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Joe Biden—Cheerleader for Islam (1095 hits)

Emgage Action had previously endorsed Bernie Sanders for President but changed their endorsement to Biden in April.

At the Summit online conference, Biden condemned and promised to end on “day-one” of his administration President Trump’s restrictions on Muslim immigration from several predominately Muslim countries closely associated with terrorism or dangerous political instability.

He also favors teaching more about Islam in public schools, emphasizing “common fundamental basic beliefs.” Biden obviously subscribes to the “Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance” fantasy promoted by former President Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood. The religion of peace fantasy is popular with political, media, and academic apologists for Islam. However, it is strongly contradicted by Islam’s foundational documents, the Koran and the teachings and history of Muhammad (Sunna). Jihad, meaning war against all who oppose Islam, is a major doctrine of Islam.

Posted By: Steve Williams
Tuesday, August 11th 2020 at 9:19PM
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Joe Biden—Cheerleader for Islam


Jihad, meaning war against all who oppose Islam, is a major doctrine of Islam.

Posted By: Steve Williams
Tuesday, August 11th 2020 at 9:19PM
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"cheerleader"....cannot jump for more than 1 minute, cannot do cartwheels, cannot split, looks BAD in a

tootoo.....and MAYBE some 87 year old Gals like that old stuff....no cheerleader for anything


But.....Maybe.....in a racistly ignorant COLORED'mind'

....one thing we know for SURE

1. joeBiden is a 78 year old catholic....catholics may have been told world was round by islaam...

2. kamala devi harris is a hindu.........1 Billion live in India with 1/2 followers of AlIslaam


3. Racistly Ignorant euroPEON...paganChristians slavers/Colonialists have WAGED "jihad" since 1450

against ALL non euroPEON nonChristian people in Africa Asia, America and Polynesia; using witch burning,

rape, torture, theft and murder FROM 1450-----> August 8, 2020......



"jihad" is a European transliteration of an African Asian Monotheistic Hebrew/Arabic word meaning....

....Discipline, growth and development of the Human Self throughout ones' life......till ones' death

"islam" is a European transliteration of an African Asian Monotheistic Hebrew/Arabic word meaning....

....peace, tranquility and direction of the Family of Adaam(as) as given by Adaam's Creator...


....the state of LIFE, TIME and the Order of Existence......

Friday, August 14th 2020 at 12:43PM
robert powell
Thank you Robert. This came up in a Fox News report questioning Biden's sincerity towards Islam. It was the first I'd heard of it which always makes me wonder.

Friday, August 14th 2020 at 2:09PM
Steve Williams

...old man biden...did follow bush into Iraq/Afghanistan/Syria......Quagmires-Swamps-$$$$ GONE..

and these actions are generally done WITHOUT American Muslim perspectives...then it COSTS all

US-USA Citizens in Lives and $$$

....BUT we must always; as you started with Philosophy of Language....Understand Languages....the

Culture of those languages.....

....ALL languages have the same words....Different words but with same meaning....


The BIA, African American Family, the COLORED'white' and COLORED'blackRedYellow' communities;

LIKE any Democracy should have a voice, an intelligent voice in Wars, Relations of nations, Large

Financial taxpayer output of $$$....even this year's so called "Racial".. Misunderstandings in urban

areas..... like the riots-social "protests".....etc....


....The Hat with a smile is a GREAT look for you....other person in picture seems to get your Smile..

Friday, August 14th 2020 at 4:55PM
robert powell
I like this story behind the link. Thanks Steve.

Friday, August 14th 2020 at 11:24PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
You're welcome Ron.

Published on Aug 2, 2020
Joe Biden's Islamic Campaign Ad 2020


Saturday, August 15th 2020 at 10:53AM
Steve Williams
OPINIONPublished 2 days ago

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: What Biden needs to understand about Prophet Muhammad saying he used at Muslim voter event
I would strongly advise the Biden camp to reach out to Muslim reformers and progressive dissidents to formulate a better strategy

Ayaan Hirsi Ali By Ayaan Hirsi Ali | Fox News


Saturday, August 15th 2020 at 10:58AM
Steve Williams

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is an ATHEIST from Africa Asia that is a FELON LIAR in the Netherlands..

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a female that has been denounced as a LYIN goatDung by her family in Africa Asia

Ayaan Hirsi Ali married an ATHEIST from England.....

....I BELIEVE...any group

invoking her name about "Intelligent thought" or "truth" is a student of 68IQ 'blackProPHAT' retardism

Saturday, August 15th 2020 at 11:06AM
robert powell
Joe Biden speaks at Million Muslim Votes Summit


Saturday, August 15th 2020 at 11:08AM
Steve Williams
Joe says that theology is one of his avocations. What does theology have to do with identity politics? Or the hadith Biden quotes? I don't get it.

Saturday, August 15th 2020 at 11:44AM
Steve Williams
I just got through watching your link Steve, where in this video are these quotes: YOUR WORDS Hadith Biden quotes where?

Saturday, August 15th 2020 at 1:25PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
It's at the end, at 10:05.

Saturday, August 15th 2020 at 11:53PM
Steve Williams
Do you find anything wrong in those words Steve?

Sunday, August 16th 2020 at 9:13AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Do you find anything wrong in those words Steve?

Sunday, August 16th 2020 at 9:14AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

Joe Biden—Cheerleader for Islam



Politics is the set of activities that are associated with making decisions in groups,

or other forms of power relations between individuals........


The Educated, Intelligent Purists of Planet Earth understand that ALL of the Family of Adaam(as)

...OR...believers/students of the History, Scholarship and Science of African Asian Monotheistic

thought of the CREATOR;....created all and then created Mankind-Adaam(as)

...KNOW that Islam-AlIslaam/Peace/Tranquility/Process of Creation is the SAME.....meaning!


SO YES, steve and deaCON

...biden in his euroPEON catholic pope methods...OR....

...deaCON in his 'blackChristianHebrewIsraelite' methods...OR...

...binYamin in his euroPEON State of Israel activities.........OR...

...trump$$ette in kingJames bible in hand, MAGA activities.OR..

...HRH Hussein in his Kingdom of Jordan activities.............OR..

...Ayatollaah Khamaini Republic of Iran activities...............OR...

.....ARE..inpolitics/theology/identity of group and DEVELOPING....Hadith words and actions

"....What does theology have to do with identity politics? Or the hadith Biden quotes? I don't get it.."

Saturday, August 15th 2020 at 11:44AM
Steve Williams

"...Do you find anything wrong in those words Steve?..."

Sunday, August 16th 2020 at 9:14AM
Deacon Ron Gray


Language and the inability or desire to understand ANOTHER language or ANOTHER people is what has

developed into Racist Ignorance and Division in the Family of Adaam(as)....2020

...Islam/AlIslaam is english transliteration of African Asian Language of Monotheism...Hebrew/Arabic

...Hadith/Sunnah is english transliteration of African Asian Language of Monotheism...Hebrew/Arabic


The Language of Philosophy still rages my BIA, African American consciousness as a most important

SUBJECT that has plenty of room for Evolution and Development in our Social Society Activitis....

Sunday, August 16th 2020 at 10:07AM
robert powell
I think those words are sacred scripture Ron. I also think that Biden has no understanding when he says them, because he uses our differences to create division. I'm gratified that none of our politicians has latched onto Buddhism as a means to gain political power.

Sunday, August 16th 2020 at 11:25AM
Steve Williams
Steve, what was the words did that Biden used that you disagree with, in your next reply, QUOTE THOSE WORDS that you disagree with, on your next reply.

Sunday, August 16th 2020 at 11:58AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
I don't agree with why he said the words Ron. Why would he see Muslims as a voting bloc?

Sunday, August 16th 2020 at 4:45PM
Steve Williams
QUOTE THOSE WORDS that you disagree with, on your next reply. Can you tell me what was the words did that Biden used that you disagree with, in your next reply, QUOTE THOSE WORDS that you disagree with, on your next reply.

Can you do that on your next reply?

So far you are looking real BAD for not proving your point.

Sunday, August 16th 2020 at 5:00PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
You surprise me Ron. I disagree with Biden IMMEDIATELY, as soon as he say he wishes we taught Islam in our public schools.

Sunday, August 16th 2020 at 6:23PM
Steve Williams
Steve, You need to stop smoking that BULL 💩 NOW!!! We was talking about Biden quotes from the Hadith, now you want to change the subject, WHY?


Sunday, August 16th 2020 at 8:10PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Don't you understand what I said Ron? I was clear on what I agree with (the Hadith), and what I don't agree with (teaching Islam in our public schools). What's your problem?

Sunday, August 16th 2020 at 8:17PM
Steve Williams
Now are you saying that you agree with Biden about the quote from The Hadith?

Sunday, August 16th 2020 at 8:28PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Biden doesn't know what the Hadith means. Religion shouldn't be politicized. It has no place in public policy. That's your central failing Ron.

Sunday, August 16th 2020 at 10:11PM
Steve Williams
Now you are just talking 💩. Later...

Monday, August 17th 2020 at 4:03AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

AlIslaam has been and must continue to be taught in schools, from catholic, or private or public.

1) Al Jebra....Algebra is AlIslaam

2) Biology is AlIslaam

3) A globe, the Earth is round is AlIslaam

4) Sociology is AlIslaam

5) Democracy is AlIslaam

6) etc. etc and etc..............

Tuesday, August 18th 2020 at 8:17PM
robert powell
Tell that to Steve, hiding behind that baby because I Agree with you Robert.

Tuesday, August 18th 2020 at 8:27PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Now you've finally learned something Ron.

Wednesday, August 19th 2020 at 1:06AM
Steve Williams

AlHamdullillahi Rabbi lAlaameen!

Wednesday, August 19th 2020 at 8:21AM
robert powell
Steve, was you who said: I don't agree with (teaching Islam in our public schools) now did you?

Wednesday, August 19th 2020 at 2:45PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
We know what I said Ron. What does Biden think of Islam? He says it's one of the "great confessional faiths." What does that mean? Are there "non-confessional" faiths?

Wednesday, August 19th 2020 at 4:54PM
Steve Williams
Confession of faith, formal statement of doctrinal belief ordinarily intended for public avowal by an individual, a group, a congregation, a synod, or a church; confessions are similar to creeds, although usually more extensive. They are especially associated with the churches of the Protestant Reformation. A brief treatment of confessions of faith follows. For full treatment, see creed.


Wednesday, August 19th 2020 at 5:04PM
Steve Williams
Maybe Ron, you can show me the similarity betwee Islam and this?

The Westminster Confession of Faith is a Reformed confession of faith. Drawn up by the 1646 Westminster Assembly as part of the Westminster Standards to be a confession of the Church of England, it became and remains the "subordinate standard" of doctrine in the Church of Scotland and has been influential within Presbyterian churches worldwide.

In 1643, the English Parliament called upon "learned, godly and judicious Divines" to meet at Westminster Abbey in order to provide advice on issues of worship, doctrine, government and discipline of the Church of England. Their meetings, over a period of five years, produced the confession of faith, as well as a Larger Catechism and a Shorter Catechism. For more than three hundred years, various churches around the world have adopted the confession and the catechisms as their standards of doctrine, subordinate to the Bible.

Wednesday, August 19th 2020 at 5:11PM
Steve Williams
Why would you say such a thing as this: I don't agree with (teaching Islam in our public schools) WHY?

Wednesday, August 19th 2020 at 6:19PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
I used to recite the Westminster Confession of Faith every Sunday at my local Reformed Presbyterian church. I don't think Joe knows what Islam is, any more than you do Ron. So why would I take Biden's advice about teaching something he doesn't understand?

Wednesday, August 19th 2020 at 6:35PM
Steve Williams
WOW!!!! Know you really believe you know what JOE BIDEN KNOWS and you believe people will buy your BULL 💩?

Just look at You are hiding behind your Grandbaby, talking 💩 about a person who the majority people in the U.S. believe well bring back respect to The Oval Office.

Wednesday, August 19th 2020 at 7:43PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
So you don't think Biden was just pandering Ron? I sure hope he never tries to explain Buddhism. For that matter I hope never to hear his explanation of the Roman Catholic.

Wednesday, August 19th 2020 at 8:23PM
Steve Williams
Well at least you won’t have that BULL💩trump pulled, for a photo op any more.

Wednesday, August 19th 2020 at 9:12PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Asked robertpowell What he thinks about Jihad?

Wednesday, August 19th 2020 at 9:20PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Ron, I understood what Robert said. Will Biden get a million Muslim votes?

Wednesday, August 19th 2020 at 10:07PM
Steve Williams
Islam is the third largest religion in the United States, after Christianity and Judaism.[1] A 2017 study estimated that 3.45 million Muslims were living in the United States, about 1.1 percent of the total U.S. population.[2] Pew Research Center has subdivided the Muslim community and their percentages into three subsets, namely Sunnism (65%), Shi'ism (11%) and non-denominational Muslims (24%).[3]

American Muslims come from various backgrounds and, according to a 2009 Gallup poll, are one of the most racially diverse religious groups in the United States.[4] According to a 2017 study done by the Institute for Social Policy, “American Muslims are the only faith community surveyed with no majority race, with 25 percent black, 24 percent white, 18 percent East Asian, 18 percent Arab, 7 percent mixed race, and 5 percent Hispanic”.[5]

In addition, 50 percent of Muslims are native born while the other 50 percent are foreign born, and 86 percent are citizens. Many native-born American Muslims are African Americans who make up about a quarter of the total Muslim population. Many of them have converted to Islam during the last seventy years. Conversion to Islam in large cities[6] has also contributed to its growth over the years as well as its influence on black culture and hip-hop music.

While an estimated 10 to 20 percent[7][8] of the slaves brought to colonial America from Africa arrived as Muslims,[9][10] Islam was severely suppressed on plantations.[7] Prior to the late 19th century, most documented non-enslaved Muslims in North America were merchants, travelers, and sailors.[9]

Wednesday, August 19th 2020 at 10:12PM
Steve Williams
And what is wrong with that information and information like that, being taught in public school?

Wednesday, August 19th 2020 at 10:54PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Which sect would you teach Ron? Don't tell me you believe in sects?

Wednesday, August 19th 2020 at 11:36PM
Steve Williams
I will stick to the basics in talking about the differences in Muslim faith like is has been taught in recent times or would you like nothing to be said about the third largest religious in the world?

Thursday, August 20th 2020 at 9:00AM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.

Already in usa Public schools, the 'sects' taught are:

1) COLORED'whiteSupremist' sects

2) COLORED'black' inferior sects

3) Christmas tree sect

4) Easter bunny sect

5) Halloween sect

6) Good Friday, death of god sect

7) All the above sects are intertwined with Protestant, Catholic, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Baptist,

Episcopalian, Jehovah Witness, kkk, and other sects fulfilling a majority....


All of the 2 Billion Muslims on Earth 2020...AND Muslims born for the last 1400+ years Believe in one (1);

African Asian Monotheistic Set of Words delivered From Creator of Adaam(as), Musa(as) and Mohamed(as)

in the Original African Asian Languages and Understanding of Africa Asia.

Thursday, August 20th 2020 at 9:11AM
robert powell
Even my own SGI-USA is a sect.

Thursday, August 20th 2020 at 10:19AM
Steve Williams

Soka Gakkai International - USA

....Engaged USA Buddhists working to create a peaceful world

Sounds Great..OK... to me....

Thursday, August 20th 2020 at 12:38PM
robert powell
It is Robert, but they've told me they don't like me talking about "deep studies" or something like that. They don't expect someone in America to study Kumarajiva's Chinese Lotus Sutra directly.

Thursday, August 20th 2020 at 2:22PM
Steve Williams
For instance, they wouldn't want me to talk about this passage:

You monks, listen carefully!
The way followed by the sons of the Buddha,
because they are well learned in expedient means,
is wonderful beyond conception.
They know how most beings delight in a lesser doctrine
and are fearful of great wisdom.
Therefore the bodhisattvas
pose as voice-hearers or cause-awakened ones,
employing countless expedient means
to convert the different kinds of living beings.
They proclaim themselves to be voice-hearers
and say they are far removed from the buddha way,
and so bring emancipation to immeasurable multitudes,
allowing them all to achieve success.
Limited in aspiration, lazy and indolent though the multitudes are,
bit by bit they are led to the attainment of buddhahood.


Thursday, August 20th 2020 at 2:50PM
Steve Williams


a person who is able to reach nirvana but delays doing so out of compassion in order to save suffering beings.

....Any and all Beliefs when studied in their language, their culture, their philosophies are reaching for

Rahmaah or mercy...or Maitreya....


Sűrat AnNaml

(The Ants, The Insignificant Kingdoms) XXVII

Bismillaahir Rahmaan irRaheem

1. Tâ-Sîn

The Verses of Aathikre-recitation Qur'aan are a Reading/Book that gives understanding to Mankind.

2. A guide to the correct Path for the Believers of the Oneness of Creator, Monotheism.

3. Those who perform AsSalât (Iqâmat-AsSalât); give AzZakât and they believe in the after death

meeting with Creator, and for appropriate recompense for life's behavior, of their good-bad deeds.

Thursday, August 20th 2020 at 6:31PM
robert powell


a person who is able to reach nirvana but delays doing out of compassion in order to save suffering beings.


....Any and all Beliefs when studied in their language, their culture, their philosophies are reaching for

Rahmaah or mercy...or Maitreya....


Sűrat AnNaml

(The Ants, The Insignificant Kingdoms) XXVII

Bismillaahir Rahmaan irRaheem

1. Tâ-Sîn

The Verses of Aathikre-recitation Qur'aan are a Reading/Book that gives understanding to Mankind.

2. A guide to the correct Path for the Believers of the Oneness of Creator, Monotheism.

3. Those who perform AsSalât (Iqâmat-AsSalât); give AzZakât and they believe in the after death

meeting with Creator, and for appropriate recompense for life's behavior, of their good-bad deeds.

Thursday, August 20th 2020 at 6:32PM
robert powell
Thanks for the mention of Maitreya, and the verses of Qur'aan, and your words of encouragement Robert. I thought this was a nice little article:


Friday, August 21st 2020 at 12:47PM
Steve Williams
Maitreya figures prominently in chapter 16 of the Lotus Sutra, which is the chapter most revered by the SGI.

Friday, August 21st 2020 at 12:52PM
Steve Williams
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