We are taught to empathize for and take care of everyone but our own people. I'm not saying forget Africans and Haitians or any other black people around the world, I'm asking when are we going to take care of our own.
Respectable Deacon Gray, you are on key. :)
Tuesday, March 22nd 2016 at 3:56PM
Miss Demi
Sister Demi and Deacon Gray, I was living in Downtown New Orleans when the storm hit and it's still a bad memory for me, I've been in hurricanes all my life but I will never forget Katrina and how the system handled our people during the aftermath. People are still struggling with the aftermath, and I don't think anyone (myself included) expected the storm to be as devastating as it was. Prior to Katrina me and my family members experienced no more than Category 2 storms. We left for Dallas the day before the storm (Sunday morning) and returned to New Orleans in September 2006.
When I watched the Spike Lee Katrina documentary on HBO, it was really a hard pill to swallow, but I think Spike did an excellent job showing the various economic levels of people, and I really got to see how the U.S. government showed their true colors during that crisis. We lost nearly everything but we have been blessed to get out safe and later move back into our homes. I believe Katrina was a lesson learned by everyone to be on alert and to plan ahead.
You asked the question when all we go in to take care of our own! The answer is very simple. When we come into possession of our own country and that is going to be in my lifetime. Presently, I am 71 years old.
It seems that you don't really think that our only permanent solution is that we become a sovereign people. You don't seem to believe that it is possible that we will come into exactly 7 confederate states that will make up our country.
This day your faith in God through me is required of you!
I am a genuine prophet. God has met with me. The same God that met with Moses, Abraham and Mohammed has met with me as well on behalf of all Black Americans direct and indirect descendents of plantation slaves.
I you worthy of the WOW!!!!
Tuesday, March 22nd 2016 at 6:45PM
Harry Watley
Mr. Watley, the next time you meet with your "God" ask him when, an exact date, he will the change you speak about.
Tuesday, March 22nd 2016 at 8:07PM
Miss Demi
You are no prophet, so don't LIE on YAH/ GOD. Get on topic or set down, shut-up and get out of the way HARRY. Don't you ever bring that BULL💩 to me.
Sister Demi please forgive me for this disrespecting brother trying to hi-jack your blog.
Our God is not a him. I will God is SPIRIT, and does not have a gender! You are a very stupid woman!
Wednesday, March 23rd 2016 at 6:40AM
Harry Watley
Mr. Ron,
Your assignment has always been to accept that prophets are racially different. This truth makes way for me to divinely claim that I am your prophet as well as all other Black Americans.
You are taking it too hard accepting the fact that prophets are racially different.
Wednesday, March 23rd 2016 at 6:44AM
Harry Watley
I turn my back to you and let this blog flow free. This is not the topic. Now I do have a forum just for you, let us go there and talk.
Sister Siebra, thank you for sharing your experience. We need to hear more from the victims of Katrina. So many people have not returned to rebuild because the so-called storm was designed to displace our people. Thanks.
Wednesday, March 23rd 2016 at 9:53AM
Miss Demi
Mr. Watley, I have not once disrespected you, although you are quite undeserving of respect. You disrespect me one more time, and I will personally introduce you to hell.
Wednesday, March 23rd 2016 at 9:57AM
Miss Demi
I've always told everyone and I will tell you again, I do not disrespect anyone especially my own people. I am very forthright and you miss interpret my forthrightness as disrespect, but it is not!
When I call you stupid, silly, idiot or ignorant by definition that is exactly what you are based on your irrational and un–analytical thinking!
For example, when you ask the question when are we going to take care of our own referring to the Katrina victims and I have told you over and over that to take care of our own would demand that we have our own country and since we don't is why we cannot take here of our own yet! Nevertheless, you asked the same questions over and over and that is stupid, idiotic and silly. What you should be doing is exploring what I have put out there which is dialoguing about us Black Americans have been our own country. It would not be a fruitless dialogue since that is our only permanent solution and it will happen only through me since I am Black America's first genuine prophet.
Wednesday, March 23rd 2016 at 2:22PM
Harry Watley
Mr. Ron,
You are like a silly child wanting every body to come to your blogs looking for ratings! Stupid, our situation is a serious matter. All the complains, whining and sufferings we have endured since we were plantation slaves is a serious matter and we want out and into our own country where we can have self-determination. But, instead you are looking for high ratings what a stupid and silly man you are.
For us to discuss important issues we must come to your blog. What a stupid and selfish man you are!
Wednesday, March 23rd 2016 at 2:35PM
Harry Watley
"OH YES HARRY, IT CAN BE THE BLACK AMERICAN WRITTEN ABOUT IN THE HOLY BIBLEhttp://blackinamerica.com/content/291172/oh-yes-harry-it-can-be-the-black-american-written-about-in-the-holy-bible
I will not be going to any of your blogs since my comments that hurts you the most are deleted by you! I have pride and I think a lot about myself. Even though my comments hurt I still expect you to take them like a man. When I am put out of the house if it comes that I don't go back ever to that house again.
You should be ashamed of yourself when you come to another's blog talking your unrelated talking points, like you can't talk about the subject at hand.
Now as far as deleting your BS, when ever you come talking that unproven white mans bible that crap, I will delete the BS. When I have given you the chance to explain your white mans bible theory, you change the subject or run from your on words. HARRY, you are to damn old promoting that LIE and you know that you can't prove a LIE.
So, if you are worried about your feelings being hurt, stay you ass off my blogs, if you can not talk to the subject, I will delete that BS again, do we got an understanding?
Wednesday, March 23rd 2016 at 10:10PM
Dea. Ron Gray Sr.
Sister Demi, I thought people were just talking out of the side of their necks when they said somebody blew up the levees, but I could get people from the Ninth Ward right now that remained in their homes during the storm that can swear on a stack of Bibles that they heard an explosion.
My parents had also told me a story about how they were in Hurricane Betsy when they were teenagers, about 50 years ago, and how people had blew up the levees to save the rich neighborhoods. All the footage you saw of people getting adequate help at the time were the white people. They completely blocked off the bridge so that the blacks couldn't escape, and Bush looked like a complete asshole (as usual).
I don't know if you remember Gen. Russell Honore...anyway he did one hell of a job. When he came to New Orleans during Katrina, he was cleaning it up! The media was asking him about people left in New Orleans and why they weren't being taken out fast enough. His answer to that was "Have you seen that? Have you been there?" The reporters said, "no." He told them "Then if you haven't been there you should shut the hell up."
Wednesday, March 23rd 2016 at 10:42PM
Siebra Muhammad
There's also a documentary by the Nation Of Islam called "The Unmasking Of New Orleans" and "Trouble The Water" (that came out in 2008), it's about Hurricane Katrina and it's heart breaking. It was nominated for a Oscar too. This documentary is a must see.
Wednesday, March 23rd 2016 at 10:45PM
Siebra Muhammad
Mr. Ron,
I am not interested in fighting or arguing with you. My interests is always to show I am more intelligent than you are and to do that I must analytically and rationally prove that you are wrong about your concept of God and the prospects of our future as Black American people.
When you delete the things I say empowers me telling me that if I was wrong you would never have deleted my comment! On the other hand, it is hurtful since I am serious about everything I do and I take my time and I put serious thoughts into my sentences and paragraphs that when I am finish no one can punch any holes in what I presented. Then to have an idiot like yourself to delete what I say is like casting my pearls before the swine. Pigs do not appreciate knowledge! That was one of Jesus's parables.
So, again as far as directly commenting on any of your blogs that will not happen ever again! You will have to communicate with me if not on one of my blogs it will have to be on someone else's blog that I am frequenting, but never on your blog again!
You must be honest with yourself by acknowledging that I am right over Mr. Elijah Muhammad and his student Mr. Farrakhan whom you wrongly follows since both of them are beholden to the Arabian Prophet Muhammad, the Arabian ways and customs, but at the same time Mr. Elijah Muhammad and Mr. Farrakhan are not Arabian men.
You know that I am right. Here you are a Black American woman, but you have an Arab last name (Muhammad). I've not known a real Arab-woman to have the name Mohammed or Muhammad, but you do because you are ignorant and don't know better not to have the Arabian people's names. Are you a shame of having your own Black American names!
That alone should tell anyone with a minimal education that they are both wrong and are misguided! Mr. Farrakhan's religion should be the same as mines LIFE since I am Mr. Farrakhan's first genuine prophet.
I said all that to ask this question what good has the documentary by the Nation of Islam called "The Unmasking of New Orleans and "Trouble the Waters" done to help Black Americans understand that our only permanent solution is that we become a sovereign people in a country of our own and that will be done through me in my lifetime.
I have already said without a doubt our country will consist of exactly 7 former Confederate states; Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee, South Carolina and North Carolina!
This is something that Mr. Elijah Muhammad wanted, but since he was not our first genuine prophet he was not the one to see this come to past.
What Mr. Farrakhan should be contemplating on is what type of our government should we establish even though God has all ready informed me of the government we must have. It is still good to talk about it amongst ourselves.
The day will come that Mr. Farrakhan will follow me!
YOUR WORDS HARRY: On the other hand, it is hurtful since I am serious about everything I do and I take my time and I put serious thoughts into my sentences and paragraphs that when I am finish no one can punch any holes in what I presented. Then to have an idiot like yourself to delete what I say is like casting my pearls before the swine. Pigs do not appreciate knowledge! That was one of Jesus's parables.
YOUR WORDS: “So you are serious about everything I do and I take my time and I put serious thoughts into my sentences and paragraphs that when I am finish no one can punch any holes in what I presented.”
You are telling me and the people here on Black In America that you are serious, thoughtful and your took or time when you wrote this BULL💩 on Wednesday, March 23rd 2016 at 2:03PM
" You said that you wholeheartedly agree with me that all Black people are not the same people! Then you go on to say what makes us different is our culture and nationality, but that is not true since you have to first be part of a race before you develop a culture and have a nationality.
"since you have to first be part of a race " Is this your idea of being serious, thoughtful and is this an example of you taking your time? This is nothing but BULL💩 and need to be challenged. This time I did not delete this delusionary statement but I challenge you to tell the people here on Black In America,
"Can you find anyone DEAD or ALIVE that was not a member of a race?"
Now if you cannot HARRY find anyone DEAD or ALIVE that was not a member of a race?" consider this a whole punched in your logic that you are serious, thoughtful and you took your time to illustrate to the people here on Black In America that you are not a joke, a fraud, a fabricator, and this statement is delusionary.
HARRY, I did you a favor by deleting this kind of deception and I hope you don't call this your pearls!!!
Harry, what services do you offer the community? Not a damn thing! All you do is talk down on the Muslim, Christian, and Buddhist institutions but you don't provide a damn thing to the community yourself.
At least the Muslims, Christian, and Buddhist communities offer something. We offer:
• Youth character building • Men’s and women’s ministries • GED/literacy classes o Disaster Services o Emergency Financial Assistance/Shelter o Nutrition Programs o Store/Diner o Transitional Housing o Worship Services - Children's /Teen o Worship Services - Temple
Just to name a few...
Look at the Christians they have Catholic Charities and the Salvation Army. What do you have ?? You're just a non-productive prophet with nothing to offer but diarrhea of the mouth.
You continue to knock Muslims and Christian organization but you are not providing any services whatsoever. During Hurricane Katrina FARRAKHAN HELPED KATRINA VICTIMS, "Farrakhan supplied St. Louis with one of the trucks from the Nation of Islam's trucking company, Lost and Found Trucking. Better Family Life's new Community and Cultural Center was the central hub and drop point for the relief efforts. They provided free food and clothing, and other assistance to the Katrina victims.
I didn't see or hear about you helping victims with disaster relief. We never heard about you being suited and booted on the ground in military fashion assisting our people. It was the NOI, The Salvation Army and the Red Cross and Catholic Charities who were helping black people. If you can't provide the much needed services for our own people then you shouldn't knock those that are providing such.
You want to knock me for having the last name of Muhammad (a name I was given at birth) but the name Muhammad means "worthy of praise", and a good name is better than gold. Last I checked the name Watley is of Anglo-Saxon origin, so why do you refer to yourself by the name Watley when you are not an Anglo-Saxon man?
Thursday, March 24th 2016 at 9:50AM
Siebra Muhammad
Sister Demi and Sister Muhammad,
Please forgive me for trying to clean up some mess that came to your blog. I feel that deleting this foolishness from my blogs and forced this brother to invade other blogs with this unrelated material with more boldness just because he can't get his message out on his blogs.
Now I have deleted this brothers comments and I take all credit for that because I feel this fraud must not go unchallenged and the people of Black In America must know that I can stand for my actions of deleting that fabrication.
Please forgive once again and I would appreciate that you would permit HARRY to answer my question and I will give to this great topic of "WHY HAVE WE FORGOTTEN THE VICTIMS OF KATRINA?"
All that you throw in front of me like what services have I offered the community is meaningless because I am worthy of being your leader and your prophet! I am worthy of be in your leader and your prophet over Mr. Farrakhan and the late Elijah Muhammad since I am the one that pointed out that because prophets are racially different neither Mr. Farrakhan nor the late Elijah Muhammad should be embracing Prophet Muhammad's ways and the Islamic religion.
There is no service greater then for a genuine prophet to set his people on the right path to God which is what I did when I announced that Mr. Farrakhan in the late Elijah Muhammad are wrong to be Muslims when they were not born Arabian men!
Again, I have proven myself to be worthy of being your leader and spiritual guide just by setting you all on the right path to God when I announced that prophets are racially different which is something that your false leader Mr. Farrakhan and the late Elijah Muhammad did not know!
So, stop with the nonsense and recognize that God is in our midsts only through me! We don't need youth character building, men's and women's ministry, or worship services!
We need a country and a direct connection to the same God that anointed prophet Muhammad only for the Arabian people since Muhammad was an average man, but you all have no sense and follow a prophet that is not of the you or came from you, but I am of you and came from you!
Thursday, March 24th 2016 at 8:22PM
Harry Watley
Mr. Ron,
You have been wrangling with me for the past seven years maybe trying to make me see that you are a big wheel in the White man's Christian religion and that in your imagination you are in the White man's Holy KJV Christian Bible in code as the Hebrew/Israelites!
I painstakingly brought you to the point to admit to me that none of our names like Black Americans, Colored People or Afro-Americans is written anywhere in the Holy KJV Christian Bible in code or otherwise.
I will not continue on the same path over and over and over again with you.
What you can discuss with me if you wish to is the prospects of our future and what life will be like for us in our own country! We can discuss what sort of government should we establish!
Thursday, March 24th 2016 at 8:34PM
Harry Watley
No Harry,
We can talk about to main issue of this blog and that is: "WHY HAVE WE FORGOTTEN THE VICTIMS OF KATRINA."
The question was, when are we going to take care of our own people! My answer was when we come into possession of our own country and that will be within my lifetime!