D., ABPP is a Board Certified Clinical Psychologist and Associate Professor at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine. Dr. Jeff is known as "America's Psychologist" and has appeared on The Real Housewives of Atlanta, Dr. Oz, The Maury Povich Show, Fox News, CNN and many more major news outlets.
The Book is a Barnes and Noble and Amazon Bestseller Book.
The Collaborative Experience is currently compiling a collection stories by African American male authors entitled, "Our Stories Our Voices: Black Men Speak Their Truth" (OSOV), which is set to debut in February 2020 for Black History Month. The book is going to be a treasure chest of life-changing stories written by African-American men who are driven to change the narrative of black males in America.
Readers can expect to be uplifted and encouraged by stories of faith, hope and answered prayers, as contributors share how they overcame their tragedies and turned them into triumphs.
To purchase your copy of the book Our Stories Our Voices Black Men Speak Their Truth Book 1 visit or visit Barnes and Nobile online at
Posted By: Wanda Public Relations Company
Thursday, February 20th 2020 at 6:30AM
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