Had a very good podcast discussion this morning on the podcast You got to hear this and hopefully we can extend the dialogue. My guest were "Dr. Wendy" author "Missing in Action: Black Women in the Boardroom," and also an organtion The Whitehouse Project which has an initiative to "Take Our Daughters To the Poll."
During the short podcast, we did get a chance to bridge the gap a little in talking about the imagery of women of color. Very interesting. I hope you'll listen and let's talk. Catch the podcast now playing at
http://www.DryerBuzz.com or click the profile icon to download or get the archives.
About Dr. Wendy
Wendy Johnson’s book, Missing in Action: Black Women in the Boardroom (endorsed by Dr. Cornel West), examines the historical and other influences that have hindered the advancement of black women. The perceptions of a broad cross section of professionals in a variety of organizational settings are examined, and from research and personal experience, Johnson analyzes the factors that continue to prevent black women from rising to the top. The book also offers practical advice to black women who want to break the glass ceiling.
http://www.dryerbuzz.com/2008/10/dr-wendy-... About TheWhitehouseProject.org
If you could teach a girl in your life the power of her voice, and show her that you believe in her ability to make a difference, wouldn’t you do it?
This Election Day, you can do just that–by joining our campaign to Take Our Daughters to the Polls.
Posted By: yalanda lattimore-DryerBuzz.com
Wednesday, October 22nd 2008 at 1:09PM
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