The NOBODY, psuedo 'black' 'bleakBlack' COWARD....and probable russianBOT
tells ME...An AfricanAmerican BIA Family member since the BIA Genesis Mrs.
María de la Soledad Teresa O'Brien started BIA Disrespects by writing to ME a typical stereotypically NOTHING 'black' invisible 'male'...she/he/it with...
"..Robert..I have be patient, tactful and indulgent with a mentality and
attitude that I actually DON'T LIKE..I don't give a damn.
You make...expressions like GHETTOdwellers, COLORED'black,
COLORED'whiteSupremacy ...and all types of freakin' NONSENSE.
No one in Black America REFERS to themselves as 'colored' anymore, so come into the
21st century!....I don't want to hear anymore..I respect the muslim faith and religion,
but I NOT have time or respect for the type of mentality you display..stay the hell off
my posts, and I intend to make sure you do electronically!
This was only a sample of how I can get down, and trust me... you don't WANT full force! You just THINK you do..."
My apologies to the other members of this website.
Wednesday, September 22nd 2021 at 10:55AM
Gene Amadi Jakande
Posted By: robert powell
Wednesday, September 22nd 2021 at 7:10PM
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