Some Not so Random Thoughts
This morning I have been reflecting on the Economic Turmoil that’s rocking the Stock Markets and our well being. I thought of my father and some things he said when I was between my Freshman and Sophomore years at Morehouse College.
You see, that was when I first met my biological father. That’s another story, which many a man or woman could tell, so I will not get into that right now.
My father was a veteran of WWII. I don’t know how the conversation came up, but he said, “I really hated it when the war ended.”
“Why?” I asked. It seemed strange to me that someone would not be overjoyed that a war had come to an end.
“Because it meant that the white folks would start persecuting the Negroes again. (He used the other “N” word.)
Our people have suffered through a lot of tough times since being brought to this country in the “Bellies” of Slave Ships. Our forefathers survived that. They survived the Great Depression and it was a “Greater Depression” for them.
We have survived many other hard times, and we will survive this most recent Economic/Financial Crisis better than most.
Just think about it. We have gone from slavery, and almost through second class citizenship, and now we are less than 45 days from potentially electing an “African American” to the Presidency.
I remember the Robert Schuler book, “Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do.” I’m also reminded of that old Negro Spiritual, “I’m So Glad Trouble Don’t Last Always.”
Get out the Vote and get out to Vote on November 4th.
George Puckett
Ebony Tucson
Posted By: George Puckett
Tuesday, September 23rd 2008 at 11:38AM
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