MAY 1, 2021
Everyone who have been eading some of the sinister actions implemented by the white supremacists, Charles Cyphert and family", have very little idea as to whats taking place daily around you. In West Cleveland, there is a gender war going on and female police officers, along with others, seem to be picking and choosing sides as the masses continue to die out. There are a large number of teenage girls and boys attempting suicide, young girls are riding in vehicles with guys with drugs, then choose some remote area, contact police, and give them description of the males, vehicle license plates, et cetera. All of this information is documented even though the police department on Fulton road in West cleveland may hide the facts. Large numbers of people are witnessing their loved ones, after taking the Covid vaccines, die. But noone is trying to hear their cries. Youtube and Facebook is punishing anyone who speaks the truth about whats really going on. Charles Cyphert stated that he wanted to see black people die even if it ost him his own life! There are demons who live for the sake of oppressing others. Cyphert's black roommate can relay what type of person Cyphert really is. Cyphert is the type of person who eats up the food of black people and then leave early in the morning and make up some lie on those he victimized. Black people, because of the many plots of Cyphert and parties within his own family, are having the police called on them for anything. even when blacks walk into stores and spend money larger than a fifty dollar bill. As people continue to die from the vaccines white supremacists who know that the vaccines kills, is taking this time to get rid of those threatening races. Some doctors have even stated that they have wiotnessed alot of neuro or brain changes in humans who took the vaccine. The most dangerous of all white supremaicts seems to be the one who plays people against themselves. They may be nice to one black to throw off what they are doing to another. They are even demanding that many blacks get Covid vaccines in order to gain employment, but secretly knowing that terrible things are happening to those getting vaccinated. Blacks and latinos are refusing to keep their eyes on everything Cyphert and his family are doing from behind the scenes which is why many of you are still being targeted by police and others.
Just because you hear a vehicle come down your street with tinted windows playing loud music doesn't mean it is a youngster. There are cops doing this same thing while people shrug it off that its just some youth. . This time in 2022, the population will by alot smaller than it is right now. Those who speak good about the vaccine isn't recieving the same formula as those who are dying from it. They are only used to stage false events and to promote more and more people taking the vaccine. Those that hide in the shadows make policy in order to secure the state power hold and continuity of fraudulent government. They want to establish a dogmatic cult in America. They see this as the answer to the failures that they had a hand in making. They tell you that your freedom is guaranteed by their heavy handed form of governing. But you should not be fooled; they are belligerent external saboteurs of freedom. It appears to be a difficult task to spot or call out these individuals or reveal these destructive socially engineered trends because of the pressures of political purity. The elite have psychologically marked the highly-entertained and have used the methods of scoundrels to carry out internal bullying tactics on anyone who questions their motives.
Posted By: george patel
Friday, April 30th 2021 at 3:52PM
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