MAY 3, 2021
Before we start it is important to note that anytime black women and men mean the greatest for the many black tribes they are secretly hidden behind a wall of secrecy. During the time of Noble Drew Ali and many other blacks whose names were hidden from the history books, the people followed only those who were available to them. Most of the time blacks were forced to follow under the direction of the Boule Society, who some term the Black Illuminati. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a member of the Boule Society, turned against the ways of Moloch NAN.NAR) human sacrificing and stood aagainst the Vietnam war. Thus, because he stood against the Illuminati and knew most of their blue prints for humanity which is taking shape today, they had to eliminate him. Its true Dr. King had some chemical dependency problems. He was often cited as a womanizer, which the Illuminati used to shame him in secret society circles. It was because he was a young man when joining the Order of the Boule Society that they had parties and spiked his alcohol. He awoke from drunk slumbers in compromising positions which the Illuminati had photos and other evidence of. They had him. But Dr. King cared about the people. However, there were alot of black prominent so-called leaders leading protests against Dr. King. This part of history was kep from black people and a painful reality of history repeating itself today is everywhere in America. There are blacks who fought against white supremacy and all that it stood for and there were bklacks who were for it. The same is occurring in 2021. Then, throughout the 1990's a powerful name came up in black circles and he was a major threat against their mission and their white supremacist masters. His name was Dr. Malachi York. Dr. York taught black people everything they needed to know which would take them from one phase of their evolutionary existence into another phase. But the many demons that rule the world could not see this happen.
So they plotted with black females to construct lies and tales against Dr. York, kept his trial from the world-wide medias, and carried out their attacks. Since that day many who claimed to follow Dr. York expressed their true feelings about him. They never really learned all there was to learn which would have prohibit them from being tricked by the many demons and devils causing chaos across the globe today. The Tibetian Munks knew who Dr. York was and so did many Native American Chiefs. So after the devils attacked Dr. York and myriad others, Tibetian Munks and all those who knew who Dr. York was started suffering attacks from the governments and secret militaries. They had to degrade and destroy, which is a tactic Barack Obama was famous for phrasing. In truth, what they did was divided the people of color who at one time knew that they originated from Africa and did not hold titles like Puerto Ricans, Brazilians, so-called African Americans, and the list goes on and on. Many were/are part of tribes which originated from Africa that explained their true nationality and identity. But in 2021, over 95% of people of color term themselves names and nationalities their slave masters gave to them. The Bouel Society, whom many can call Luciferians, have always sat at the from of the table with powerfukl black leaders and learned all there was to know from those messengers. Thus, after the fall of those black true black leaders the Boule Society re-arranged the facts and summarized them to be used as myths and beliefs for the many people who exist today. The Boule Society took over most black organizations which are now called gangs, and thus the birth of homos*xuality arose amongst the ranks. Leaders of the many organizations were being exterminated through internal strife brought on by the Satanic and demonic Boule Society.
Posted By: george patel
Sunday, May 2nd 2021 at 4:05PM
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