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MARCH 24, 2021

In Part 1, we spoke about how information posted on websites was being copied from printers in order to show police and other agencies, while the person being pointed out was Hatap Rayay, a blackman who is roommates with Charles Cyphert. But what wasn't revealed is how Hatap's phones were bugged and surveillance was placed upon him due to parties around the 3200 block of West 38th street in West Cleveland, pointing him out as. Remember, all of these people who have been working against blackmen and who have been selling blackmen out goes to church on Sundays. So what does that tell you about them. In the Bible's own contents, Judas Iscariot sold out Yashua (jesus) in the same way. So who are these so-called Christians actually following? What could make them print information from off a website thats only informative news, and show it around while pointing out who they think is responsible for posting the information! West Cleveland, and many people agree, has some of the most ruthless and evil people throughout all of Cleveland. Although East Cleve;and has a problem with snitches, lying informants, and weekly paid informants on payrolls, much like in West Cleveland, in West Cleveland, there are many informants and alot of them hide behind the most influencial in neighborhoods. Information we post is a threat to drug dealers and sell-outs because it calls them out. So alot of them secretly work with police and others, thinking they would never be found out. As long as black people are constantly targeted daily by police and by snitches who get a thrill on watching black people squirm, its a normal day as usual in West Cleveland. But when black people get tired of watching their own suffer daily and expose the wrongdoings they are a major threat. Think about it. Parties used a printer to nearly copy every thread we posted, took it around to police and others, pointed out that Hatap was responsible for posting them, and police, for weeks, have hacked his phone using cell phone towers, and worked with every person in the business field to keep tabs on him! Even Hatap's Civil Rights attorney proved that police were illegally wiretapping his phones, et cetera, based on testimonials from certain euro-americans and certain hispanics.
Posted By: george patel
Tuesday, March 23rd 2021 at 7:43AM
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The thing these devils must understand is that not everyone is evil and is out to do harm to someone who isn't harming anyone. And after we posted Part 1 of this thread, the demons kept at work the entire weekend; plotting and conspiring. The thing is that they tell on one another. There are alot of hispanics who know whats going on and because they are hispanic they really don't have real love for black people. But when they go through racial discrimination, like most people of color, they look for black people to join their causes. There is a major storm on the way to America and many people won't be able to hide from it no matter how much Santeria they practice. All those who have tried demonizing pious like black people, or people in general for that matter, will have tro answer to greater forces and no government technology is going to save you! Yopu crooked police throw around information about black people as if they have no worth! You misguided and somewhat demonic black people who turn against your own for a job, or because you choose to be part of another race, you too will have to account for your evils. Right now many of you don't care because you think your government, and all of its technology, is more powerful than those who seeded you on this planet. You have been duped so severely that you are at a point of no returning to the Natural way of life. You are too corrupt and to diluted. If there was a hell, most of those from Generation Z and the Millenials don't care anyway. SWo their fates have pretty much already been sealed! positive people just need to stay out of their way as they continue to self destruct. You can only re-wire a robot so many times before it goes bezerk. Those of you who were responsible for police illegally wiretapping Hatap's phone know who you are because you are some of the first to read these threads. Mathematics don't lie! And according to parties with connections to Spectrum wireless, there are several devices attached to the wifi where Cyphert and hatap reside that is neither of their devices. An internet sweep was already done and those who have been monitoring the wifi at their homes are already known. They just have a connection to police and others which is why local police, although they know it, refuses to confront them for cybercrimes and cyberstalking. So much is going to be revealed in the days ahead and all of those who thought that all blame could be placed on Cyphert, simply because he is a euro-american that isn't too fond of people of color, you have foooled yourselves. Your devices are known, the Mac Ip addresses on those devices are known, and no matter who you ship them to, if those devices are used again it will be known! For every reaction there is an equal yet opposite reaction. Overstand that!

But as for the dedicated readers, and those who we know personally that obsorbs the nutrients from these threads, the mass evil which surrounds us will soon disintegrate. Like I said, there are quite a few people working with police in West Cleveland. Anyway, I will cover more of this in my next thread. Right now I will get with current events. https://youtu.be/EDdJfOfV8GA.


https://thefreethoughtproject.com/child-pr... .https://insighthistory.com/latest-content/f/rockefeller-paper-predicted-isolation-no-physical-interaction

Younger generations in the United States, Canada, and Europe are becoming more secular. Recent polls have indicated that there seems to be a majority of college-aged young adults that have rejected their faith in favor of using science to explain many of life’s mysteries. The technocracy is boasting that the United States has achieved maybe even surpassed its goals of becoming a secular nation. While the Christian-Right is very vocal about a belief in God in the United States, the secular tsunami is taking over as we edge closer to the idea of A.I. singularity and the scientific establishment’s promoting of Climate Change. Sociologists have suggested that the reason this is becoming a trend is because of the fanatical ideological extremes that are now invading the social network of our country. There appears to be a schism that is forming where people with fresh ideological perspectives don’t follow the lines of the two major political parties. Those that are becoming secular are rebelling against the left and right paradigm. They are rebelling against organized religion – they believe that all of the established groups alienate the order of things and do nothing to establish peace and harmony with the environment. The truth is that spiritual health is important in finding respect for human life. From that standpoint, we launch into a form of religious affiliation which eventually becomes the most central form of civic engagement from there, people place themselves in various collectives and develop political views. Now we are seeing a disengagement taking place; a disengagement from, religion, then the disengagement of traditional civil engagements, disengagement from civic duty, traditional political beliefs and eventually an amoral attitude about human life and the plight of others. Eventually, there will be no value in the Old Order and the majority will await a New Order. Those in the older generations will then become insignificant and irrelevant as they hold on to old values and old traditions.

This signals a darker future for older generations. Even before COVID-19 annihilated much of the world economy, the baby boomer demographic time bomb was discussed by think tanks and policy makers far and wide. During the past 25 years, young people increasingly put off having children with a 4.4% collapse in birthrates during the Dec. 2019-Dec 2020 year of COVID. Today western fertility levels have fallen to 1.7 children/woman which is far below the 2.1 levels needed to replace the population. During this time, the baby boomer generation born between 1945-1960 increasingly found themselves beset with grey hair, and increased healthcare needs in their old age with the first wave having hit retirement years in 2010. While technological advances has extended average life expectancies from 61 years (in 1935) to 81 years today, the demographic imbalance of young : old means that society will essentially be incapable of supporting itself under current dynamics. This was foretold by economists for years. i addressed the issue of zero population growth 10 years ago and the effect the aging baby boomer would have on the health care system. Back then I speculated that the extreme attitudes towards the burden of the aging population would lead to Eugenics directives that would be vital in sustaining a fracture economy. There were many times in the history of the world where technocrat fascists would convince the population that humans were a menace or a cancer on this planet and that some people that are a burden on the economy will be seen as useless eaters. First in the agenda is to establish a group consensus of crises and solutions that include separating the people and eventually culling or removing them. This proposal would be no different than what was carried out against the Jews in Hitler’s day and they were marked for death because of their ethnicity, bloodline and other reasons that were actually made to fit into a corrupt eschatology. Hitler had outlined the proposal of the final solution in his book, Mein Kampf. Hitler stated that it is important to “sift the human material” for those who support decisions of the leaders and those who do not support these decisions. He also believed in culling those who were a burden on society. The agenda of “sifting human material” is also found hidden in the policies of Global Warming Sustainability proposals.

Looking back into the darker annals of history we see that after the Nuremberg Hearings we saw 7 of the 23 Nazi doctors put to death for their role in Hitler’s Tiergarten Fier health reforms, Nuremberg counsel Dr. Leo Alexander wrote in 1949: “Whatever proportions these crimes finally assumed; it became evident to all who investigated them that they had started from small beginnings. The beginnings at first were merely a subtle shift in emphasis in basic attitude, basic in the euthanasia movement, that there is such a thing as life not worthy to be lived. This attitude in its early stages concerned itself merely with the severely and chronically sick. Gradually, the sphere of those to be included in this category was enlarged to encompass the socially unproductive, the ideologically unwanted, the racially unwanted, then finally all non-Germans. But it is important to realize that the infinitely small wedged-in lever from which this entire trend of mind received its impetus was the attitude toward the non-rehabilitate sick.” In his essay, Dr. Alexander described the growth of the euthanasia laws in fascist Germany as the concept “lives unworthy of life” was first introduced into health policy. Under the guidance of “expert panels”, the T4 health codes soon became a driving force of eugenics that saw 270,000 non-Jewish Germans killed starting with handicapped children and elderly before the policy was expanded to embrace Jews, Gypsies and other target “unfit” group. The ghost of Tiergarten Fier or T4 is being revived today and technocrats call it “bioethics.” The fact that the organizations promoting the rise of this eugenics policy throughout Nazi Germany and North America included such powerhouses as the Rockefeller Foundation, the Wellcome Trust and the Human Sterilization League for Human Betterment (today renamed “Engender Health”) which have all taken leading roles in the World Health Organization over recent decades is more than a little concerning. The fact that these eugenics organizations simply re-branded themselves after WWII and are now implicated in modern RNA vaccine development alongside the Galton Institute (formerly British Eugenics Association), Oxford’s AstraZeneca, Pfizer and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation should give any serious thinker pause as we consider what patterns of history we are willing to tolerate repeating in our presently precarious age. After all, it was Bill Gates that stated that vaccines would be effective in reducing populations in some countries. Now that the vaccine is being administered worldwide, scientists are boldly proclaiming and explaining to the “Deer in the headlights” population that they are reprogramming the DNA of each person who gets the shot .

Recently at a TED Talk, Tal Zaks, the Chief Medical Officer of Moderna Therapeutics actually stated that that they are hacking the software of life and rewriting genetic code. https://youtu.be/FU-cqTNQhMM. The question is what does that mean for human life in the future? Does this mean that the vaccines are transforming humanity into walking, talking operating systems? Will they enhance life expectancy, or will they diminish it, or will it reduce population over time? Jonathon Porritt, who at one time chaired the now defunct the Sustainable Development Commission, stated that curbing population growth through contraception and abortion must be at the heart of policies to fight global warming. He stated that political leaders and green campaigners should stop dodging the issue of environmental harm caused by an expanding population.Q & A: Jonathon Porritt. environmentalist Porritt, championed family planning, even if it meant shifting money from curing illness to increasing contraception and abortion. Many of these policies were part of the charter of the Tri-lateral commission. Zbigniew Brzezinski Barack Obama’s foreign adviser was the co-founder of the Trilateral commission along with David Rockefeller. The original stated purpose of the Trilateral Commission was to create a “New International Economic Order.” Its current statement has morphed into fostering a “closer cooperation among these core democratic industrialized areas of the world with shared leadership responsibilities in the wider international system. The global plan is for all countries to live on the level of third world nations. Economic sustainability they believe could be be achieved through a process known as “end game” strategies. these strategies include controls on ecological systems such as food, water and air. The agenda would severely limit water, electricity, and transportation–and would also eventually eliminate those who are a burden on resources demands and health care systems. To them it is all about the numbers, for example: By 2030, it is currently estimated people over the age of 85 will triple while seniors between 65-85 will double. The financial costs of sustaining this demographic will skyrocket as healthcare services double from their currently massive $1.4 trillion/year to $3 trillion/year (in the USA).

As cost-effectiveness experts look at this dismal trend, all they can see is a cold numbers game. These experts don’t tend to see humans with cognitive powers and souls and they certainly don’t recognize the existence of such immaterial notions as the “sacred” which might prevent the culling of lives in order to satisfy monetary constraints. They certainly don’t recognize the injustices of a system that allows trillions of dollars to be spent for Wall Street bailouts and Middle East wars but which fails to provide the medical resources to service its own population fairly. These experts can only think in terms of adapting to scarcity and supposedly “fixed limits” but never eliminating scarcity through systemic changes that place human life and creative thought on a higher priority than mere money. When Joe Biden was busy creating his cabinet and advisory board on COVID-19 he called upon a man by the name of Dr. Eziekiel Emmanuel to be part of his medical advisory board.Why I Hope to Die at 75 - The Atlantic While acting as Obama’s health advisor from 2009-2011, Ezekiel Emmanuel wrote a bone chilling study called “Principles for allocation of scarce medical interventions” in the Lancet. In this revealing document, Ezekiel’s vision for a new ethic of healthcare management was enunciated with the “Complete Lives System” that would be used to justify who among the needy of society competing for scraps of the shrinking pie, will receive care (i.e: expensive cancer screenings, treatments, drugs), and who will be left to die when he wrote: “When implemented, the complete lives system produces a priority curve on which individuals aged between roughly 15 to 40 years gets the most substantial chances, whereas the youngest and the oldest people get chances that are attenuated.” Overthrowing the entire edifice of Judeo-Christian values that defined human life as sacred as well as the pesky Hippocratic oath which prevents physicians from doing any harm willfully to their patients, Emmanuel describes exactly what he intends by his “priority curve” and “attenuated chances” for the young and old saying: “Strict youngest-first allocation directs scarce resources predominantly to infants. This approach seems incorrect. The death of a 20-year-old woman is intuitively worse than that of a 2-month-old girl, even though the baby has had less life. The 20 year old has a much more developed personality than the infant, and has drawn upon the investment of others to begin as yet-unfulfilled projects… adolescents have received substantial education and parental care, investment that will be wasted without a complete life: infants by contrast, have not yet received these investments… it is terrible when an infant dies, but worse, most people think, when a three year old child dies, and worse still when an adolescent dies.”

That’s right: Emmanuel’s “cost-effective” curve asserts that the life of a 20-year-old is more worthy of life than that of a 3-year-old, or 75 year old. In the latter two cases, society has invested either too little to make that young life worth saving or has invested too much already relative to the financial worth of the low quality senior. In a more recent 2014 article published in the Atlantic, called, Why I Hope to Die at 75, Emmanuel explained his belief that anyone attempting to prolong their life beyond 75 is delusional, selfish and pathetic stating: “I think this manic desperation to endlessly extend life is misguided and potentially destructive. For many reasons, 75 is a pretty good age to aim to stop.” Ezekiel Emmanuel made the point in his 2009 report that the key to cost-cutting in health care would be found in the application of Quality Adjusted Life Years under the control of independent panels of experts. If you recall this is where we got the term “death panels’ something that was said to have been debunked by the mainstream media. Now it appears that populations are now being targeted and are being reduced. There is really no need for death panels when the population can reduce on its own with the aid of science that basically uses Eugenics disguised as bioethics to meet the goals of reducing the population with plausible deniability. What many do not know, however, is that the seemingly benign academic study of bioethics has its roots in the dark history of eugenics. With that knowledge, the dangers inherent in entrusting some of the most important discussions about the life, death and health of humanity in the hands of a select few become even more apparent.

After thought: We have been told that the government had an ultimatum to discuss with the country what they know about life in space. The Pentagon has been scrambling trying to find a cogent and homogenized explanation for UFO’s. But of course, the announcement did not come without some warning some indication that something was coming from the sky, something unknown. People were all going about their business and then comes the suddenly interrupted TV programs, the faces in the crowd looking up, the little girl pointing in the air, the mouths opening, the dogs barking , the traffic stopped, the shopping bag falling to the sidewalk, and there, in the sky, coming closer a bright light. It looks like a pin head at first but then it gets bigger as it gets closer. We all knew it was only a matter of time, we felt, in the midst of our curiosity and terror, a certain calm, the calm of familiarity, we knew what was expected of us, at such a moment. Yes, the idea of the aliens arriving was completely like what we expected form the movies, all perfect on cue, terrifying and exciting. This time though, something changes, this is not the alien arrival we were expecting, it is not a UFO or a mothership approaching, it is a meteor the size of a beach ball falling and eventually landing in the back yard of a house. The cause of the fire behind Jackie Wilson’s Peachland home Tuesday night will go down, officially, as undetermined.Peachland grass fire likely sparked by sky lantern. But multiple witnesses and a video that was taken shows a ball of fire coming down from the sky, landing in a yard on Ponderosa Drive, and sparking a fire at roughly 9 p.m. Brush and grass on the steep slope ignited into a large fire, singeing the deck of the home before fire crews’ quick action saved the residence. The Peachland Fire Department says with the amount of water they threw at the fire, any evidence of whatever came out of the sky is likely long gone. Fire Chief Dennis Craig said they were unsure of what caused the fire initially until they viewed the video and heard that the person that called the fire witnessed the fireball fall from the sky. Space debris or meteor, no one will know for sure. We can rule out any talk of UFO’s or aliens for now — only that lately scientists have been detecting some anomalous artifacts that are inside some of the space rocks that have impacted the planet lately. Granted they are small — not enough to be extinction level — but when they are analyzed they raise more questions than answers.

Last year it was reported that scientists found a complete protein molecule in a meteorite and they’re pretty sure it didn’t come from Earth. After analyzing samples from the meteorite Acfer 086, a team of researchers from Harvard University and the biotech companies PLEX Corporation and Bruker Scientific found that the protein’s building blocks differed chemically from terrestrial protein.A 4641Da Polymer of Amino Acids in Acfer 086 And Allende Meteorites - Astrobiology. The research doesn’t determine where this unearthly protein came from or how it formed — the scientists are just confident it didn’t come from here. This past week, perhaps in spite of the foreshadowing of science fiction three entirely new lifeforms have been discovered at different locations onboard the International Space Station. A team of US and Indian scientists studied four strains of bacteria found on the orbiting lab, and say that three were previously unknown to science. Their discovery could help future astronauts grow food on missions into deep space, researchers wrote in the journal Frontiers in Microbiology. Three of the strains were collected by astronauts in 2015 and 2016. One was in an overhead panel in a research lab, the second in the station’s Cupola viewing deck, and the third on the crew’s dining table. The fourth strain was captured from an old cabin air filter that was returned to Earth ten years ago. Scientists are hoping they can analyze them and use them to help grow plants in space. It is life — but not as we know it and I am sure NASA will posit a very prosaic explanation for anyone that wants to conclude that the microbial life forms are in essence alien life. There has always been speculation that these life forms are mutated life that hitched a ride on spaceships form earth and survived the vacuum of space. Depending on your age, there was quote that was made in the movie, Lawrence of Arabia, where T.E. Lawrence says, “Big things have small beginnings.” This same quote was given by the Android, David in the film, Prometheus. The film, Prometheus, was a prequel to the Alien movie franchise, and even though the film sparked controversy and confusion among the fans of the franchise, I understood what it was trying to do.Prometheus: Is David the Franchise's Hidden Protagonist? | Den of Geek

It was a breakthrough film that created the dialogue for the theories on the subject of panspermia and intelligent design; albeit, in a way that is far beyond the biblical account and Michael Angelo’s God touching Adam’s finger. Intelligent design has always been a more politically correct way of teaching the controversial biblical creation in the public school system. If you can detect design, then people have a reason to infer a designer. or, an “engineer” of Grand Order of Developers, which creates a highly-appropriate acronym. Evolution suggests how life have evolved over a long amount of time into the countless varieties of creatures and humans we find on Earth. Even though science says that this is enough, it certainly does not satisfy the 46% of Americans that believe that the earth and its inhabitants were created around 10,000 years ago. In the Bible we are told that in the beginning life was brought forth from the light that was produced by an extraterrestrial deity. So in order to get the ball rolling we have to open the Bible. The origin of life on earth is a very big mystery to human beings. There are several theories that attempted to explain how life on earth originated. Spontaneous generation and panspermia are two such theories. Spontaneous generation theory proposed that living creatures could arise from nonliving matter. Panspermia theory stated that life on earth did not originate from here, but it was transferred from somewhere else in the universe. Thus, panspermia theory believed interplanetary transfer of life and the distribution of life throughout the universe. Spontaneous generation is an obsolete theory regarding the origin of life on earth. According to it, life can arise from nonliving matter. In other words, organisms do not descend from other living organisms. Certain conditions in their environment should be fulfilled in order for creation to occur. Spontaneous generation theory was proposed by the Greek philosopher Aristotle. Spontaneous generation assumes the generation of complex organisms; for example, dust creating fleas, maggots arising from rotting meat, and bread or wheat left in a dark corner producing mice, etc.

Panspermia is another theory that explains the origin of life. According to it, life on earth did not originate on our planet. It was transported here from somewhere else in the universe. The Greek philosopher Anaxagoras wrote this idea for the first time in the 5th century. According to this theory, the emergence of life began soon after the heavy bombardment period of the earth since the earth was endured a very powerful series of meteor showers during that period of time. Due to these meteor showers, the living forms went extinct from the earth and then after originated again from transferring from the universe. In order to receive life from elsewhere in the universe, there should be another planet that supports living organisms. The presence of water and the presence of organic matter in space has supported this belief. Spontaneous generation theory is an obsolete theory, Panspermia is an untested theory however there appears to be a lot of proof that in space there are building blocks for life, and that there is a reason to believe that life finds a way to earth even in extreme conditions. Science has dismissed the idea of a creator, spontaneous generation, and they are not at all convinced of panspermia, although by all accounts things are beginning to change on these so called false beliefs. Once a false belief becomes established in the Zeitgeist, it is very difficult to change the minds of the consensus, essentially because the system invents supposed facts in order to support it. Ockham’s Razor warns us against inventing a multiplicity of theories or hypothesis or jumping to outrageous conclusions about subject matter that may be seen as mysterious. However, it appears that many people pull the Occam’s Razor card when awkward facts are discussed, or they see fit to interpret it as an edict to exclude the consideration of new ideas. It is a tool that is used by conformists and rigid thinkers whom make it their job to play a highly misinformed devil’s advocate. However, it may be necessary to once again look at the origin of life as having small beginnings – after all we are all here because a small sperm cell was determined to fertilize and egg in order to facilitate life.

We understand that when we die we go to heaven, but wouldn’t it be just as logical to observe we came from there too? The idea that terrestrial life has extraterrestrial origins has a long and sometimes distinguished history. The standard version goes something like this: a primitive alien life form, perhaps a bacterium, germ or even a virus somehow hitches a ride through space aboard an object like a meteoroid, collides with our young planet and seeds it with life. Against innumerable odds, its descendants flourish and spread across Earth. n 1871, Lord Kelvin hypothesized “that there are countless seed-bearing meteoric stones moving about through space”. In his 1908 book Worlds in the Making, Nobel laureate Svante Arrhenius named the process “panspermia.” In 1973, Francis Crick published a paper in the planetary sciences journal, Icarus, at that time edited by Carl Sagan. In it, Crick asked the question: “Could life have started on Earth as a result of infection by microorganisms sent here deliberately by a technological society on another planet, by means of a special long-range unmanned spaceship?” As recently as 2009, Stephen Hawking speculated that “life could spread from planet to planet, or from stellar system to stellar system, carried on meteors”. Prestigious backers notwithstanding, panspermia has not found widespread acceptance, although many biologists accept a weaker version of it. Most biologists will agree there is a contribution to the origin of life on Earth from cosmic sources. Most won’t go as far as stating that we are the result of space seeds but some have speculated that many of our diseases and plagues have come from space. When one hears of great plagues one of the first things they think about is the plagues they have read about in religious texts. Out of nowhere strange viruses and parasites would arrive and kill a lot of people. Many of these plagues were either part of prophecy or called down by a prophet who sees his people as persecuted. A disease called down from heaven can be identified as a type of biological warfare. If the disease is unheard of on Earth and if we can’t fight off its affects, it can be labeled an alien threat.

For example, an archaeological find of Cuneiform tablets was found in the 19th century describing perilous events in after a Solar eclipse in ancient Nineveh which is now known as Northern Iraq. Nineveh is place that is mentioned in the Bible as a very evil place and that Jonah set out to get the people to repent. According to the Cuneiform tablets a plague broke out in Nineveh in the year 765 B.C., where even the king was not able to go out to war, as was custom. This was followed by a civil war and then another plague. A famous eclipse mentioned in the tablets was known as the Bur-Sagale eclipse, which is verified by NASA as occurring on June 15, 763 BC. The path of totality was right over Nineveh. The Assyrian chronicles inform us that a plague had broken out in the city of Nineveh around the time of the eclipse, which was soon followed by an internal revolt which began during the very same year that the eclipse occurred. It was just after these events that Jonah appeared – this would be the reason why the people were eager to hear his message – the wrath of God had shown itself in the sky and some of the people became sick and others went mad and had a civil war. According to medieval history many of the magicians who ran the apothecaries of the day would record that ferocious diseases would break out after the appearances of comets. If passing comets have deposit viruses and microorganisms on this planet, this may explain why ancient astronomers and civilizations attributed the periodic outbreak of plague to events that happen in the sky. Moreover, the subsequent evolution and extinction of life may have been directly impacted by the continued arrival of bacteria, viruses, and their genes from space. Near-culling pandemics and extinction episodes have in fact been preceded by or followed by inserts of viral genes into survivors who have transmitted these viral elements to their progeny, thereby impacting future evolution. Apparently, nothing has changed in the 21st century– however now we are told that the new plague that we are in the middle of needs to be eradicated using breakthroughs in genomics.

The objective is to reprogram or hack into the DNA like it was an operating system of a computer. This makes us question our own sanity. The COVID-19 virus acts like a technology more than a virus– and while there are many conspiracy theorists that claim that perhaps it was a pathogen released from a lab, the genomic make up of whatever it is, is extremely bizarre. Scientists have been forced to create a vaccine that reprograms the DNA of the human being, and this reprogramming will continue for generations. They have literally introduced a new DNA strand into the human germline. Some say it will make us more alien than human, pushing our evolution closer to transhuman forms. About a year ago Amy Webb, a well-known futurist appeared on a talk show addressed the issue of COVID-19 and how this has triggered someone’s idea of a future dystopia today. She declared that we are living in a dystopia. Webb stated, “Futurists – when we map out scenarios, sometimes when you get to where there is no winning solution to a problem, you kind of hope for an alien invasion.” Amy Webb said “In a way, this is our alien invasion. This virus is essentially malware, attacking the source code of humanity. This should be something that brings us all together. It’s strange to me that it’s not. This is the time, this is the cause, and this is the reason, to get Silicon Valley and Wall Street and Washington, D.C., in lockstep together.” As you may of guessed those comments have haunted me because every once in a while I read news stories that indicate that perhaps what we are dealing with is something like an Andromeda Strain scenario where whatever is plaguing us is evolving quickly like an alien pathogen with variants and mutations that along with mRNA tinkering could eventually land us in some dystopic future that we have read about in books like ” I am Legend” or “Dawn of the Dead.” For example: Using molecular dating tools and epidemiological simulations, researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine, with colleagues at the University of Arizona and Illumina, Inc., estimate that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was likely circulating undetected for at most two months before the first human cases of COVID-19 were described in Wuhan, China in late-December 2019. Frontiers | Antivirals Against Coronaviruses: Candidate Drugs for SARS-CoV-2 Treatment? | Microbiology

Writing in the March 18, 2021 online issue of Science, they also note that their simulations suggest that the mutating virus should have died out before reaching epidemic status. That would mean that suddenly in October of 2019 the SARS-COV-2 virus was discovered and was quite possibly force multiplied. The rest is up for speculation, and again the circumstances resurrect the compelling theory that perhaps COVID-19 was a cosmic cross contamination of an organism unknown to this planet, and that it was used as a component of a highly effective synthesized pathogen. In October 11, 2019 over Sonjyan City in the Jilin Province of NE China there was a huge near earth object event where a large meteorite exploded over a wide area. The city is 2,191.4 KM north of Wujan. Some scientists are claiming that if a fragment of a loosely held carbonaceous meteorite carrying a cargo of viruses/bacteria entered the mesosphere and stratosphere at high speed ~30km/s, its inner core which survived incandescence would have got dispersed in the stratosphere and troposphere. The explosive impact may have spread “hundreds of trillions of infective viral particles that were “embedded in the form of fine carbonaceous dust” as it blazed through the Chinese atmosphere until it fell to Earth. The dust could have been spread over great distances and also could have contaminated rain water and the water table. Now, if you are to say this you would be shut down on various social network platforms –and by others that want to push the issue of a bioweapon. However, we may have to open our minds to the idea of an Andromeda evolution process where something alien may have arrived two months before the world knew of COVID-19. Perhaps we ought to reconsider this whole thing about looking for life on other worlds. It would be nice to find it, of course. But that does not mean we could handle it—biologically, epidemiologically and most important, and emotionally. https://globalvoices.org/2021/03/21/sierra... https://youtu.be/CUhuhIeQNos. https://kgw.com/embeds/video/283-1fe39cf1-... https://youtu.be/KXQ-K8dYyvU. https://youtu.be/CpPg5fQTROU. https://youtu.be/jmmfT0JnvPc. https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/darpa... https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/things... https://youtu.be/xguDtjjaTeY. https://youtu.be/h_YhKblPtOo. https://youtu.be/B0ZW-TWO0C0. https://youtu.be/ROyA65fUA2k. https://youtu.be/JgL-VlR1Nuw

Tuesday, March 23rd 2021 at 7:44AM
george patel
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