Attention ( White America ) - In 1995 Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan called a large gathering of African Americans known as The Million Man March.
Organizers of the march sought to use the event to combat the negative stereotypes aimed at black people in popular culture.
This new digital march has the same function, but the intent is to combat the negative stereotypes associated with " white people ".
Specifically, the assumption that there is no desire to pay black people reparations as descendents of slaves.
This online campaign uses the official hashtag #AMillionWhitePeople to raise the first reparations payment to go to a random southern resident @ The objective is to receive a $1 Dollar donation from A Million White People.
With this, we will prove that A Million White People agree that restitution is due, despite the assumption that the masses oppose the idea.
And if we can prove this stigma to be unwarranted, how many more misconceptions about white people will be dispelled ?
Posted By: The #Sleep Culture
Saturday, December 4th 2021 at 1:37PM
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